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Keyword Index

Using the WDB GUI

Reference Information
Main Window
Toolbar Icons and Shortcut Keys
Source View
Disassembly View
Command View
Watch View
Local Variables View
{short description of image} Call Stack View
Threads View
Registers View
Memory Usage View
Build View
Dialog Boxes
Load Program Dialog Box
Open File Dialog Box
Save/Restore Debug Session Dialog Box
Breakpoints Dialog Box
Source File Paths Dialog Box
Object File Paths Dialog Box
Signals Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
Debugger Preferences Dialog Box
Quick Watch Dialog Box
Fix List Dialog Box
Memory Check Dialog Box


Using Help

Bullet Overview
Bullet Call Stack View Description
Bullet Pop-up Menu
Bullet Tips
Bullet See Also

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The Call Stack view lists the function calls leading to the current program statement. The stack frame for each function call displays the function's name and its associated parameter names and values. You can traverse the stack by double-clicking on the stack frame you want to view.

When you select a stack frame, the appropriate source code is displayed in the Source and Disassembly views with a green stack marker indicating the current context. In the Watch view, the expressions are re-evaluated based on the newly selected context. In the Local Variables view, the local arguments and variables associated with the selected stack frame are displayed. In Quick Watch, you can recalculate the value of a variable expression based on the newly selected context.

You can access the Call Stack view from the main WDB GUI window by clicking the Call Stack tab in the lower tabbed area.

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Call Stack View Description

Area Description
Annotation area
(Left column)
Contains the following symbols:
Program Counter A yellow marker pointing to the frame that corresponds to the current location of the program counter.

Stack Marker A green stack marker that shows you which frame is selected. The same marker appears in the Source and Disassembly views, indicating the current context.
Text area
(Right column)
Displays the following information for each function call:
  • frame number
  • function name
  • parameter names and values (can be toggled on/off)
  • source location
The currently executing function is at the top of the list and the calling functions are below.

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Pop-up Menu

In the Call Stack view, click the right mouse button to display a pop-up menu that contains the following commands:

Command Action
Go To Code Changes the context of the program to the selected stack frame but does not change the program counter. Updates all of the WDB GUI views based on the new context, except the Registers view.

Parameters Values Turns parameter names and values on and off.

Open Separate Window Displays the Call Stack view in a separate window, allowing you to see more than one GUI view at the same time.

Return to Main Window Closes the separate window and enables the Call Stack tab. Available when the Call Stack view is displayed in a separate window.
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  • To open or close the Call Stack view in a separate window:
    • Click the right mouse button to display a pop-up menu that contains commands to open and close a separate window.
    • Click the Call Stack toolbar button to open and close the Call Stack view in a separate window.
  • On the View menu, click Call Stack to quickly bring the Call Stack view to the top.
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See Also

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