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Fix List Dialog Box
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The Fix List dialog box lets you explicitly specify files you want the debugger to rebuild. You open the Fix List dialog box by choosing Fix List... from the Edit menu.

The debugger monitors files you change and can rebuild your program with the changed files automatically. However, you could use this dialog if you change a header file and you want the debugger to rebuild dependent files. The debugger has no knowledge of header dependencies.

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Fix List Dialog Box Description

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button Action
Source files to be fixed (rebuilt and patched in) when changed text box View and select files that you have added to this list.

Click on a file to select it.

Double-click on a file to select it and also enter it in the file edit area (to the left of the Add button).

Delete button Click to delete source files selected in the Source files to be fixed list.
File edit area Type in this area to enter a source file or use the Browse... button to browse for a file to enter in this field.

Use the Add or the Replace button to add a file entered in this area.

Add button Click to add the file listed in the file edit area at the left of the Add button to the Source files to be fixed list.
Replace button Click to replace the file highlighted in the Source files to be fixed list with the file listed in the file edit area (at the left of the Add button).
Browse... button Click to open the Name of File to Fix dialog box where you can browse and add files to the list of files to fix.
OK button Click to submit the information in this dialog box.

To rebuild a file immediately, select the file and then click OK.

Cancel button Click to exit this dialog box without submitting any of the information.
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Name of File to Fix Dialog Box Description

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button Action
Filter text box Edit this entry and press the Filter button to display a different set of files in the Files list.
Files list Click on a file name to select it. Double-click on a file name to enter it in the Selection text box.
Directories list Double-click on a directory to change the directory in the filter text box (and the directory from which files are displayed).
Selection text box Double-click on a file in the Files list or type in this box to enter a file name.
OK button Click to pass the file in the Selection text box to the file edit area in the Fix List dialog box without adding the file to the Source files to be fixed list.
Filter button Click to use the pattern in the Filter text box to control which files are displayed in the Files list.
Close button Click to exit this dialog box.
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See Also

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