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Create Button Dialog Box
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{short description of image} Create Buttons Dialog Box


Using Help

Bullet Create Buttons Dialog Box Description
Bullet Passing Arguments to Buttons
Bullet See Also

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Create Buttons Dialog Box Description

A user can Add/Replace/Delete buttons using the Create Buttons dialog box.

The button is labelled by entering the button name in the 'Button Name' text box. The operation to be associated with the button can be entered in the 'Operation' text box. All commands that are valid at the debugger prompt (gdb) can be associated as Operations with the button.

NOTE: Buttons are stored in the form 'Button Name = Button Operation' in the $WDBGUIBUTTONS file and in the scroll list. Editing the file externally should be avoided as it may affect the button as well as the GUI's display and appearance.
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Field or Button Action
Button Name text field Enter the name of the button here. This text box will accept a maximum of 10 characters only.

Operation text field Enter the operation that the button should perform in this text box.

Add button Click, to add the button name and operation to the button list.

Replace button Click, to replace the selected button in the scroll list with a new Button Name and Operation.

Delete button Click, to delete the selected button/s from the scroll list.

OK button Click, to create button/s on the screen, save button/s to the file and to close the the dialog box.

Apply button Click, to create button/s on the screen and to continue creating more buttons.

Cancel button Click, to exit the dialog box without saving any operations done after the previous 'OK/Apply' operation.

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Passing Arguments to Buttons

You can pass arguments to buttons by masking the variable in the source window and by clicking on the button in the toolbar.

For example :
Assume a button name's to be PRINT and
the button operation to be ' Print'.

While running the program, if you want to find the value of any class say 'MyClass', just mask and highlight the 'MyClass' in the source window and click on the 'PRINT' button.

NOTE: Be sure to unmask the argument before pressing a button that does not expect an argument.

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See Also

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