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Debugger Preferences Dialog Box
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Using the WDB GUI

Reference Information
Main Window
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Source View
Disassembly View
Command View
Watch View
Local Variables View
Call Stack View
Threads View
Registers View
Memory Usage View
Build View
Dialog Boxes
Load Program Dialog Box
Open File Dialog Box
Save/Restore Debug Session Dialog Box
Breakpoints Dialog Box
Source File Paths Dialog Box
Object File Paths Dialog Box
Signals Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
{short description of image} Debugger Preferences Dialog Box
Quick Watch Dialog Box
Fix List Dialog Box
Memory Check Dialog Box


Using Help

Bullet Overview
Bullet Dialog Box Description
Bullet General Tab Description
Bullet Help Tab Description
Bullet See Also

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Use the Debugger Preferences dialog box to customize the appearance and behavior of the WDB GUI. You can access the Debugger Preferences dialog box on the Edit menu by clicking Preferences.

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Dialog Box Description

The Debugger Preferences dialog box contains two tabbed areas:

  • The General tab where you can set general preferences.
  • The Help tab where you can customize what browser command is used to view the WDB GUI online help.

In addition, the Debugger Preferences dialog box has three buttons that operate on both tabbed areas:


Field or Button Action
OK button Click to submit the information that you have entered in any of the three tabbed areas of this dialog box and exit the dialog box.

Apply button Click to submit the information you have entered in any of the tabbed areas of this dialog box. Does not exit the dialog box.
Cancel button Click to exit this dialog box without submitting the information that you have entered in any of the three tabbed areas of this dialog box.

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General Tab Description

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button Action
Confirm on exit check box Check this box if you want the WDB GUI to prompt you before you exit.

Undocked Views are top-level windows check box Check this box if you want undocked view windows to be top-level windows rather than dialog boxes.

Iconify all top-level window undocked views with main window check box Check this box if you want undocked top-level window to map/unmap like dialog boxes when the main window is iconfied/deiconified.

Recent files list, maximum size text box Enter the maximum number of files in the Recent Files list on the File menu. This should be a number between 0 and 15.

Recent sessions list, maximum size text box Enter the maximum number of sessions in the Recent Sessions list on the File menu.

Command line history, maximum size text box Enter the maximum number of commands to keep in the command history list of the Command view input area.

Maximum function match expressions listed text box Enter the maximum number of expressions listed in the function browser's function filter drop-down list.

Maximum recently browsed functions listed text box Enter the maximum number of functions listed in the function browser's previously visited functions drop-down list.

Display line numbers check box Check this box if you want line numbers to be displayed in the Source view.

Display parameters and values check box Check this box if you want parameters and values to be displayed in the Call Stack view.

Integer check box Check this box to show integers in the Registers view.

Floating Point check box Check this box to show floating point variables in the Registers view.

Special check box Check this box to show the special use registers in the Registers view.
Automatically update source search path when breakpoints set check box Check this box to automatically add the file's path in the WDB GUI search path when setting breakpoints in the file.
Enhanced Array Browsing check box Check this box to display the entire contents of expandable data structures, with a single click on the expression's name in Local/Watch/Quick Watch view.

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Help Tab Description

Field or Button Action
Browser Command text box Enter the command you want the WDB GUI to run when you click Help Topics on the Help menu

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See Also

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