- accept PAD calls,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- Address key,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- address key,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- Allow access,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- allow access,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- assigning node names,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- backup configuration file,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
- backup configuration file name,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- backup copies,
Modify the Network Management Configuration File
- Card Number,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- Card number,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- card number,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- card type,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
- CCITT X.25 protocol,
Device Connections Via PAD
- CCITT X.25 Standard,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- change configuration online,
Dynamic Configuration
- change configuratoin online,
Dynamic Configuration
- closed user group,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- cluster controller,
Device Connections Via PAD
- command
- DTCCNTRL, Operation
- Compute Byte,
DTC PAD Profile Field
- configuration file name,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- configuration process,
Step 1: Begin the Configuration Process
- Configure
- Nailed PAD Connections, Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- Neighbor Gateways, Configure Neighbor Gateways
- Network Transport, Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- PAD Security, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- write access password, Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- X.25 connections, Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- X.25 Level 1 and 2, Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous, Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- X.25 Network, Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- X.25 System-to-System Information, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- X.25 Virtual Circuits, Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- configure a card
- card number, Next Key Labels
- configured reachable networks,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- control-Y handling in EVLOG,
Control-Y Handling
- cross-validation,
Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
- CUG number,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- Datacommunications and Terminal Controllers,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC, X.25 Network Connections
- Datacommunications and Terminal Subsystem,
DTS Configuration Branch
- DTS, DTS Configuration Branch
- datacommunications and terminal subsystem,
Preparing to Configure DTCs
- default
- options for log formatting,
To Select Formatting Options
- Default Flow Control,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- defining
- X.25 connection characteristics,
Determine X.25 Connection Characteristics
- Device name,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- device name,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- direct connection,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- direct connections,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- disable tracing,
- display
- formatted log data,
Displaying the Data
- status of DTC,
- X.25 card status,
DTCCNTRL Parameters
- domain name,
Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
- DTC,
Defining the DTC,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
- DTC 16,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC 16iX,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC 16MX,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC 16RX,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC 48,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC 72MX,
X.25 Network Connections
- DTC 72MX Configuration screen,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
- DTC Card Configuration Worksheet,
DTC Card Configuration Worksheet
- DTC card number,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- DTC Cards,
Defining the DTC
- DTC Configuration Selection screen,
Step 5: Select DTC Type
- DTC Configuration Worksheet,
DTC Configuration Worksheet
- DTC connector card,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- DTC Event Logging,
Defining the DTC
- DTC IP Address,
Defining the DTC,
Next Key Labels
- DTC LAN Address,
Defining the DTC
- DTC LAN station address,
Next Key Labels
- DTC Name,
Defining the DTC,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- DTC name,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration,
Next Key Labels,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- DTC node name,
Defining the DTC,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration,
Next Key Labels,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network,
Automatic Configuration of DTCs
- DTC reboot,
Performing a DTC Reset
- DTC reset,
Performing a DTC Reset
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration
- Level 1 and 2,
DTC X.25 Card Configuration — Level 1 and Level 2 Worksheet
- Level 1 and 2 screen,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- Level 3 Miscellaneous screen,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- Level 3 Miscellaneous Worksheet,
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Level 3 & Miscellaneous Worksheet
- Nailed PAD Connections screen,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- Nailed PAD Connections Worksheet,
DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Nailed PAD Worksheet
- PAD Security screen,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- PAD Security Worksheet,
DTC X.25 Card Configuration — PAD Security Worksheet
- Sys-toSys LUGs screen,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- System-to-System Worksheet,
DTC X.25 Card Configuration — System-to-System Worksheet
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration screen,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- DTC.X.25 Network Access card
- obtaining status,
Obtaining Status
- DTC/X.25 iX Network Link,
X.25 System-to-System Connections
- DTC/X.25 Network Access card
- obtaining status,
Obtaining Status Using DTCCNTRL
- DTC/X.25 Network Access cards,
X.25 Network Connections,
- DTC72MX Async Card Configuration screen,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
DTS Shutdown and Restart
- capability required,
Managing Networks with DTCCNTRL
- command,
Managing Networks with DTCCNTRL
- Examples,
- parameters,
DTCCNTRL Parameters
- Status option,
Obtaining Status,
Obtaining Status Using DTCCNTRL
- DTS,
DTS Configuration Branch,
Preparing to Configure DTCs
- DTS restart,
Performing a DTS Shutdown/Restart,
DTS Shutdown and Restart
- DTS shutdown,
Performing a DTS Shutdown/Restart,
DTS Shutdown and Restart
- DTS validation,
Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
- dynamic configuration,
Dynamic Configuration,
Dynamic Configuration
- Enable logging class,
Next Key Labels
- enable tracing,
- Enter remote X.25 calling address below,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- event code mnemonics,
Option 5: Event Codes
- event codes log formatter option,
Option 5: Event Codes
- event log files,
Event Log Files
- event logging,
Defining the DTC
- event logging classes,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
- event types log formatter option,
Option 3: Event Tapes
- control-Y handling,
Control-Y Handling
- default options,
To Select Formatting Options
- formatter,
The EVLOG Formatter
- how to use,
- limitations,
EVLOG Limitations
- running interactively,
To Run EVLOG Interactively
- using default options,
To Run EVLOG Using Default Options
- EVLOG option
- event codes,
Option 5: Event Codes
- logical channel identifier,
Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
- records,
Option 2: Records
- subsystems,
Option 4: Subsystems
- time/offset format,
Option 8: Time/Offset Format
- virtual port number,
Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
- EVLOG opton
- event types,
Option 3: Event Tapes
- Extended packet sequence numbering,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- extended packet sequence numbering,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- facility set,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- facility sets
- defined,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- Flow control negotiation,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- flow control negotiation,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- force DTCCNTRL operation,
- format log files,
- formatter
- EVLOG, The EVLOG Formatter
- formatting host-based X.25 log files,
Formatting Host-Based X.25 Log Files
- formatting log files,
- formatting with default options,
To Run EVLOG Using Default Options
- Frame size,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- gateway name,
Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
- gateways
- configuration, example of,
Identify Neighbor Gateways
- Go to
- Level 3,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- Lvl 12,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- PAD,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- Security,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- SysLUG,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- guided configuration,
DTS Configuration Branch
- hops,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- Host Configuration screen,
Step 4: Configure the Link
- host port profile,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- host-based management,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
- HP 3000 host,
Defining the HP 3000 System
- identify neighbor gateway reachable networks,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- identify neighbor gateways,
Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
- IP address
- definition of,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- DTC,
Next Key Labels
- how to obtain,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- IP address field,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- IP address of DTC,
Defining the DTC,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration,
Next Key Labels
- IP network address,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- IP subnet mask,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- LAN address,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration,
Automatic Configuration of DTCs
- LAN address of DTC,
Defining the DTC
Step 4: Configure the Link
- LANIC card slot number,
Defining the HP 3000 System
- LANIC slot number,
Step 4: Configure the Link
- Ldev,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- ldev number,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- level 2 trace,
Level 2 Trace
- level 3 trace,
Level 3 Trace
- limitations of EVLOG,
EVLOG Limitations
- line speed
- X.25 card,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- line spped
- X.25 card,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- link name,
Defining the HP 3000 System,
Step 4: Configure the Link,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- lnumber of non-nailed PAD terminals,
Step 4: Configure the Link
- local domain name,
Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
- local HP 3000 node name,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- local node name,
Defining the HP 3000 System,
Step 4: Configure the Link,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- local user group,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- LUG, Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- log file formatter,
- log files
- formatting, Formatting Host-Based X.25 Log Files
- log formatter
- default options, To Select Formatting Options
- how to use,
- to run interactively,
To Run EVLOG Interactively
- to use default options,
To Run EVLOG Using Default Options
- log formatter option
- event codes,
Option 5: Event Codes
- event types,
Option 3: Event Tapes
- logical channel identifier,
Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
- records,
Option 2: Records
- subsystems,
Option 4: Subsystems
- time/offset,
Option 9: Time/Offset
- time/offset format,
Option 8: Time/Offset Format
- virtual port number,
Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
- logical channel identifier log formatter option,
Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
- Logical Channel Identifier Range,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- logical device number,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- LUG,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- Main screen,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- Maximum number of PAD connections,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- maximum number of PAD connections,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- Maximum number of Switched Virtual Circuits,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- maximum number of switched virtual circuits,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- modem connection,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- modify the configuration file,
Modify the Network Management Configuration File
- Modulo,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- MPE/iX,
Network Configuration Overview
- MPE/iX prompt,
Copy the Sample File
- nailed connection,
Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
- nailed device,
Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
- nailed devices,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- nailed PAD connections,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- total per card,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- neighbor gateway IP internetwork address,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks screen,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- neighbor gateways
- configuration, example of,
Identify Neighbor Gateways
- defined,
Configure Neighbor Gateways
- Neighbor Gateways screen,
Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
- network directory file,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File,
Modify the Network Management Configuration File
- network directory file name,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- Network directory name,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- network interface (NI) name,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- network interface name,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- guidelines for using,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- network management configuration file
Modify the Network Management Configuration File
- network name,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- Network Transport configuration,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- Network Transport Configuration screen,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- network type,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- NI name,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- NI type,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- nieghbor,
Identify Neighbor Gateways
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
Network Configuration Overview,
Copy the Sample File,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File,
Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File,
Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
Host-Based X.25 Configuration Concepts,
Configuring With NMMGR,
Step 1: Begin the Configuration Process,
Step 1: Begin the Configuration Process
- NMMGR password,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
Copy the Sample File
- sample configuration file,
Network Configuration Overview
- Node Administrator,
Configuring With NMMGR
- Node Management Configuration Manager,
Host-Based X.25 Configuration Concepts
- Node Manager,
Configuring With NMMGR
- node name,
Defining the DTC
- node name of DTC,
Defining the DTC
- non-nailed connection,
Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
- non-nailed device,
Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
- NS configuration,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- NS configuration branch,
NS Configuration Branch
- NS Configuration screen,
Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- obtain status using DTCCNTRL,
Obtaining Status Using DTCCNTRL
- obtaining status,
Obtaining Status
- offline configuration file,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- One-way incoming SVCs,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- One-way outgoing SVCs,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- open configuration file,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- Open Configuration/Directory File screen,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- OpenView DTC Manager,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
- Packet Assembler/Disassembler
- PAD, Device Connections Via PAD
- packet size,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- packet switched network,
X.25 System-to-System Connections
- PSN, Device Connections Via PAD
- Packet Switched Network Name,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- PAD,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
- incoming calls,
Incoming PAD Security
- Packet Assembler/Disassembler,
Device Connections Via PAD
- printer profile,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- private,
Device Connections Via PAD
- public,
Device Connections Via PAD,
Nailed and Non-Nailed Connections
- security, Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- terminal profile,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- PAD access password,
Next Key Labels
- password,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration,
PAD Profiles and Access Password,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- PC-based management,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
- PDN,
Device Connections Via PAD,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- permanent VC number,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- permanent virtual circuit,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- physical path,
Step 4: Configure the Link
- physical path of LANIC,
Defining the HP 3000 System
Next Key Labels
- PING/iX requests,
Defining the DTC
- planning the network,
Plan the Network Configuration
- port group,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- port group type,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- port number,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- printer profile,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- printer profiles,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Terminal and Printer Profiles,
Printer Profiles,
System Supplied Terminal and Printer Profiles
- private PAD,
Device Connections Via PAD
- profile name,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections,
Profile Name
- profiles,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards,
Terminal and Printer Profiles
- suggested defaults,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- PSN,
X.25 System-to-System Connections
- Public Data Network,
Device Connections Via PAD
- public data network,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- public PAD,
Device Connections Via PAD
- PVC,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- PVC number,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- PVC parameters,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- read only mode,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- reject PAD calls,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- Remote Device (PAD) X.25 Address,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- remote device X.25 address,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- Remote IP address,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- Remote node name,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- Remote X.25 address,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- remote X.25 address,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- remote X.25 addresses,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- restrict log records displayed,
Option 3: Event Tapes
- Retransmission count,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- Retransmission timer,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- Run EVLOG Interactively,
To Run EVLOG Interactively
- running EVLOG,
- sample configuration file,
Network Configuration Overview,
Copy the Sample File
- Screens
- DTC 72MX Configuration,
Step 6: Specify DTC Configuration
- DTC Configuration Selection,
Step 5: Select DTC Type
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration,
Step 8: Configure X.25 Connections
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Level 1 and 2 screen,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Level 3 Misc.,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Nailed PAD Connections,
Step 12: Configure Nailed PAD Connections
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration - PAD Security,
Step 13: Configure PAD Security
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration - Sys-to-Sys LUGs,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- DTC72MX Async Card Configuration,
Step 7: Configure DTC Cards
- Host Configuration,
Step 4: Configure the Link
- Main,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks,
Identify Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
- Neighbor Gateways,
Identify Neighbor Gateways (If Any Are Present)
- Network Transport Configuration,
Step 5: Perform Guided Network Transport Configuration
- NS Configuration,
Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
- Open Configuration/Direcotyr File,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- Open Confinguration/Directory File,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
- X.25 Configuration,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- X.25 Virtual Circuit Configuration,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- screens
- Open Configuration/Directory File,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File
- security
- X.25,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- security class,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- select
- event codes for formatting,
Option 5: Event Codes
- event types for formatting,
Option 3: Event Tapes
- formatting options,
To Run EVLOG Interactively
- guided configuration,
Step 4: Select Guided Configuration
- log formatter event codes,
Option 5: Event Codes
- log formatter event types,
Option 3: Event Tapes
- log formatter subsystems,
Option 4: Subsystems
- log formatter time/offset format,
Option 8: Time/Offset Format
- log formatting options,
To Select Formatting Options
- log records for formatting,
Option 2: Records
- logical channel identifier for log formatter,
Option 6: Logical Channel Identifier (LCI)
- lsubsystems for formatting,
Option 4: Subsystems
- NS configuration,
Step 3: Select NS Configuration
- subsystems for formatting,
Option 4: Subsystems
- time/offset for formatting,
Option 9: Time/Offset
- time/offset format for formatting,
Option 8: Time/Offset Format
- virtual port number for formatting,
Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
- serial interface card,
- SIC,
- definition of,
- start
- PAD support services,
- X.25 iX System Access,
- X.25 support services,
- start PAD support,
DTCCNTRL Parameters
- start X.25 support,
DTCCNTRL Parameters
- stop
- X.25 and PAD support services,
- X.25 iX System Access,
- stop PAD support,
DTCCNTRL Parameters
- stop X.25 support,
DTCCNTRL Parameters
- subsystems log formatter option,
Option 4: Subsystems
- support services,
X.25 and PAD Services Control
- SVC,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- SVC parameters,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- switched virtual circuit,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits
- synchronous network processor,
- System Manager,
Configuring With NMMGR
- System X.25 address,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- system X.25 address,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
Device Connections Via PAD
- TermDSM,
- TermDSM commands,
- terminal diagnostic support monitor,
- terminal profile,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- terminal profiles,
Defining the DTC Connector Cards,
Terminal and Printer Profiles,
Terminal Profiles,
System Supplied Terminal and Printer Profiles
- Throughput class,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- Throughput class negotiation,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- throughput class negotiation,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- time/offset format log formatter option,
Option 8: Time/Offset Format,
Option 9: Time/Offset
- Timer T3,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- trace formatting,
Trace Formatting
- trace options,
Trace Command Options
- TRACEON subcommand,
Trace Command Options
- tracing,
Device Connections Via PAD
- Two-way SVCs,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- type
- card,
Next Key Labels
- Unacknowledged frame number,
Step 9: Configure X.25 Level 1 and 2
- UPS,
Step 4: Configure the Link
- Use of D-bit,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- use of D-bit,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- using EVLOG,
- Validate Cross-Validate Configuration File,
Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
- validation,
Step 14: Validate/Cross-Validate the Configuration File
- VC trace,
VC Trace
- virtual port number log formatter option,
Option 7: Virtual Port Number (VPN)
- window size,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- write access password,
Step 2: Open the Network Management Configuration File,
Step 2: Open the Configuration File
- X.25,
Step 3: Configure the Local Node Name
- X.25 card address,
Step 10: Configure X.25 Level 3 and Miscellaneous
- X.25 Configuration screen,
Step 6: Configure X.25 Network
- X.25 iX System Access,
X.25 System-to-System Connections
- configuring,
Configuring X.25 Links Step-by-Step
- X.25 link name,
Step 11: Configure X.25 System-to-System Information
- X.25 network address,
Device Connections Via PAD
- X.25 Virtual Circuit Configuration screen,
Step 7: Configure X.25 Virtual Circuits