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Standalone Logtool for MPE/iX: Summary

In this section of the Standalone Logtool document: Other sections in this document: To print the entire document: All the files
This document explains how to use the standalone version of Logtool, available on MPE/iX 6.5 and later.

The standalone version of Logtool is almost the same as the "old" Logtool that ran under the SYSDIAG online diagnostic platform which was replaced by STM as of MPE/iX 6.5.

The main difference between the "old" and "new" versions of Logtool is how you start the new standalone version: just type logtool at the MPE/iX prompt.

Text for this document was taken from the Support Tools Manual: Volume 7, Utilities, edition 3, released in April 1994 with HP Part No. 5960-3161. Only minor changes have been made to adapt it for the standalone version of logtool.


The LOGTOOL utility program provides the user with a complete environment in which to identify, purge/clear and display the various log files present within the host operating system. LOGTOOL is available in multi-user mode, but the user is required to execute at diagnostic security level 1 for some functions. The host operating system has two types of log files: system log files and the memory error log file. A set of commands is available to handle each type of log file.

System log files contain information generated by the host operating system. The LIST command will display the contents of the system log files based on selection criteria given by the user. A summary report of the contents of the system log files can be generated using the SUMMARIZE command. The ALTFIELD command can be used to specify that only a portion of certain log records found within the system log files are to be displayed by the LIST command. Commands are also available to purge log files, create new log files, and to create LOGTOOL "work" files, which will contain a subset of log files. When new log entries are developed, the LAYOUT command with a record definition file will allow code developers to "tell" LOGTOOL how to format the information they have sent to the system log files.

The memory error log file contains memory error information gathered by the memory error logging process (MEMLOGP). The MEMRPT command will produce a summary report based on the information from the memory log file. The MEMCLR command will give the user the ability to clear all the information in the memory log file. In addition, the MEMTIMER command allows the user to change the time interval in which the MEMLOGP process will scan all the memory controllers to see if any memory errors occurred.

In addition to the various log file commands, LOGTOOL contains commands which aid the user during a LOGTOOL session.
HELP Displays detailed and syntax summary information to the user upon request.
REDO Allows the user to edit/recycle previous input.
SUSPEND Allows the user to temporarily suspend LOGTOOL and return control to the Diagnostic User Interface (DUI).

Defects and Enhancements

Submit defect reports and enhancement requests concerning this diagnostic through the STARS database referencing product number 30600-10019.

Minimum Configuration

The System and Memory Log Analysis Tool (LOGTOOL) executes on any HP Precision Architecture RISC computer up and running on the MPE/iX 6.5 or later operating systems.

Operating Instructions

Starting LOGTOOL

To start logtool, log in to a computer system running MPE/iX 6.5 or higher. Enter the following command:
       no parameters required to load 

Test Execution

When executed, the utility displays a header and welcome message:

******                                                       ******
******                      LOGTOOL                          ******
******                                                       ******
******         (C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co.             ******
******       1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1999         ******
******               All Rights Reserved.                    ******
******                                                       ******
******  HP shall not be liable for any damages resulting     ******
******  from the use of this program.                        ******
******                                                       ******
******                  Version  A.03.05                     ******
******                                                       ******

Welcome, Today is THU, OCT 14, 1999 at  4:30 PM

LOGTOOL initializing, please wait ...

The LOGTOOL> prompt is displayed. The user is now free to enter commands.

To exit LOGTOOL, the user types EXIT. The message
LOGTOOL  Exiting ...
will be displayed to confirm that LOGTOOL completed properly. Control will then be returned to the operating system.
Summary Records All the files
Commmands Err Msgs Diagnostics HOME

Last updated: Thu Oct 26 15:44:47 PDT 2000