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accept PAD calls, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
Address key, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
address key, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
Allow access, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
allow access, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
assigning node names, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name, Step 3: Select NS Configuration


backup configuration file, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
backup configuration file name, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
backup copies, Modify the Network Management Configuration File


Card Number, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
Card number, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
card number, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
card type, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
CCITT X.25 protocol, Device Connections Via PAD
CCITT X.25 Standard, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
change configuration online, Dynamic Configuration
change configuratoin online, Dynamic Configuration
closed user group, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
cluster controller, Device Connections Via PAD
DTCCNTRL, Operation
Compute Byte, DTC PAD Profile Field
configuration file name, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
configuration process, Step 1: Begin the Configuration Process
Nailed PAD Connections, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
Neighbor Gateways, Configure Neighbor Gateways
Network Transport, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
PAD Security, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
write access password, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
X.25 connections, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
X.25 Level 1 and 2, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
X.25 Network, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
X.25 System-to-System Information, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
X.25 Virtual Circuits, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
configure a card
card number, Next Key Labels
configured reachable networks, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
control-Y handling in EVLOG, Control-Y Handling
cross-validation, Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
CUG number, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections


Datacommunications and Terminal Controllers, X.25 Network Connections
DTC, X.25 Network Connections
Datacommunications and Terminal Subsystem, DTS Configuration Branch
DTS, DTS Configuration Branch
datacommunications and terminal subsystem, Preparing to Configure DTCs
options for log formatting, To Select Formatting Options
Default Flow Control, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
X.25 connection characteristics, Determine X.25 Connection Characteristics
Device name, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
device name, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
direct connection, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
direct connections, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
disable tracing, Maintenance
formatted log data, Displaying the Data
status of DTC, DTCCNTRL Examples
X.25 card status, DTCCNTRL Parameters
domain name, Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
DTC, Defining the DTC, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
DTC 16, X.25 Network Connections
DTC 16iX, X.25 Network Connections
DTC 16MX, X.25 Network Connections
DTC 16RX, X.25 Network Connections
DTC 48, X.25 Network Connections
DTC 72MX, X.25 Network Connections
DTC 72MX Configuration screen, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
DTC Card Configuration Worksheet, DTC Card Configuration Worksheet
DTC card number, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
DTC Cards, Defining the DTC
DTC Configuration Selection screen, Step 5: Select DTC Type
DTC Configuration Worksheet, DTC Configuration Worksheet
DTC connector card, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
DTC Event Logging, Defining the DTC
DTC IP Address, Defining the DTC, Next Key Labels
DTC LAN Address, Defining the DTC
DTC LAN station address, Next Key Labels
DTC Name, Defining the DTC, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
DTC name, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration, Next Key Labels, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
DTC node name, Defining the DTC, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration, Next Key Labels, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network, Automatic Configuration of DTCs
DTC reboot, Performing a DTC Reset
DTC reset, Performing a DTC Reset
DTC X.25 Card Configuration
Level 1 and 2, DTC X.25 Card Configuration — Level 1 and Level 2 Worksheet
Level 1 and 2 screen, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
Level 3 Miscellaneous screen, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
Level 3 Miscellaneous Worksheet, DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Level 3 & Miscellaneous Worksheet
Nailed PAD Connections screen, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
Nailed PAD Connections Worksheet, DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Nailed PAD Worksheet
PAD Security screen, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
PAD Security Worksheet, DTC X.25 Card Configuration — PAD Security Worksheet
Sys-toSys LUGs screen, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
System-to-System Worksheet, DTC X.25 Card Configuration — System-to-System Worksheet
DTC X.25 Card Configuration screen, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
DTC.X.25 Network Access card
obtaining status, Obtaining Status
DTC/X.25 iX Network Link, X.25 System-to-System Connections
DTC/X.25 Network Access card
obtaining status, Obtaining Status Using DTCCNTRL
DTC/X.25 Network Access cards, X.25 Network Connections, Terminology
DTC72MX Async Card Configuration screen, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
DTCCNTRL, DTS Shutdown and Restart
capability required, Managing Networks with DTCCNTRL
command, Operation, Managing Networks with DTCCNTRL
Examples, DTCCNTRL Examples
parameters, DTCCNTRL Parameters
Status option, Obtaining Status, Obtaining Status Using DTCCNTRL
DTS, DTS Configuration Branch, Preparing to Configure DTCs
DTS restart, Performing a DTS Shutdown/Restart, DTS Shutdown and Restart
DTS shutdown, Performing a DTS Shutdown/Restart, DTS Shutdown and Restart
DTS validation, Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
dynamic configuration, Dynamic Configuration, Dynamic Configuration


Enable logging class, Next Key Labels
enable tracing, Maintenance
Enter remote X.25 calling address below, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
event code mnemonics, Option 5: Event Codes
event codes log formatter option, Option 5: Event Codes
event log files, Event Log Files
event logging, Defining the DTC
event logging classes, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
event types log formatter option, Option 3: Event Tapes
EVLOG, Logging
control-Y handling, Control-Y Handling
default options, To Select Formatting Options
formatter, The EVLOG Formatter
how to use, To Use EVLOG
limitations, EVLOG Limitations
running interactively, To Run EVLOG Interactively
using default options, To Run EVLOG Using Default Options
EVLOG option
event codes, Option 5: Event Codes
logical channel identifier, Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
records, Option 2: Records
subsystems, Option 4: Subsystems
time/offset format, Option 8: Time/Offset Format
virtual port number, Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
EVLOG opton
event types, Option 3: Event Tapes
Extended packet sequence numbering, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
extended packet sequence numbering, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous


facility set, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
facility sets
defined, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
Flow control negotiation, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
flow control negotiation, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
force DTCCNTRL operation, DTCCNTRL Examples
format log files, To Use EVLOG
EVLOG, The EVLOG Formatter
formatting host-based X.25 log files, Formatting Host-Based X.25 Log Files
formatting log files, Logging
formatting with default options, To Run EVLOG Using Default Options
Frame size, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2


gateway name, Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
configuration, example of, Identify Neighbor Gateways
Go to
Level 3, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
Lvl 12, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
PAD, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
Security, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
SysLUG, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
guided configuration, DTS Configuration Branch


hops, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
Host Configuration screen, Step 4: Configure the Link
host port profile, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
host-based management, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
HP 3000 host, Defining the HP 3000 System


identify neighbor gateway reachable networks, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
identify neighbor gateways, Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
IP address
definition of, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
DTC, Next Key Labels
how to obtain, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
IP address field, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
IP address of DTC, Defining the DTC, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration, Next Key Labels
IP network address, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
IP subnet mask, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks


LAN address, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration, Automatic Configuration of DTCs
LAN address of DTC, Defining the DTC
LANIC, Step 4: Configure the Link
LANIC card slot number, Defining the HP 3000 System
LANIC slot number, Step 4: Configure the Link
Ldev, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
ldev number, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
level 2 trace, Level 2 Trace
level 3 trace, Level 3 Trace
limitations of EVLOG, EVLOG Limitations
line speed
X.25 card, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
line spped
X.25 card, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
link name, Defining the HP 3000 System, Step 4: Configure the Link, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
lnumber of non-nailed PAD terminals, Step 4: Configure the Link
local domain name, Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
local HP 3000 node name, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name, Step 3: Select NS Configuration
local node name, Defining the HP 3000 System, Step 4: Configure the Link, Step 3: Select NS Configuration
local user group, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
LUG, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
log file formatter, Logging
log files
formatting, Formatting Host-Based X.25 Log Files
log formatter
default options, To Select Formatting Options
how to use, To Use EVLOG
to run interactively, To Run EVLOG Interactively
to use default options, To Run EVLOG Using Default Options
log formatter option
event codes, Option 5: Event Codes
event types, Option 3: Event Tapes
logical channel identifier, Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
records, Option 2: Records
subsystems, Option 4: Subsystems
time/offset, Option 9: Time/Offset
time/offset format, Option 8: Time/Offset Format
virtual port number, Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
logical channel identifier log formatter option, Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
Logical Channel Identifier Range, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
logical device number, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
LUG, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information


Main screen, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name, Step 3: Select NS Configuration
Maximum number of PAD connections, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
maximum number of PAD connections, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
Maximum number of Switched Virtual Circuits, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
maximum number of switched virtual circuits, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
modem connection, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
modify the configuration file, Modify the Network Management Configuration File
Modulo, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
MPE/iX, Network Configuration Overview
MPE/iX prompt, Copy the Sample File


nailed connection, Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
nailed device, Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
nailed devices, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
nailed PAD connections, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
total per card, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
neighbor gateway IP internetwork address, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks screen, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
neighbor gateways
configuration, example of, Identify Neighbor Gateways
defined, Configure Neighbor Gateways
Neighbor Gateways screen, Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
network directory file, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File, Modify the Network Management Configuration File
network directory file name, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
Network directory name, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
network interface (NI) name, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
network interface name, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
guidelines for using, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
network management configuration file
NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS, Modify the Network Management Configuration File
network name, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
Network Transport configuration, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
Network Transport Configuration screen, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
network type, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
NI name, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
NI type, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
nieghbor, Identify Neighbor Gateways
NMCBACK.PUB.SYS, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS, Network Configuration Overview, Copy the Sample File, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File, Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File, NMCONFIG and NMCONFIX Files
NMGRXVAL.PUB.SYS, Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
NMMGR, Host-Based X.25 Configuration Concepts, Configuring With NMMGR, Step 1: Begin the Configuration Process, Step 1: Begin the Configuration Process
NMMGR password, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
NMSAMP1.PUB.SYS, Copy the Sample File
sample configuration file, Network Configuration Overview
Node Administrator, Configuring With NMMGR
Node Management Configuration Manager, Host-Based X.25 Configuration Concepts
Node Manager, Configuring With NMMGR
node name, Defining the DTC
node name of DTC, Defining the DTC
non-nailed connection, Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
non-nailed device, Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
NS configuration, Step 3: Select NS Configuration
NS configuration branch, NS Configuration Branch
NS Configuration screen, Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
NSDIR.NET.SYS, Step 2: Open the Configuration File


obtain status using DTCCNTRL, Obtaining Status Using DTCCNTRL
obtaining status, Obtaining Status
offline configuration file, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
One-way incoming SVCs, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
One-way outgoing SVCs, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
open configuration file, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
Open Configuration/Directory File screen, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
OpenView DTC Manager, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name


Packet Assembler/Disassembler
PAD, Device Connections Via PAD
packet size, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
packet switched network, X.25 System-to-System Connections
PSN, Device Connections Via PAD
Packet Switched Network Name, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
PAD, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
incoming calls, Incoming PAD Security
Packet Assembler/Disassembler, Device Connections Via PAD
printer profile, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
private, Device Connections Via PAD
public, Device Connections Via PAD, Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
security, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
terminal profile, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
PAD access password, Next Key Labels
password, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration, PAD Profiles and Access Password, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
PC-based management, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
PDN, Device Connections Via PAD, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
permanent VC number, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
permanent virtual circuit, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
physical path, Step 4: Configure the Link
physical path of LANIC, Defining the HP 3000 System
PING, Next Key Labels
PING/iX requests, Defining the DTC
planning the network, Plan the Network Configuration
port group, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
port group type, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
port number, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
printer profile, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
printer profiles, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Terminal and Printer Profiles, Printer Profiles, System Supplied Terminal and Printer Profiles
private PAD, Device Connections Via PAD
profile name, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections, Profile Name
profiles, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards, Terminal and Printer Profiles
suggested defaults, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
PSN, X.25 System-to-System Connections
Public Data Network, Device Connections Via PAD
public data network, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
public PAD, Device Connections Via PAD
PVC, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
PVC number, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
PVC parameters, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits


read only mode, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
reject PAD calls, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
Remote Device (PAD) X.25 Address, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
remote device X.25 address, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
Remote IP address, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
Remote node name, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
Remote X.25 address, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
remote X.25 address, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
remote X.25 addresses, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
restrict log records displayed, Option 3: Event Tapes
Retransmission count, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
Retransmission timer, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
Run EVLOG Interactively, To Run EVLOG Interactively
running EVLOG, To Use EVLOG


sample configuration file, Network Configuration Overview, Copy the Sample File
DTC 72MX Configuration, Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
DTC Configuration Selection, Step 5: Select DTC Type
DTC X.25 Card Configuration, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Level 1 and 2 screen, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Level 3 Misc., Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Nailed PAD Connections, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - PAD Security, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Sys-to-Sys LUGs, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
DTC72MX Async Card Configuration, Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
Host Configuration, Step 4: Configure the Link
Main, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name, Step 3: Select NS Configuration
Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks, Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
Neighbor Gateways, Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
Network Transport Configuration, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
NS Configuration, Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
Open Configuration/Direcotyr File, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
Open Confinguration/Directory File, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
X.25 Configuration, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
X.25 Virtual Circuit Configuration, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
Open Configuration/Directory File, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
X.25, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
security class, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
event codes for formatting, Option 5: Event Codes
event types for formatting, Option 3: Event Tapes
formatting options, To Run EVLOG Interactively
guided configuration, Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
log formatter event codes, Option 5: Event Codes
log formatter event types, Option 3: Event Tapes
log formatter subsystems, Option 4: Subsystems
log formatter time/offset format, Option 8: Time/Offset Format
log formatting options, To Select Formatting Options
log records for formatting, Option 2: Records
logical channel identifier for log formatter, Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
lsubsystems for formatting, Option 4: Subsystems
NS configuration, Step 3: Select NS Configuration
subsystems for formatting, Option 4: Subsystems
time/offset for formatting, Option 9: Time/Offset
time/offset format for formatting, Option 8: Time/Offset Format
virtual port number for formatting, Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
serial interface card, Terminology
SIC, Terminology
definition of, Terminology
PAD support services, DTCCNTRL Examples
X.25 iX System Access, DTCCNTRL Examples
X.25 support services, DTCCNTRL Examples
start PAD support, DTCCNTRL Parameters
start X.25 support, DTCCNTRL Parameters
X.25 and PAD support services, DTCCNTRL Examples
X.25 iX System Access, DTCCNTRL Examples
stop PAD support, DTCCNTRL Parameters
stop X.25 support, DTCCNTRL Parameters
subsystems log formatter option, Option 4: Subsystems
support services, X.25 and PAD Services Control
SVC, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
SVC parameters, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
switched virtual circuit, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
synchronous network processor, Terminology
System Manager, Configuring With NMMGR
System X.25 address, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
system X.25 address, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information


TELENET, Device Connections Via PAD
TermDSM, Maintenance
TermDSM commands, Terminology
terminal diagnostic support monitor, Maintenance
terminal profile, Defining the DTC Connector Cards
terminal profiles, Defining the DTC Connector Cards, Terminal and Printer Profiles, Terminal Profiles, System Supplied Terminal and Printer Profiles
Throughput class, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
Throughput class negotiation, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
throughput class negotiation, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
time/offset format log formatter option, Option 8: Time/Offset Format, Option 9: Time/Offset
Timer T3, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
trace formatting, Trace Formatting
trace options, Trace Command Options
TRACEON subcommand, Trace Command Options
tracing, Maintenance
TRANSPAC, Device Connections Via PAD
Two-way SVCs, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
card, Next Key Labels


Unacknowledged frame number, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
UPS, Step 4: Configure the Link
Use of D-bit, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
use of D-bit, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
using EVLOG, To Use EVLOG


Validate Cross-Validate Configuration File, Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
validation, Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
VC trace, VC Trace
virtual port number log formatter option, Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)


window size, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
write access password, Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File, Step 2: Open the Configuration File


X.25, Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
X.25 card address, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
X.25 Configuration screen, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
X.25 iX System Access, X.25 System-to-System Connections
configuring, Configuring X.25 Links Step-by-Step
X.25 link name, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
X.25 network address, Device Connections Via PAD
X.25 Virtual Circuit Configuration screen, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits


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