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Breakpoints Dialog Box
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{short description of image} Breakpoints Dialog Box
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The Breakpoints dialog box lets you add, remove, enable, disable, and customize your breakpoints. You can access the Breakpoints dialog box on the Edit menu by clicking Breakpoints. Line Graphic

Breakpoints Dialog Box Description

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button Action
Break at text box Type the location of the breakpoint you want to set. You can enter a line number for the file displayed in the Source view, file and line number in the form file:line, a function name, or an address in the form *address.

Stop at breakpoint only if the following expression is true text box Type the conditions under which you want the debugger to break at the location in the Break at text box.

Enabled check box Toggle to enable or disable a selected breakpoint.

Temporary check box Check this box if you want the breakpoint to be removed when it is reached.

Enter WDB commands to invoke at breakpoint text box Type a WDB command into the text box. This command will be executed each time the selected breakpoint is reached. Type one command per line.

See Using the Command View for help on WDB commands.

Number of breakpoint hits to ignore before stopping text box Type the number of times you want to skip the selected breakpoint. This means that during execution, the WDB GUI will ignore the breakpoint "n" times and then pause at the breakpoint before executing "n+1."

Breakpoints list Displays all breakpoints that you have set. You can select a breakpoint that you want to perform an action upon.

OK button Click to submit the information in this dialog box.

Cancel button Click to exit this dialog box without submitting any of the information that is entered.

Goto Code button Click to go to the location in the code where the selected breakpoint is set.

Remove All button Click to remove all breakpoints.

Remove button Click to remove the selected breakpoint.

NOTE: The breakpoints you add, delete, or modify in this dialog box are not actually changed until you click OK.
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You can insert a breakpoint using the Breakpoints dialog box. You can also insert a breakpoint at the current cursor location in the Source or Disassembly view by doing one of the following:
  • Right-click in either the Source or Disassembly view, and on the pop-up menu, click Insert Breakpoint.
  • Or, click the Breakpoints toolbar button.
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See Also

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