If you are copying files from or to devices other than disk, you
must define the files and their associated
devices with MPE FILE commands before you issue an FCOPY
command. For example, to copy a file
from magnetic tape to a line printer, you define two device files
as follows:
TAPEFILE and PRINTER are the formal file designators you
use in the FCOPY command. TAPE and LP
are device class names for a magnetic tape unit and a line
printer respectively. Device class names are
defined when your system is configured and may vary from one
installation to another.
Use the two formal file designators as the fromfile and tofile in an FCOPY command. Type an asterisk (*) before each file name to tell FCOPY to refer to the previous
FILE commands for the file's description.
The FROM and TO parameters below reference the two files defined above:
Appendix B contains a list of default file characteristics; FCOPY
assumes files to have these default
characteristics unless you define the files with other
characteristics. For more information on the FILE command, refer to the
MPE V/E Commands Reference Manual (32033-90006) or the
MPE XL Commands Reference Manual (32650-90003).