HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Chapter 7 Remote Process Management


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Remote Process Management (RPM) is a network service wherein a process using RPM intrinsics can create and terminate other processes. A created process can exist either on the same node as the creator or on another node. You can schedule a created process to be either dependent or independent of its creator. If a created process is independent, it can continue to execute even after its creator has expired.

RPM also permits a process to send information to the process it is creating in the same intrinsic call that creates the new process. The new process can then acquire this information by means of another RPM intrinsic call. This feature may help to facilitate subsequent communication between the processes. For example, the first process can send the name and location of one of its sockets to the process being created. The second process can then use this information to establish a connection to the first process.

NOTE: RPM can be used in conjunction with Network Interprocess Communication (NetIPC) to effectively manage distributed applications. When used in conjunction with NetIPC, the RPM master and slave processes must be executing concurrently. One or more users (or programs) can run these processes independently, or one process can initiate the execution of another by using RPM. You can employ the NetIPC INITOPT, ADDOPT, and OPTOVERHEAD intrinsics to facilitate your use of the opt parameter. Descriptions of those three intrinsics are included in this manual. For further information on the flags, opt, and result parameters, and for more information on NetIPC, refer to the NetIPC 3000/XL Programmers Reference Manual.
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