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Creates and activates a process and, if necessary, creates a remote session for that process to run in. Process Handling (PH) capability is required.


RPMCREATE        (progname,namelen [,location][,loclen][,login][,loginlen]                 [,password][,passwdlen][,flags][,opt][,pd][,result])


progname (input)

Character array, by reference. The name of the program for which a process is to be created.

namelen (input)

32-bit integer, by value. The length in bytes of the program name.

location (input)

Character array, by reference. The node name or environment ID indicating where the process should be created.

loclen (input)

32-bit integer, by value. The length in bytes of the location name.

login (input)

Character array, by reference. A logon sequence for the local or remote node on which the process is to be created, in the form [session,]user.acct[,group].

loginlen (input)

32-bit integer, by value. The length in bytes of the logon sequence.

password (input)

Character array, by reference. Password(s) to be used with the logon sequence, in the form [userpass][,acctpass][,grouppass].

passwdlen (input)

32-bit integer, by value. The length in bytes of the password parameter.

flags (input)

32 bits, by reference. A bit representation of various options. The following flags are defined:

  • flags [0] (input). Indicates that all environment information given in a prior DSLINE command (for the remote environment in question) should be ignored when the new process is created. For example, if this flag is on, a logon sequence provided in the LOGON option of a DSLINE command will not override the logon given in this RPMCREATE call.

  • flags [1] (input). Causes the calling process to wait in this intrinsic call until the new process terminates. (The RPMCREATE call will complete only after the new process finishes executing.)

  • flags [2] (input). Causes RPM to create a process using RPM protocols from HP's software release UB Delta 1 or earlier. In software release UB Delta 1 or earlier, RPM flags 3 and 30 are not supported.

  • flags [3] (input). Causes RPMCREATE to fail if the remote node has a version of RPM installed that is from HP's software release UB Delta 1 or earlier. By default, if the remote node does not have the newer RPM installed, RPMCREATE will act as if flags [2] is set and conform to the older format.

  • flags (input). Causes the remote node to create the process into a session that may accommodate multiple RPM created processes. By default RPMCREATE will only create one remote process per remote session.

  • flags [31] (input). Makes the created process dependent on the creator. When the creator process dies, the created process will be killed. (If this bit is off, the created process will continue executing on its own.) Default: off; created process is independent of its creator.


Record or byte array, by reference. A list of options, with associated information. The following options are defined:

  • RPM string (option code 20000, n-byte array). Permits information to be sent to the created process in the data portion of the opt parameter, such as a socket name. More than one RPM string can be included. The strings may be retrieved by the new process (using RPMGETSTRING) in the same order that they occur in the opt parameter.

  • Entry point (code 22001, n-byte array). The data portion of this parameter contains a string, terminated by a blank, specifying the entry point (label) in the program where execution is to begin when the process is activated. A blank by itself indicates the primary entry point. This parameter corresponds to item number 1 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Default: primary entry point.

  • Program parameter (code 22002, 2-byte integer). The data portion of this parameter contains an integer value used to transfer control information to the new process. The word will be accessible on the stack of the new process at location Q-4. This parameter corresponds to item number 2 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic.

  • Create flags (code 22003, 2-byte bit map). The data portion of this parameter contains a word whose bits specify loading options, as follows. (Bit 15 is the least significant bit, bit 0 the most significant bit.) This parameter corresponds to item number 3 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic.

    • bit 15 — Ignored; should be off.

    • bit 14 — LOADMAP bit. If on, a listing of the newly allocated program is produced on the job/session listing device. This map shows the Code Segment Table (CST) entries used by the new process. Default: off

    • bit 13 — DEBUG bit. If on, DEBUG is called at the first executable instruction of the new program. You must have read/write access to the program file of the new process. If the new process requires privileged mode, you must be a privileged user. Default: off.

    • bit 12 — NOPRIV bit. If on, the slave program is loaded in non-privileged mode. If this bit is off, the program is loaded in the mode specified when the program file was prepared. Default: off.

    • bits 10 and 11 — LIBSEARCH bits. A coded bit pattern that denotes the order in which libraries are to be searched for the program. The default is 00:

      00 = System Library only. 01 = Account Public Library, then System
      Library. 10 = Group Library, then Account Public
      Library, then System Library.

    • bit 9 — NOCB bit. If on, file system control blocks are established in an extra segment. If off, control blocks may be established in the Process Control Block Extension (PCBX) area. Default: off. This bit should be set on if the new process uses a large stack.

    • bits 7 and 8 — reserved for MPE; should be off (00).

    • bits 5 and 6 — STACKDUMP bits. A coded bit pattern that controls the enabling/disabling of stack dumping in the event of a program abort. The default is 00:

      00 = enable stack dumping for new process
      only if enabled at master level; 01 = enable stack dump unconditionally; 10 = same as 00;

      11 = disable stack dump unconditionally.

    • bit 4 — reserved for MPE; should be off.

    • bits 0 to 3 — These four bits are used only if the STACKDUMP bits are 01; otherwise they are ignored. Bits 1-3 represent portions of the slave program's stack. If bit 3 is on, the portion of the stack from DL to QI (Q-initial) is dumped; if off, this portion is not dumped. If bit 2 is on, the portion of the stack from QI to S is dumped. If bit 1 is on, the portion of the stack from Q-63 to S is dumped. If bit 0 is on, the stack dump is interpreted in ASCII characters in addition to octal values; if off, no ASCII interpretation is performed. The default for each of these bits is off.

The default conditions noted above take effect if the Create flags option (flags) or the entire opt parameter is omitted.

  • Initial stack size (code 22004, 2-byte integer). The data portion of this parameter contains an integer (Z-Q) denoting the size, in words, of the local stack area bounded by the initial Q and Z values. This parameter corresponds to item number 4 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic.

    The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Default: The value specified in the program file

  • Initial dlsize (code 22005, 2-byte integer). The data portion of this parameter contains an integer (DB-DL) denoting the size, in words, of the user-managed stack area bounded by the DL and DB values. This parameter corresponds to item number 5 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Default: The value specified in the program file.

  • Max stack size (code 22006, 2-byte integer). The data portion of this parameter contains an integer (Z-DL) denoting the maximum word size allowed for the process's stack area (bounded by the DL and Z values). This parameter corresponds to item number 6 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Default: The value specified in the program file or (if none is specified there) the current stack size.

  • Priority (code 22007, 2-byte array). The data portion of this parameter contains a string of two ASCII characters (AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES) indicating the priority class in which the new process is scheduled. Default: The same priority as the calling process. This parameter corresponds to item number 7 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic.

  • $STDIN file name (code 22008, n-byte array). The data portion of this parameter contains the name of a file to which all input requests to $STDIN will be directed. This parameter corresponds to item number 8 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Default: With an interactive logon (HELLO, REMOTE HELLO), input requests will be directed to $STDIN. With the logon option (either the LOGON= parameter in a DSLINE command or the login parameter of RPMCREATE), input requests will be directed to the empty file $NULL.

  • $STDLIST file name (code 22009, n-byte array). The data portion of this parameter contains the name of a file to which all output requests to $STDLIST will be directed. This parameter corresponds to item number 9 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Default: With an interactive logon (HELLO, REMOTE HELLO), output requests will be directed to $STDLIST. With the logon option (either the LOGON= parameter in a DSLINE command or the login parameter of RPMCREATE), output requests will be directed to the empty file $NULL.

  • Info string (code 22011, n-byte array). The data portion of this parameter contains an information string that is passed to the new process. This string will be accessible on the new process's stack at a byte address that is stored at location Q-5. If this option is included, you must also include the Info string length option (22012). This parameter corresponds to item number 11 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic.

  • Info string length (code 22012, 2-byte integer). The data portion of this parameter contains an integer specifying the byte length of the info string given by the previous option. The Info string length option must be included if the Info string option is included. This parameter corresponds to item number 12 of the MPE/iX CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. The contents of this option parameter should conform to the value of the item parameter in the CREATEPROCESS intrinsic.

  • Logon timeout; real (code 22100, 4-byte real value). The data portion of this parameter contains a real value representing the number of seconds you are willing to wait for a remote logon, performed by RPMCREATE, to complete. If the remote session is not established during this time, you will receive an error. Default: 120.0 seconds.

  • Logon timeout; integer (code 22102, 4-byte integer). This is the same as option 22100 except that the data portion of this parameter contains an integer representing the number of milliseconds that you are willing to wait for the remote logon, performed by RPMCREATE to complete. If both options are present in the opt array, then the entry with the lowest array index will be the one selected.

pd (output)

16-byte array, by reference. A program descriptor used to identify the created process. This value, randomly generated, is presumed to be unique across all nodes. A valid program descriptor is always a non-zero value.

result (output)

32-bit integer, by reference. The error code returned; zero if no error.


The RPMCREATE intrinsic enables the calling process to create and activate another process — that is, to initiate execution of another program. The new process may be on a remote system. (RPM does not extend the process management capabilities of a particular operating system, such as MPE, across a network.)

Normally, RPMCREATE allows only one remote process per remote session. Bit 30 of the RPM flags parameter allows multiple RPM remote processes in a remote session. This session-sharing option of RPM is only available in HP's software release UB delta 2 or later. The only required parameters are progname, namelen, location, and loclen. (The intrinsic is option variable.) In order for multiple processes to reside in a common remote session, three criteria must be satisfied:

  • All the processes must have been created with bit 30 of the flags parameter set. Remote processes created without this bit set will not share sessions with processes that do have it set.

  • All the processes must have been created from processes residing within the same session on the local node. Processes that are running in different local sessions will RPMCREATE remote processes into different remote sessions.

  • All the processes must have the same logon string including session name, if any. All the necessary passwords must match.

The remote session may be any session that RPMCREATE would normally use, including VT-created sessions, that is, sessions created using the REMOTE HELLO command.

The new process will run in an existing remote session (created by REMOTE HELLO) if you specify the appropriate environment ID in the location parameter. A new session will be created on the remote node if one does not already exist. RPM uses the logon sequence specified in the login parameter (and the password in password) unless (1) a logon is specified in a prior DSLINE command for the remote environment (in the LOGON option), and (2) bit 0 of the flags parameter (the high-order bit, which causes the DSLINE information to be ignored) is off. In other words, the order of priority (from high to low) is: existing session; DSLINE logon; RPMCREATE logon. But the "ignore DSLINE information" flag forces the use of the RPMCREATE logon instead of a DSLINE logon.

If the new process is to be created on a remote node and the login parameter is omitted, then a remote session must already exist or logon information must be given in a prior DSLINE command. For example, let's say that a previous DSLINE command has defined "S" as an environment ID for node FINANCE, with logon USER.ACCT. Then an RPMCREATE call giving "S" as the location and omitting the login parameter will create a session on FINANCE for USER.ACCT.

Once an RPMCREATE call has been made for a remote environment, you cannot issue remote commands for that environment until the remote process has terminated (for example, has been killed via RPMKILL). If an independent RPM process has been left in the remote environment after the process that created it has terminated, and you issue a DSLINE ;CLOSE command for the remote environment, you will first be asked whether you want to kill the remote RPM process. If you kill the remote process and then do not abort the remote session, you can subsequently issue commands in the remote session. See "Releasing a Remote Environment" in the "Virtual Terminal" chapter of this manual.

RPMCREATE can also create a new process on the local node. The new process will be created in your local session if (1) the location and login parameters are omitted or blank or (2) location is the local node name and login is the logon for your local session (including session name, if any). A new process will also be created on your local node, but in a different session, if (1) you specify your local node name, and a logon different from your own and (2) software loopback has been configured and activated for your local node.

Bit 31 (the low-order bit) of the flags parameter determines whether the newly created process will be dependent on its creator or independent (the default). A local dependent process that was created under the same logon as its creator will terminate automatically when the creator terminates. (In order to conserve system resources, you should make local processes independent; that is, set the bit off.)

A remote dependent process will terminate if:

  • RPMKILL has been called for the dependent process.

  • The creator process terminates before calling RPMKILL.

  • The transport fails.

  • The system on which the creator is running fails.

If the remote process is independent, it will continue to execute unless explicitly terminated by RPMKILL. Dependent mode ensures that the new process will not become an "orphan" in the event of a program, system, or network link failure. However, independent mode is less costly in terms of resources: the connection set up for the RPMCREATE is not maintained after the remote process is created. You should normally use independent mode for processes that are expected to terminate themselves.

Preferred Method of Creating Interactive Programs

RPM works best to create non-interactive server programs on a remote system. If you use RPM to create interactive programs, some restrictions exist (described in a following section). Therefore, as an alternative to using the RPMCREATE intrinsic to create interactive programs, HP recommends that you call the REMOTE RUN command from the COMMAND intrinsic. Using this method will suspend the master process in the COMMAND intrinsic while the slave program runs. Only use RPMCREATE if you require parallel execution of a master and slave process.

Using $STDIN and $STDLIST in a Precreated VT Session

Beginning with MPE/iX release 2.2, remote RPM slave processes can post interactive I/O to $STDIN and $STDLIST through a precreated VT session. This allows interactive I/O from remote programs to appear on a local terminal.

Before creating an RPM slave, use the REMOTE HELLO command to create a remote session. After the session is established, you can use the RPMCREATE command to create an RPM son in the remote session. The location parameter should contain the same environment name that was specified in the REMOTE HELLO command. Do not specify the login or loginlen parameters, nor are the $STDIN/$STDLIST options 22008/22009 required.

Restrictions when Using RPMCREATE to Create Interactive Programs

Because RPM was not designed to create interactive programs, there are caveats you should be aware of before using RPM for your application.

Do not press the system BREAK or the subsystem break [CTRL] Y while a remote application is running.

Do not create an RPM slave in a VT session that is in break. This will cause both the local and remote application to hang. Neither the local or remote session can log off.

Opt Parameter Format

The opt parameter, which denotes various options, contains an integer code for each option along with associated information. It is not necessary to know the internal structure of this parameter to use it. The "opt parameter manipulation intrinsics," INITOPT, ADDOPT, and OPTOVERHEAD, enable you to add option information without concerning yourself with the parameter's structure. However, a knowledge of the opt parameter's structure can help you determine an appropriate size for the array. (The parameter must be defined as a byte array or as a record structured in the manner described below. If your program is written in a language that supports dynamically allowed arrays, the OPTOVERHEAD intrinsic may be used to determine the size of the array.)

The opt parameter consists of these fields:

  • length, in bytes, of option entries and data (2-byte integer);

  • number of entries (2-byte integer);

  • option entries (8 bytes per entry);

  • data associated with the option entries (variable length).

Each 8-byte option entry, in turn, consists of the following fields:

  • option code (2-byte integer);

  • offset (relative to the base address of the opt parameter) indicating the location of the data for this option entry (2-byte integer);

  • length, in bytes, of the data (2-byte integer);

  • unused (2 bytes).

If the parameter is declared as a simple byte array, it must be large enough to contain 4 bytes for the first two fixed-length fields, 8 bytes for each option entry, plus the actual data. That is:

     4  +  8 * numentries  +  datalength
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