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Using the WDB GUI

Reference Information
Main Window
{short description of image} Toolbar Icons and Shortcut Keys
Source View
Disassembly View
Command View
Watch View
Local Variables View
Call Stack View
Threads View
Registers View
Memory Usage View
Build View
Dialog Boxes
Load Program Dialog Box
Open File Dialog Box
Save/Restore Debug Session Dialog Box
Breakpoints Dialog Box
Source File Paths Dialog Box
Object File Paths Dialog Box
Signals Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
Debugger Preferences Dialog Box
Quick Watch Dialog Box
Fix List Dialog Box
Memory Check Dialog Box


Using Help

Bullet Overview
Bullet Toolbar Icons and Shortcut Keys
Bullet Tips
Bullet See Also

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The most common debugger commands are available on the toolbar. The toolbar is located in the main WDB GUI window below the menu bar.

A function browser is also available from the toolbar. See Browsing Functions for details.

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Toolbar Icons and Shortcut Keys

Command Icon Shortcut Action
Load Program Load Executable Ctrl+F5 Opens the Load Program dialog box where you can load an executable and specify program settings.

Open File

Open Source File Ctrl+O Opens the Open File dialog box where you can select a source file to open in the Source view.

Save Save Source File Ctrl+S Saves the file currently displayed in an edit tab.

Find ... Open Source File Alt+F3 Opens the Find dialog box, where you can search for specific text or a regular expression.

Go Go F5 Starts or continues program execution at the current program counter location.

Restart Restart Ctrl+Shift+F5 Restarts debugging at the program's entry point. Clears and initializes the Watch, Local Variables, and Call Stack views.

Stop Debugging Stop Debugging Shift+F5 Stops program execution and enables loading of a new executable. Clears and initializes all views except the Source view.

Break Execution Break none Pauses the program at its current location.

Insert/Remove Breakpoint Breakpoint F9 Allows you to insert or remove a breakpoint at the current cursor location.

Show Next Statement Show Next Statement Alt+* Restores the context to the location of the program counter and updates all applicable views.

Step Into Step Into F1 Provides a single step execution of the current function or instruction.

Step Over Step Over F10 Steps over the next statement. Executes function calls without stepping into them.

Step Out Step Out Shift+F11 Executes the program through completion of the current function or instruction. Then pauses at the statement immediately following the function call.

Step Last Step Last F8 Steps into the function call without stepping into the argument evaluation function calls.

Run to Cursor Run to Cursor Ctrl+F10 Executes the program until reaching the current cursor location.

Quick Watch Quick Watch Shift+F9 Opens or closes the Quick Watch dialog box. When the dialog box opens, you can view the value of a variable that you have selected in the active view.

Watch Watch none Opens or closes the Watch view in a separate window.

Local Variables Local Variables none Opens or closes the Local Variables view in a separate window.

Call Stack Call Stack none Opens or closes the Call Stack view in a separate window.

Registers Registers none Opens or closes the Registers view in a separate window.

Threads Registers none Opens or closes the Threads view in a separate window.

Disassembly Disassembly none Opens or closes the Disassembly view in a separate window.

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When you point to an active icon on the toolbar, a ToolTip gives a brief description of the icon. Line Graphic

See Also

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