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Keyword Index

Using the WDB GUI

Reference Information ui
Main Window
Toolbar Icons and Shortcut Keys
Source View
{short description of image} Disassembly View
Command View
Watch View
Local Variables View
Call Stack View
Threads View
Registers View
Memory Usage View
Build View
Dialog Boxes
Load Program Dialog Box
Open File Dialog Box
Save/Restore Debug Session Dialog Box
Breakpoints Dialog Box
Source File Paths Dialog Box
Object File Paths Dialog Box
Signals Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
Debugger Preferences Dialog Box
Quick Watch Dialog Box
Fix List Dialog Box
Memory Check Dialog Box


Using Help

Bullet Overview
Bullet Disassembly View Description
{short description of image} Pop-up Menu
{short description of image} Dwell Feature
Bullet Tips
Bullet See Also

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The Disassembly view lets you see the assembly code associated with the current function you are debugging. To access this view, click the Disassembly tab in the upper tabbed area of the main WDB GUI window. Line Graphic

Disassembly View Description

Area Description
Annotation area Allows you to see symbols related to the debugging process. (See the following table for symbol descriptions.) Located in the left column of the Disassembly view.

Text area Allows you to see the assembly code that corresponds to the current function you are debugging. Located in the right column of the Disassembly view.

Annotation Area Symbols

Symbol Description
Program Counter The program counter that shows where the debugger will begin executing.

Stack Marker A stack marker that indicates the current context, determined by the frame selected in the Call Stack view.
Enabled Breakpoint An enabled breakpoint.

Disabled Breakpoint A disabled breakpoint.

{short description of image}

Pop-up Menu

In the Disassembly view, click the right mouse button to display a pop-up menu that contains the following commands:

Command Action
Show Next Statement Restores the context to the location of the program counter and updates all applicable views.

Quick Watch Displays the Quick Watch dialog box where you can see the value of a highlighted variable.

Quick Watch provides more detailed information than the dwell feature.

Insert/Remove Breakpoint Inserts or removes a breakpoint on the current line.

This command becomes Remove Breakpoint when an enabled breakpoint is set on the current line.

Enable/Disable Breakpoint Enables or disables a breakpoint that has already been set on the current line. This command is inactive when no breakpoint is set on the current line.

This command becomes Enable Breakpoint when a disabled breakpoint is set on the current line.

This command becomes Disable Breakpoint when an enabled breakpoint is set on the current line.

Edit Breakpoints... Displays the Breakpoint dialog box for the breakpoint on the current line. Inactive if there is no breakpoint on the current line.

Run to Cursor Executes the program until reaching the current cursor location.

Set Next Statement Moves the program counter to the current cursor location.

Open Separate Window Displays the Disassembly view in a separate window, allowing you to see more than one GUI view at the same time.

Return to Main Window Closes the separate window and enables the Disassembly tab. Available when the Disassembly view is displayed in a separate window.
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Dwell Feature

The dwell feature allows you to quickly view the value of a variable, register, or expression. To use dwell, place the mouse pointer over a variable, register, or expression and wait about a half-second. A window pops up, displaying its value. For more information on dwell, see Viewing Variables with Dwell in the Viewing Your Code topic.
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  • To open or close the Disassembly View in a separate window:
    • Click the right mouse button to display a pop-up menu that contains commands to open and close a separate window.
    • Click the Disassembly toolbar button to open and close the Disassembly view in a separate window.

  • On the View menu, click Disassembly to quickly bring the Disassembly view to the top.

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See Also

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