HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Remote Process Management



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Terminates a process created by the RPMCREATE intrinsic. Process Handling (PH) capability is required.


RPMKILL ( pd[,location][,loclen][,result])


pd (input)

16-byte array, by value. The program descriptor returned by the RPMCREATE intrinsic.

location (input)

Character array, by reference. The node name or environment ID indicating where the process to be killed is located.

loclen (input)

32-bit integer, by value. The length in bytes of the location name.

result (output)

32-bit integer, by reference. The error code returned; zero if no error.


The RPMKILL intrinsic terminates a process that was created by RPMCREATE. It also deletes the remote environment if that environment was established by RPMCREATE. Any process on any node may call RPMKILL to kill a remote RPM process, as long as it has the correct program descriptor. To kill a process on your local node that utilizes another session, you must have configured the network for software loopback. To kill a local process in your session, you must be the creator of that process.

The only required parameter is pd (option variable).

The location and loclen parameters are also required in order to kill a remote process either if the remote process is independent or if the calling process is not the creator. RPM needs these to open a new connection to the remote node before killing the remote process.

Use the RPMKILL intrinsic only to terminate perpetually running remote processes. Otherwise, use the "Shutting Down Sockets and Connections" procedure described in the NetIPC 3000/XL Programmer's Reference Manual.

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