Using the WDB GUI ·
Finding Specific Text in Your Code
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{short description of image} Finding Specific Text in Your Code
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Bullet Overview
Bullet Finding Text or a Regular Expression
Bullet Finding the Next Match
Bullet Tips
Bullet See Also

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You can use Find and Find Next to search your current view for specific text or a regular expression. It is available in the following views: Source, Disassembly, Command, Call Stack, and Threads. A blue line highlights the current view.

You can choose to search for matching upper/lower case and to direct the search toward the beginning or end of the file. The cursor is moved to the next match in the file, and the matching text is highlighted.

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Finding Text or a Regular Expression

To find text or a regular expression

  1. On the Edit menu, click Find.
  2. In the Find box, type the text or regular expression that you want to find. If you use regular expressions, ensure that the Regular Expression check box is selected.

    Unless the Regular Expression check box is selected, the text you enter in the Find box is matched literally. For example, wildcard characters are not supported.

  3. Select the settings for your search:
    • Match Case - If this option is checked, the case of each letter must match; otherwise a match can occur regardless of case.
    • Regular Expression - If this option is checked, the text in the Find box is interpreted as a regular expression for matching a pattern.
    • Direction - The Up or Down options direct the search toward the beginning or end of the source file. The search begins at the current cursor location and wraps around to the opposite end of the document.
  4. Click Find Next to begin the search. The cursor is moved to the next match in the file, and the matching text is highlighted.
  5. When you are finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.
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Finding the Next Match

Find Next searches for the next occurrence of the text or regular expression specified the last time you used Find.

To find the next match

  • On the Edit menu, click Find Next. The cursor is moved to the next match in the file, and the matching text is highlighted.
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  • Click the Find toolbar button to open the Find dialog box. The last text string for which you searched is entered in the Find text box.
  • To find text in a specific view, click in that view.
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See Also

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