Table of Contents
- Plan the Network Configuration
- Incoming PAD Security
- Defining the HP 3000 System
- Defining the DTC
- Defining the DTC Connector Cards
- Determine X.25 Connection Characteristics
- Configuration Worksheets
- DTC Configuration Worksheet
- DTC Card Configuration Worksheet
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration —
Level 1 and Level 2 Worksheet
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration -
Level 3 & Miscellaneous Worksheet
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration —
System-to-System Worksheet
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration -
Nailed PAD Worksheet
- DTC X.25 Card Configuration —
PAD Security Worksheet
- Configuring With NMMGR
This chapter details the information you will need before you can configure
the datacommunications and terminal subsystem (DTS) for host-based systems
that include X.25 networking. DTS defines the physical connections and
configuration parameters for the computer, its DTCs, and all DTC-connected
devices. Sample worksheets are included to facilitate configuration.
Hewlett-Packard recommends that you complete the DTS configuration before
configuring any NS network capabilities for your system.
This chapter describes how to:
- Plan the DTS configuration.
- Determine terminal and printer characteristics.
- Determine DTC characteristics.
- Determine X.25 network characteristics for both PAD and system-to-system
NOTE: If you are not configuring X.25 networking capabilities on a
system using host-based network management, you should use Configuring
Systems for Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial Devices instead of
this manual to configure DTCs and DTC connections.