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Symbols- $CTUL, Using File Designators, File Definitions: Default Values
- $CTUR, Using File Designators, File Definitions: Default Values
- $HARD, Using File Designators
- $STDIN, FCOPY Command Syntax, File Definitions: Default Values
- $STDINX, File Definitions: Default Values
- $STDLIST, FCOPY Command Syntax, File Attributes, File Attributes
A- ABORT (MPE), Interrupting FCOPY
- Absolute File Numbers, Specifying Tape Files, Operation
- Access Control Definitions (ACDs), COPYACD, NOACD
- ADDF (MPE), Copying Files to Labeled Tapes
- Ampersand
- Use in FCOPY Command, General Guidelines
- APPEND, Appending Files, FCOPY Functions
- Appending Files, Appending Files
- ASCII Files
- Printing, Printing Files
- ASCII/BCDIC Conversions, Example 2
- ASCII/EBDIC Conversions, Codes
C- Cancelling a Command
- Control-Y, General Guidelines
- Carriage Control Characters, CCTL/NOCCTL
- CHAR, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, Binary Files, Copying Files in Native Languages, CHAR, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax
- Character Code, Displaying Disk Files
- Character String, Syntax, Operation
- Character Strings, Defining Subsets
- CLEAR, CLEAR, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax
- CM KSAM files, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
- Codes
- Decimal, Examples
- Hexadecimal and Octal, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes
- Combining Disk Files on Tape, Combining Disk Files on Tape
- Combining Tape Files on Disk, Combining Tape Files on Disk
- COMPARE, Comparing Files, COMPARE
- Comparing Files, Comparing Files
- Components of a Command, Components of an FCOPY Command
- Composing a Command
- Guidelines, General Guidelines
- Composing a Command from MPE, Using FCOPY from MPE
- Composing a Command in FCOPY, The FCOPY Subsystem
- Concatenating Files, Concatenating Files from a Labeled Tape
- Control-Y
- Interrupting FCOPY, General Guidelines
- Conversion Codes, Codes
- COPY (MPE), Copying Inactive Records
- Copying Between Terminal Peripheral Devices, Copying Between Terminal Peripheral Devices
- Copying CM KSAM files, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
- Copying Files, Defining Files, Copying Files
- Appending Files, Appending Files
- Between HP 3000 Systems, Copying Files Between HP 3000 Systems
- Block Size, Copying Files of Varying Sizes
- By Name, Copying Named Files
- By Number, Copying Files by Number
- Character Strings, Defining Subsets
- Combining Disk Files, Combining Disk Files on Tape
- Combining Tape Files, Combining Tape Files on Disk
- Comparing Contents, Comparing Files
- Concatenating, Concatenating Files from a Labeled Tape
- Disk Files, New Disk Files
- Extracting Portions, Extracting Parts of Files
- Foreign Tapes, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor, Copying Foreign Tapes, Operation
- From Labeled Tape, Copying Files from Labeled Tapes
- Inactive Records, Copying Inactive Records
- Key Sequences, Copying Key Sequences
- KSAM, Copying KSAM Files
- Message Files, Copying Inactive Records
- Multiple Files, FILES
- Native Languages, Copying Files in Native Languages
- NonKSAM, Copying to a Non-KSAM File
- Printing a File, Printing Files
- Record Lengths, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor
- Remote Systems, Remote Copies
- To Labeled Tape, Copying Files to Labeled Tapes
- Verifying Copies, Verifying Copied Files
- Copying KSAM XL files, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
- Copying Tapes
- Deblocking Factor, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor
- Labeled Tapes, Copying Tapes, Copying Labeled Tapes
- Magnetic Tapes, Specifying Tape Files
- Methods, Copying Tapes
- Positioning Tapes, Specifying Tape Files
- Sequentially, Copying Files to Labeled Tapes
- Tape Errors, Ignoring Tape Errors
- Unlabeled Tapes, Specifying Tape Files
- Copying User Labels, NOUSERLABELS
- Copying User Labels Only, Operation
- Customizing Commands , Customizing Commands
D- DEBLOCK, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor, Deblocking Labeled Tapes, DEBLOCK
- With SUBSET, Operation
- Deblocking a File, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor
- Deblocking Labeled Tapes, Deblocking Labeled Tapes, Operation
- Decimal Codes, Examples
- Default File Values, Defining Files
- Default Values
- File definitions, File Definitions: Default Values
- fromfiles, File Definitions: Default Values
- Overriding, File Definitions: Default Values
- tofiles, File Definitions: Default Values
- Defining Files
- FILE Command (MPE), Defining Files
- Defining Subsets, Operation
- Definition of fromfile, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Definition of tofile, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Definitions, File
- Default, File Definitions: Default Values
- Disc Files from Tape, Combining Tape Files on Disk
- Disk Files
- Combined on Tape, Combining Disk Files on Tape
- Creating New Files, New Disk Files
- Display
- FCOPY Messages, Display During Sessions
- Display Functions
- FCOPY, Notes
- Displaying ASCII Files, ASCII Files
- Displaying Binary Files in ASCII, Binary Files
- Displaying Disk Files, Displaying Disk Files
- Displaying File Contents, Example
- Displaying File Subsets, File Subsets
- Displaying Terminal Control Sequences, Example
- DSLINE, Remote Copies
- EBCDICIN, Copying Files in Native Languages, EBCDICIN/EBCDICOUT
- EBCDICOUT, Copying Files in Native Languages, EBCDICIN/EBCDICOUT
- EBDIC/ASCII Conversions, Codes
- EBDIK/JIS Conversions, Example 2
- Entering FCOPY, Components of an FCOPY Command
- EOF, Specifying Tape Files, SKIPEOF
- Error Messages, FCOPY Messages
- Errors
- Tape, Ignoring Tape Errors
- Examples of FCOPY Commands, FCOPY Applications and Examples
- EXCLUDE, Extracting Parts of Files, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax
- EXIT, Exiting FCOPY
- Extracting Subsets from Files, Extracting Parts of Files
- Definition, Introduction
- Features, Introduction
- Issuing a command, The FCOPY Subsystem
- Prerequisites, Before You Use FCOPY
- Use, Using FCOPY
- Use in Jobs, Using FCOPY in a Job
- FCOPY (MPE), Using FCOPY from MPE
- FCOPY Command
- Syntax, FCOPY Syntax
- FCOPY Commands
- Ampersand, General Guidelines
- Customizing, Customizing Commands
- Examples, FCOPY Applications and Examples
- Length, General Guidelines
- Spacing, General Guidelines
- FCOPY Display Functions, Notes
- FCOPY Errors , Examples
- FCOPY Functions, FCOPY Commands
- Description, FCOPY Functions
- Guidelines, General Guidelines
- Syntax, Syntax of FCOPY Functions
- FCOPY Messages, FCOPY Messages, Error, Warning, and Status Messages
- Features of FCOPY, Introduction
- FILE (MPE), Defining Files, Appending Files, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor, File Characteristics
- File Attributes, FCOPY Functions
- FILE Command
- Overriding Defaults, File Definitions: Default Values
- File Definitions
- Default Values, File Definitions: Default Values
- File Designators, Using File Designators, File Definitions: Default Values
- File Equations, Copying Files of Varying Sizes
- FILE Command, Defining Files
- File Names, Copying Named Files
- File Numbers, Specifying Tape Files, Copying Files by Number, Operation
- File Subsets, File Subsets
- FILES, Copying Files of Varying Sizes, Concatenating Files from a Labeled Tape, FILES
- Files
- Binary, Binary Files
- Block Size, Copying Files of Varying Sizes
- Comparing Contents, Comparing Files
- Copying, Copying Files
- Copying Between HP 3000 Systems, Copying Files Between HP 3000 Systems
- Copying Multiple Files, FILES
- Displaying Contents, Displaying Disk Files
- Displaying the Contents, Example
- Printing, Printing Files
- Record Lengths, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor
- Tape Combined on Disk, Combining Tape Files on Disk
- Verifying Copies, Verifying Copied Files
- Foreign Tapes, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor, Copying Foreign Tapes
- FROM, "FROM" and "TO" Files, Using Your Terminal as a Fromfile
- fromfile, Using Your Terminal as a Fromfile
- Definition, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Peripheral Device, Using File Designators
- READ Access, FCOPY Functions
- Syntax, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- fromfiles
- Default Values, File Definitions: Default Values
- Functions of FCOPY Commands, FCOPY Commands
H- HEX, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, Syntax, Syntax, HEX, Syntax
- Hexadecimal Code, Displaying Disk Files, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, HEXO
- HEXO, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, Syntax, Syntax, HEXO, Syntax
- Hollerith codes, Codes, Example 2, Example 2
- HP 3000 Code, Operation
K- KANA, Syntax, Syntax, KANA, Syntax
- KEY, Copying KSAM Files, Copying Key Sequences, KEY
- Key Sequences, Copying Key Sequences, Operation
- KSAM files, KEY
- CM KSAM, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
- KSAM V/E, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
- KSAM XL, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
- KSAM/3000, Copying to Existing KSAM Files
L- LABEL, Operation
- Labeled Tapes, Copying Tapes, Copying Labeled Tapes
- Deblocking, Deblocking Labeled Tapes
- LANG, Copying Files in Native Languages, Syntax, Syntax, UPSHIFT
- Leaving FCOPY, Exiting FCOPY
- Length of FCOPY Command, General Guidelines
- LIST, Printing Files
- LISTF (MPE), Operation
- Lowercase Characters, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, Use with UPSHIFT, Examples
- Lowercase characters, UPSHIFT
N- Native Languages
- Use with CHAR, Use with CHAR
- Use with EBCDICIN, Use with EBCDICIN/OUT
- Use with UPSHIFT, Use with UPSHIFT
- NEW, New Disk Files, Using Your Terminal as a Fromfile, NEW
- NEXT, Operation
- NEXT (MPE), Copying Files from Labeled Tapes
- NOBUF (MPE), Copying Inactive Records
- NOKSAM, Copying KSAM Files, NOKSAM
- NonKSAM Files, Copying to a Non-KSAM File
- NORECNUM, Binary Files, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax
O- OCTAL, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, OCTAL
- Octal Code, Displaying Disk Files, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes, HEXO
- Octal Numbers, Operation
- Use of Percent Sign, General Guidelines
- Overriding File Default Values, File Definitions: Default Values
R- READ, FCOPY Functions
- Record Length, Operation
- Record Ranges, Operation
- Records
- Inactive, Copying Inactive Records
- Relative File Numbers, Specifying Tape Files, Operation
- Remote File Copies, Remote Copies
- RESUME (MPE), Interrupting FCOPY
- RIO, Copying Inactive Records
- RUN (MPE), Using FCOPY from MPE
- Running FCOPY, Issuing an FCOPY Command
- Examples, FCOPY Applications and Examples
S- Semicolons, General Guidelines
- SKIPEOF, Specifying Tape Files, Copying Files Between HP 3000 Systems, Operation, SKIPEOF
- Spacing in FCOPY Commands, General Guidelines
- Status Messages, FCOPY Messages
- STORE (MPE), Copying Files of Varying Sizes
- STORE/RESTORE (MPE), Copying Files Between HP 3000 Systems
- STREAM (MPE), Using FCOPY in a Job
- SUBSET, Extracting Parts of Files, Operation, SUBSET
- Copying Character Strings, Defining Subsets
- With DEBLOCK, Operation
- Subsets
- By Record Number, Operation
- Defined by Record Ranges, Operation
- Definition, Operation
- Magnetic Tape, Operation
- Subsets of Files, File Subsets
- Summary of FCOPY Commands, FCOPY Commands
- Syntax of FCOPY Command, FCOPY Syntax
- Syntax of FCOPY Functions, Syntax of FCOPY Functions
- Syntax of fromfile, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Syntax of tofile, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Syntax of XL tofile, "FROM" and "TO" Files
T- Tables
- Code Conversions, Codes
- Tape Blocking Factor, Changing the Tape Blocking Factor
- Tape Errors, Ignoring Tape Errors, Operation
- Tape Files from Disk, Combining Disk Files on Tape
- Tapes
- ANSI-labeled, Copying Foreign Tapes
- IBM-labeled, Copying Foreign Tapes
- Methods for Copying, Copying Tapes
- TERM Parameter, Terminal Settings
- Terminal Settings, Terminal Settings
- Terminals
- Displaying Files, Displaying Disk Files
- Peripheral Devices, Using FCOPY with Terminal Peripherals
- Upshifting, Hexadecimal and Octal Codes
- Use as fromfile, Using Your Terminal as a Fromfile
- TITLE, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax, Syntax
- TO, "FROM" and "TO" Files, Operation
- tofile
- APPEND Access, FCOPY Functions
- Definition, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Peripheral Device, Using File Designators
- Syntax, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- Syntax in MPE XL, "FROM" and "TO" Files
- WRITE Access, FCOPY Functions
- tofiles
- Default Values, File Definitions: Default Values
- Translating Code
- IBM to HP 3000, Operation
U- Unlabeled Tapes, Specifying Tape Files
- Uppercase Characters, Use with UPSHIFT, Notes, Notes
- Uppercase characters, UPSHIFT
- UPSHIFT, Copying Files in Native Languages, UPSHIFT
- User Labels, Notes
- copying, Operation, NOUSERLABELS
- Copying Only, Operation
- Using FCOPY, Using FCOPY
- Using FCOPY from MPE, Using FCOPY from MPE
- Using MPE Commands from FCOPY, MPE Commands
- Using SUBSET Alone, Operation
- Using the BREAK Key, Interrupting FCOPY
- Using the FCOPY Subsystem, The FCOPY Subsystem