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This is the syntax for the FCOPY command.
FROM [ = {fromfile
* <file>
<empty>} ];TO [ = { {(datafile,keyfile)
(tofile) }
* <file>
<empty> } ] [; functionlist ]
where: - fromfile
Is the name of the input file.
- tofile
Is the name of the output file.
- (tofile)
Is the name of a KSAM XL file.
- (datafile,keyfile)
Are the names of the data and key files
a new KSAM V/E or CM KSAM file.
- *
Indicates the fromfile or tofile designated in
the FCOPY command issued immediately before the current command.
The file continues at the record after the one at which the prior
operation stopped.
- *<file>
Indicates the fromfile or tofile specified in a previous file equation.
- <empty>
Represents no entry. By leaving this blank, you
specify the standard job or session device: $STDIN for the
fromfile and $STDLIST for the tofile.
- functionlist
Represents one or more FCOPY functions. The
functions may appear in any order; however, there are some
restrictions for combining functions. The syntax of each
individual function is given in chapter 5.