HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Remote Process Management

RPM Program Examples


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The following two Pascal programs illustrate the use of the RPM intrinsics. The first program creates a new process (the second program) on a remote node. It also creates a remote session for the second program to run in. At the same time, it passes strings containing a socket name and a node name to the remote process. This information enables the second program to establish a connection to the first.

In greater detail, the first program:

  • creates a call socket and names it;

  • reads the name of the node on which it is running;

  • initializes the opt parameter with strings containing the socket's name and the name of the node on which it is running;

  • creates a new process with the program name CREATURE on a remote node, passing the strings to the new process;

  • waits for a connection request from the remote process (and establishes the connection);

  • shuts down its call socket;

  • executes a loop in which it:

    • calls a procedure that receives a message by executing two IPCRECV loops. The first loop determines the incoming message length. The second loop receives data until all the pieces of the message have been received.

    • prints the message that was received;

  • receives a "last message" termination request;

  • sends a "termination confirmation message" in response to the termination request;

  • receives a result parameter value of 64 ("REMOTE ABORTED CONNECTION") in response to a receive request;

  • releases its VC socket.

The execution of the second program is initiated by the first program. The second program:

  • obtains the socket name and node name passed by the creator;

  • uses these names to acquire a destination descriptor for the socket;

  • creates a call socket for itself, sends a connection request to the creator's socket, and establishes a connection to the creator process;

  • opens a data file;

  • executes a loop in which it:

    • reads a line of data from the data file;

    • stores the length (number of bytes) of the data in the first part of the message;

    • stores the data itself in the second part of the message;

    • sends the message on the connection, including the message length as the first two bytes of the message;

  • after all the data is transmitted from the data file, sends a "last message" that will be recognized by the receiving program as a termination request;

  • receives a "termination confirmation message" and shuts down the connection by releasing its VC socket.

NOTE: Process Handling (PH) capability is required to use the following programs.

Before running the first program, you must associate the remote node with the environment ID "REMNODE" via the DSLINE command. For example, issue the command DSLINE REMNODE=ASTRO if the remote node where the second program resides is named "ASTRO."

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