Support Tools (logo)

Standalone Logtool for MPE/iX: Records

Record Definition Files

Each entry found in the system error log has an associated record ID number, which is the first 16 bits of every log entry. Since these record ID numbers identify unique log entries, LOGTOOL will use these record ID numbers to match data from the log files with a record ID declaration. The record ID declarations specify the exact format of each log record and will be used during the translation of a log file. Therefore, the record definition file contains a series of RECORD ID DECLARATIONS. To support PASCAL record variants, a second type of record ID may also appear in the file. These are referred to as TAG IDs, since they describe a variant record tag field. Therefore, the record definition file would look as follows:
     <record id X control statements> 
     <record id Y control statements>
     <record id Z control statements>
The record definition file consists of control statements. Each statement has two fields: the "command field" that contains the record definition command that identifies the remainder of the data and the "specification field" that contains all of the parameters and arguments required by a particular control command. The specification field may span multiple lines. The terminator of a specification field is another command. Commands must be the first character of a line with no preceding white space (i.e., they must start at column 1). Comments can be embedded within the specifications field by using braces { }.
          |                        |                        |
                 Command Field        Specification Field 
The following example should clarify these concepts:
COMMENT      The "COMMENT" is a record definition command. 
             The body of the comment is called the specification 
             field (that is what you are reading now).  Notice that 
             this field can span as many lines as desired. 
             A new control command ends the specification field. 

RECORD`ID    23     {This is a comment too} 

COMMENT      The above line has "RECORD`ID" as the Command 
             and "23" as the specification field. 
On MPE/iX, the record definition file can be created with any editor, but must be kept as a Fixed ASCII 80-Byte Unnumbered file.

Record Definition Commands

The following section describes the various commands that can be used in a record definition file.

All commands are terminated by finding a new command (remember, all commands must start at column one). Command names may be abbreviated to the shortest unambiguous number of characters. For example, the FIELD`FORMAT command could be abbreviated to F since no other commands begin with the letter F.


The COMMENT command allows one to separate record definitions and supply useful information to the maintainer of the file. Comments are ignored.

     COMMENT         <anything may follow>
     COMMENT         This is a comment. 
                     It spans several lines. 


This command must precede all commands which specify an attribute of a RECORD`ID. It identifies the numeric RECORD`ID that can be used to distinguish log entries in the system log file. All commands following (until the next RECORD`ID or TAG`ID) are assumed to belong to the current RECORD`ID.

     RECORD`ID       <record id #> 
     RECORD`ID numbers must be between 0 and 255.
     RECORD`ID       1 
     RECORD`ID       123 


This command defines the variant tag portion of a previously defined RECORD`ID or TAG`ID. For example, refer to the following PASCAL record definition:
     TYPE my_record = RECORD 
             field1 : integer; 
             CASE select : boolean OF 
                true  : (true_case : some_other_type); 
                false : (false_case : yet_another_type); 
It has a tag field called "select" and two possible variant parts. Each of the two variant parts would need a TAG`ID entry (with additional record definition commands) to define the variant part. The specifications field indicates which RECORD`ID this TAG`ID is to be used with. For more details, see the section called Tag Usage Example.

     TAG`ID       <record id # this definition is used with> 
     TAG`ID       100 

Record Description Commands

The following set of commands are used to define the attributes of an individual log record (RECORD`ID) or tag variant of some record (TAG`ID). (From here on RECORD and TAG`IDs will not be differentiated unless required). If the LOGTOOL LAYOUT command sees any of the commands without a RECORD or TAG`ID command, it will generate an error. Additionally, only one of the possible definition commands may be provided for any one record. The following commands must be provided when defining a RECORD or TAG`ID:
The RECORD`LENGTH and N`FIELDS commands must be provided before any of the other commands. For a TAG`ID definition, the VARIANT command is required.


This command specifies the total length in bits for the maximum size of the current RECORD`ID. This value should not include the size of any data added by the system (i.e., the actual RECORD`ID, time stamp, etc.). This value and the number of bits specified in the FIELD`FORMAT must agree.

     RECORD`LENGTH   <# of bits> 
     The maximum number of bytes is 2028. 
     RECORD`LENGTH   220 


This command specifies the number of fields (pieces of data) in the current RECORD`ID. Variant tags are considered as 1 field. The subfields are defined with subsequent TAG`ID commands. This value must be equal to the number of entries on the FIELD`FORMAT command.

     N`FIELDS        <# of fields> 
     N`FIELDS        5 


This command assigns a label to the log record. The label is restricted to 20 characters and must be enclosed by either double or single quotes.

     RECORD`LABEL    "<name>" 
      RECORD`LABEL    "I/O" 


This command defines (bit for bit) what the record contains and the data types of each field. Several "types" are known, as follows:
JUNK Typically a reserved field and is not formatted. (Don't include VALUE`LABEL or VAR`LABEL entries for this type).
INTEGER Numeric data. It may be displayed in any of the popular bases (2,8,10,16). Currently a maximum of 64 bits is allowed.
ASCII ASCII<\esc> data. The full specified bit count will be displayed.
STRING A PASCAL string. [Length information in the front]. Only the valid characters in the string will be printed.
For the present, assume PASCAL/MODCAL strings are of the following format:
  [current length]     [ASCII data]       [String trailer] 
          |                    |                 |
  String Overhead        String Data       String Overhead 
The current length field requires 32 bits. String trailer requires 32 bits.
ARRAY An array of data. The specified number of bits (rounded up to the nearest byte count) will be displayed in HEX AND ASCII (if the character is valid) - something like the following:
 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX  ..hello.. 
 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX  ..w....4. 
MPEXLSTAT Specifies this field to be interpreted as an MPE/iX Operating System status. LOGTOOL will display a text message from the system message catalog corresponding to the value obtained. If a message cannot be found in the catalog, the value will be displayed in the report. This type requires that the <#bits> parameter given is 32.
LLIOSTAT Specifies this field is to be interpreted as an MPE/iX Low Level I/O status. LOGTOOL will display a text message from the system message catalog corresponding to the value obtained. If a message cannot be found in the catalog, the value will be displayed in the report. This type requires that the <#bits> parameter given is 32.
TIME Specifies this field is to be interpreted as a timestamp produced from the CLOCK intrinsic. The time obtained will be obtained in a native Language format. This type requires that the <#bits> parameter given is 32.
DATE Specifies this field is to be interpreted as a datestamp produced from the CALENDAR intrinsic. The date will be displayed in a native Language format. This type requires that the <#bits> parameter given is 16.
HARDSTAT This specifies that this field is to be interpreted as device hardware status. The hardware status bytes found in this field will be translated into text form. This type can only be successfully used for the I/O ERROR (111) record type. Use of this type for any other record id will produce unpredictable results.
DIAGSTACK This specifies that this field is to be interpreted as a diagnostic error stack. The diagnostic error stack found in this field will be translated into text form. This type can only be successfully used for the DIAGNOSTICS (150) record type. Use of this type for any other record id will produce unpredictable results.
     FIELD`FORMAT    <field list> 

     <field list>    ::= <repeat factor> (<field def>) | 
                            <repeat factor> (<field def>) <field list> 
     <repeat factor> ::= an integer | <nil> 
     <field def>     ::= <#bits>, JUNK | 
                         <#bits>, STRING | 
                         <#bits>, ARRAY | 
                         <#bits>, ASCII | 
                         <#bits>, LLIOSTAT | 
                         <#bits>, MPEXLSTAT | 
                         <#bits>, TIME | 
                         <#bits>, DATE | 
                         <#bits>, INTEGER, <base> | 
                         <#bits>, INTEGER, <base>, TAG, <#bits> 
     <#bits>         ::= 0 .. 16256 
     <base>          ::= 2 | 8 | 10 | 16 
  • The total # of bits must match the record length specification.
  • The number of fields must match the N`FIELDS specifications.
  • ARRAY, ASCII, & STRING data must start on byte boundaries.
  • ARRAY, ASCII, & STRING data must be multiples of 8 bits in length.
  • ARRAY, ASCII, & STRING data can have a maximum of 132 bytes.
  • ARRAY data will always print out in whole bytes.
  • Integer data is at most 64 bits long.
  • The length given for string data should include the overhead bytes value.
        FIELD`FORMAT    2(32,INTEGER,16) (160,ASCII)(3,INT,8)(13,JUNK) 
                        (64,STRING) (64,ARRAY) (12,INTEGER,10,TAG,20) 

            - TWO (2) 32 bit integer fields printed in HEX 
            - 160 bits (32 chars) of printed in ascii. 
            - A 3 bit integer printed in octal 
            - 13 bits of junk which it not printed 
            - A 64 bit (8 char max) string - only valid chars printed. 
            - A 64 bit (8 bytes) array printed as HEX/ASCII 
            - A 12 bit integer tag field printed in decimal 
              20 additional bits [identified by the tag] follow. 
              A TAG`ID must be used to describe the data. 


This command provides the ability to give each field a label. The string provided will be what is used to label the field when LOGTOOL decodes the log record. If the label is longer than the maximum number of allowable characters, the user is warned that the label is truncated. Error checking is performed to prevent duplicate labels within the current record. If a field is not given a VAR`LABEL, a null string will be used.

     VAR`LABELS      <label def> 

     <label def>     ::= <label index> "<label>" <label def> | 
                         <label index> "<label>" |  <nil> 
     <label index>   ::= [ <field#> ] 
     <label>         ::= ASCII<\esc> text (up to 20 chars) 
     <field#>        ::= an integer 
  • Single or double quotes may be used to bracket the label.
  • The maximum # of characters is 20.
        VAR`LABELS      [ 1 ]     "Name for field 1 : " 
                        [ 2 ]     "field 2 name : " 
                        [ 4 ]     "field 3 is unlabeled" 


This command allows the binding of values in a field with ASCII descriptions of those values. Error checking is performed to ensure that only numeric (INTEGER) data has VALUE`LABELS. The value is not limited to a single value, but a range of values may be specified for a particular label. All ranges must be unique and may not overlap with any other value or range.

     VALUE`LABELS  <label def> 

         <label def>     ::= <label index> (<label list>) <label def> | <nil> 
         <label index>   ::= [ <field#> ] 
         <label list>    ::= <value range>, "<label>" | 
                             <value range>, "<label>" ; <label list> | <nil> 
         <value range>   ::= <value> | <value>/<value> 
         <value>         ::= an integer 
         <label>         ::= ASCII<\esc> text (up to 20 chars) 
         <field#>        ::= an integer 
  • Single or double quotes may be used to bracket the label.
  • The maximum number of characters is 20.
  • If a value label is given and data in the log file does not match one of the indicated values, it will simply be printed as numeric data as indicated in the FIELD`FORMAT command.
     VALUE`LABELS    [ 2 ] (1, "one"; 2, "two"; 3, "three") 
                     [ 3 ] (-1, "Unlimited"; 1/14 "Half power") 
                     [ 8 ] (-32768/-1, "Negative"; 
                           0/32767, "Positive") 


This command must be provided for a TAG`ID definition. This command indicates which field of the RECORD`ID or TAG`ID the current TAG`ID definition is to be used. The RECORD`ID definition must contain a field declared as a tag. For example, a RECORD`ID must have a field similar to the following:
     FIELD`FORMAT    (8,INT,10,TAG,64) 
In this example, we have an 8-bit tag field (to be printed in decimal) followed by 64 bits of variant data. The VARIANT command will identify the RECORD`ID that the current TAG`ID is to be used with by a field number and value range. The VARIANT command will identify the TAG`ID containing a tag data type by a list of field number and value range pairs, which will specify the path to the current TAG`ID.

Error checking is performed to ensure that only TAG data types have variants. The value associated with a tag is not limited to a single value, but a range of values may be specified for a tag. All ranges must be unique and may not overlap with any other value or range.

     VARIANT   <variant def> 

    <variant def>   ::= <label index> ( <variant list> ) <variant def> | <nil> 
    <label index>   ::= [ <field#> ] 
    <variant list>  ::= <value range> 
    <value range>   ::= <value> | <value>/<value> 
    <value>         ::= an integer 
    <field#>        ::= an integer 
     VARIANT         [ 1 ] (1/100) 
                     [ 3 ] (-5 )    {This example is for a TAG`ID which 
                                     has a variant field} 

Tag Usage Example

The system log file is expected to contain data structures as defined in PASCAL. In order to handle Pascal case variant records, the notion of TAGs has been provided. In the following example, a record definition file will be written for the PASCAL record "MY_RECORD."
        some_other_type = integer;       { 32 bits } 

        yet_another_type = RECORD 
           count : integer;              { 32 bits } 
           name  : string[4];            { (4 " 8 bits) + 64 bit overhead } 
           CASE stuff : integer OF       { 32 bits } 
              0 : ( f1 : integer );      { 32 bits } 
              1 : ( f2 : bit8 );         { 8 bits } 
        END;                             { SIZEOF = 192 bits } 

     YET_ANOTHER_TYPE                   MAX RECORD SIZE = x18 BYTES 
        COUNT                              x0.0 @ 4.0 
        NAME                               x4.0 @ C.0 <- Note compiler added 
                                                        32 bits for string 
                                                        header and 32 bits 
                                                        for string trailer. 
     STUFF                             x10.0 @ 4.0 
        F1                              x14.0 @ 4.0 
        F2                              x14.0 @ 1.0 

        my_record = RECORD 
           field1 : integer;                          { 32 bits } 
           CASE select : boolean OF                   { 8 bits + 12 bits pad} 
              true  : (true_case : some_other_type);  { 32 bits } 
              false : (false_case : yet_another_type);{ 192 bits (max) } 
        END;                                          { SIZEOF = 256 bits } 

     MY_RECORD                          MAX RECORD SIZE = x20 BYTES 
        FIELD1                             x0.0 @ 4.0 
        SELECT                             x4.0 @ 1.0  <- Note: compiler padded 
                                                          to next word. 
        TRUE_CASE                        x8.0 @ 4.0 
        FALSE_CASE                       x8.0 @ 18.0 
The following would define the above structures:
   COMMENT             This defines MY_RECORD " 

   RECORD`ID           1 
   RECORD`LENGTH       256 
   RECORD`LABEL        "MY_REC" 
   N`FIELDS            2 

   FIELD`FORMAT        {field1} (32,INT,10) 
                       {select} (8,INT,10,TAG,216) 

   VAR`LABELS          [ 1 ] "field 1 :" 
                       [ 2 ] "select code : " 

   VALUE`LABELS        [ 2 ] (0,"False";  1, "True" ) 

   COMMENT             " This defines the case variant "TRUE" 
                         (SOME_OTHER_TYPE) from the above record 

   TAG`ID              1     {This tag is to be used with RECORD`ID 1} 
   RECORD`LENGTH       216   {Must match length given in FIELD`FORMAT} 
   VARIANT             [ 2 ] (1) 
   N`FIELDS            3 

   FIELD`FORMAT        {compiler filler} (24,junk) 
                       {some_other_type} (32,INT,10) 
                       (160, junk)       {Total # bits must match RECORD`LENGTH} 
   VAR`LABELS          [ 1 ] "True Case" 

   COMMENT             " This defines the case variant "FALSE" 
                         (YET_ANOTHER_TYPE) from  the above record  " 

   TAG`ID              1     {This tag is to be used with RECORD`ID 1} 
   RECORD`LENGTH       216   {Must match length given in FIELD`FORMAT} 
   VARIANT             [ 2 ] (0)   {Use this TAG`ID for RECORD`ID 1, when} 
                                   {the second field has a value of zero} 
   N`FIELDS            4 

   FIELD`FORMAT        (24,junk) (32,INT,10) (96,STRING) (32,INT,16,TAG,32) 
   VAR`LABELS          [ 1 ] "Count :" 
                       [ 2 ] "Name : " 
                       [ 3 ] "Stuff tag : " 

   COMMENT             " This defines the case variant "0" of 
                         (YET_ANOTHER_TYPE) from  the above record  " 

   TAG`ID              1            {This tag is to be used with RECORD`ID 1} 
   RECORD`LENGTH       32           {Must match length given in FIELD`FORMAT} 

   VARIANT             [ 2 ] (0) 
                       [ 4 ] (0)     {Use this TAG`ID when field 3 of} 
                                     {previous TAG`ID has a value of zero} 
   N`FIELDS            1 

   FIELD`FORMAT        (32,INT,10) 
   VAR`LABELS          [ 1 ] "F1:" 

   COMMENT             " This defines the case variant "1" of 
                         (YET_ANOTHER_TYPE) from  the above record  " 

   TAG`ID              1             {This tag is to be used with RECORD`ID 1} 
   RECORD`LENGTH       32            {Must match length given in FIELD`FORMAT} 
   VARIANT             [ 2 ] (0) 
                       [ 4 ] (1)      {Use this TAG`ID when field 3 of} 
                                      {previous TAG`ID has a value of zero} 
   N`FIELDS            2 

   FIELD`FORMAT        (8,INT,10) (24,junk) 
   VAR`LABELS          [ 1 ] "F2:" 
As in the above example, TAG`IDs may be nested. Variants without tags are not supported. Consider the following:
        some_record = RECORD 
           case integer of 
              0 : (f1 : type1); 
              1 : (f2 : type2); 
              2 : (f3 : type3); 
LOGTOOL does not know which of the variants to print, since it has no idea which variant the data matches.

RECORD`ID Installation Example

This section describes in detail the process required for LOGTOOL to decode a log entry. Normally, when LOGTOOL is instructed to display the contents of a system log file, it searches through the LOGTOOL data structures for a RECORD`ID definition. If a RECORD`ID definition cannot be found, the log entry is displayed based on the definition located.

For the following example, the log entry will be that of the MPE/iX low-level I/O (LLIO) system which consists of many software modules called "I/O managers." This log entry has the unique attribute that the record definition is written in parts. The log entry itself is written in two parts. A main header which displays information common to all "I/O managers" and a LLIO software dependent portion, which contains information specific to one software module.

The PASCAL declaration for the log entry header information is as follows:
 io_fixed_rec_type = record 
    product_name    : dac_prodnum_type;  { Name: i.e. "HP7933" } 
    pdev            : pdev_str;          { Physical path i.e. "1.1.3" } 
    ldev            : ldev_str;          { Logical device name } 
    dev_class_code  : shortint;          {`ID for DISC, TAPE, etc } 
    diag_msg_class  : bit8;              { Indicates HW/SW/OTHER I/O err } 
    llio_stat       : integer;           { HPE status } 

    log_all_retries : boolean;           { TRUE if retries not summarized } 
    retry_again     : boolean;           { TRUE if log_all_entries&will retry } 
    io_worked       : boolean;           { Did I/O finally work ? } 
    run_autodiag    : boolean;           { Were Auto diagnostics run? } 
    retry_count     : shortint;          { N'th retry OR Total retries } 
    mgr_port_num    : integer;           { port number of manager } 
    tran_num        : integer;           { transaction number } 
    hdwr_len        : shortint;          { # of valid bytes in the HDWR_STAT} 
    hdwr_stat       : hdwr_stat_type;    { Hardware status bytes } 
 end;   {io_fixed_rec_type} 

 io_event_array = packed array [ 1..max_buff_bytes ] of char; 

 io_var_rec_type = record 
    data_len    : shortint;              { # of valid bytes in DATA } 
    mgr_code    : shortint;              { Uniquely IDs the mgr } 
    case boolean of                     
       true  : (data : packed array [1..max_event_count] of io_event_array); 
       false : (buff : packed array [1..io_var_len-4] of char); 
 end;    {io_var_rec_type} 
The previous record structure is used when logging information to the system log file. This record must be translated into a LOGTOOL record definition file which will be processed by LOGTOOL and incorporated into its data base. The following is a listing of a file named LAYLLIO, which contains the record definition for the above PASCAL record.
RECORD`ID       111 
N`FIELDS        25 
FIELD`FORMAT    {1 product_name}      (320,string) 
                {2 pdev}              (320,string) 
                {3 ldev}              (320,string) 
                {4 dev_class_code}    (16,int,10) 
                {5 diag_msg_class}    (8,int,10) (8,junk) 
                {7 llio_stat}         (0,int, 10 ) (32,lliostat) 
                {9 log_all_retries}   (7,junk) (1,int,10)
                {11 retry_again}      (7,junk) (1,int,10) 
                {13 io_worked}        (7,junk) (1,int,10) 
                {15 run_autodiag}     (7,junk) (1,int,10) 
                {17 retry_count}      (16,int,10) 
                {18 mgr_port_num }    (16,junk) (32,int,16) 
                {20 tran_num}         (32,int,16) 
                {21 hdwr_len}         (16,int,10) 
                {22 reserved}         (16,junk)
                {23 hdwr }            (320,hardstat)
                {24 datalen}          (16,int,10) 
                {25 mgrcode}          (16,int,10,tag,14688) 
                {---IO_VAR portion } 

                [ 2 ] "PDEV:" 
                [ 3 ] "LDEV:" 
                [ 4 ] "DEVICE CLASS:" 
                [ 5 ] "I/O EVENT CLASS:" 
                [ 8 ] "LLIO STATUS:"
                [ 10 ] "RETRY SCHEME:" 
                [ 12 ] "WILL RETRY:" 
                [ 14 ] "I/O RESULT:" 
                [ 16 ] "RUN AUTODIAG:" 
                [ 17 ] "RETRY COUNT:" 
                [ 19 ] "MGR PORT NUM.:" 
                [ 20 ] "TRANS. NUM. :" 
                [ 21 ] "# HDWR BYTES:" 
                [ 23 ] "HARDWARE STATUS:"
                [ 24 ] "DATA LEN:" 
                [ 25 ] "MGR CODE:" 

                [ 5 ] (0,"Hardware";        1,"Software";     2,"Other") 
                [ 4 ] (0,"Hard Disc";       1,"Mag Tape";     2,"Terminal"; 
                       4,"Plotter";         7,"Bus Converter" 13,"Crd Rdr";
                      16,"DTC";            19,"Term. Mux.";   21,"Printer";
                      22,"CA";             23,"DA")
                [ 10 ] (1,"Log Each Retry";  0,"Summarized Retries") 
                [ 12 ] (1,"YES"; 0,"NO" ) 
                [ 14 ] (1,"I/O Successful";  0,"I/O Failed") 
                [ 16 ] (1,"YES"; 0,"NO" ) 
Now that the record definition file for the header is complete, it can be installed using LOGTOOL. The user must enter the Diagnostic User Interface (DUI) to access LOGTOOL. The following LOGTOOL session will perform this task:

     *****                                                  ***** 
     *****                       LOGTOOL                    ***** 
     *****                                                  ***** 
     *****          (C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co. 1987  ***** 
     *****                 All Rights Reserved.             ***** 
     *****                   Version A.00.00                ***** 
     *****                                                  ***** 

     Welcome, Today is MON, August 10, 1987 at 12:30 PM 

LOGTOOL>list log=23;type=111  {Display the log entry 
                                without a record definition} 

                             SYSTEM ERROR LOG REPORT 

 Report Date/Time:  TUE, JAN  1, 1987 -  2:25 AM 

TUE, JAN  1, 1987    2:22 AM       LOG0023.PUB.SYS              SYSTEM (PIN 27) 
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12 
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  == 
  1:  00  00  00  07  48  50  49  42  44  41  4D  00   . . . . H P I B D A M . 
 13:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 25:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 37:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  03  38  2E  32  00   . . . . . . . . 8 . 2 . 
 49:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 61:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 73:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 85:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 97:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
109:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
121:  00  06  00  00  5A  00  00  74  00  00  00  00   . . . . Z . . t . . . . 
133:  00  00  00  00  FF  FF  FF  AE  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
145:  00  01  00  00  01  02  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
157:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
169:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   . . . . . . . . . . . . 
181:  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  18  00  74   . . . . . . . . . . . t 
193:  02  00  00  00  00  00  00  0C  00  45  45  45   . . . . . . . . . E E E 
205:  00  00  00  0C  00  67  46  94  00  00  00  09   . . . . . g F . . . . . 

      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12 
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  == 
  1:  FF                                               . 

======  ====================  ========== 
   111                               1 
======  ====================  ========== 

LOGTOOL>layout file=layllio; append     {Update data base file} 
   Processing ID 111 ... 

End processing of layout file LAYLLIO.DIAG.SYS 
0 Errors encountered 
1 out of 1 record ID's were accepted. 
0 out of 0 tag ID's were accepted. 

Number of messages in LAYMSG = 287 
Header records in LAYOUTF = 25 
Total record in LAYOUTF = 799 

LOGTOOL> list log=23; type=111   {Display log entry with header} 

                             SYSTEM ERROR LOG REPORT

 Report Date/Time:  TUE, JAN  1, 1987 -  2:26 AM

TUE, JAN  1, 1987    2:22 AM       LOG0023.PUB.SYS              SYSTEM (PIN 27)
PRODUCT NAME:       HPIBDAM             PDEV:               8.2
LDEV:                                   DEVICE CLASS:       6
I/O EVENT CLASS:    Hardware            LLIO STATUS:        $5A000074

MPE/XL I/O Status: Proc. Num. = 0, Error Num. = 90, Subsystem = 116

RETRY SCHEME:       Summarized Retries WILL RETRY:         NO
I/O RESULT:         I/O Failed         RUN AUTODIAG:       NO
RETRY COUNT:        0                  MGR PORT NUM.:      -82
TRANS. NUM. :       0                  # HDWR BYTES:       1
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  FF                                               .

DATA LEN:           24                 MGR CODE:           116
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  02  00  00  00  00  00  00  0C  00  45  45  45   . . . . . . . . . E E E
 13:  00  00  00  0C  00  67  46  94  00  00  00  09   . . . . . g F . . . . .

======  ====================  ==========
   111             I/O ERROR         1
======  ====================  ==========

Because the record definition file only contains declarations for the header, the "I/O manager" dependent portion of the log entry is displayed as a hex dump. The "I/O manager" dependent portion of the record definition will be given in the format of TAG`ID declarations. As an example, the following PASCAL record defines an "I/O manager" dependent portion of the log entry:
     dam_log_info_type = PACKED RECORD 
        hw_status      : bit8; 
        dam_mgr_ptr    : srv_ptr_type; 
        dam_msg_ptr    : msg_ptr_type; 
        dam_uid_num    : integer; 

   DAM_LOG_INFO_TYPE                    MAX_RECORD_SIZE = x18 BYTES 
     HW_TSTATUS                           x0.0 @ 1.0 
     DAM_MGR_PTR                          x4.0 @ 8.0 
     DAM_MSG_PTR                          xC.0 @ 8.0 
     DAM_UID_NUM                         x14.0 @ 4.0 

The TAG`ID definition for the above declaration is the following, which will be stored in the file LAYPORT:
TAG`ID 111                       {HP-IB device adapter manager} 
VARIANT  [25] (116) 
FIELD`FORMAT  (8,int,16)         {Hardware status} 
              (24,junk)          {Compiler filler} 
              (32,int,16)        {Port data area address} 
              (32,int,16)        {Message pointer} 
              (32,int,10)        {UID} 

          [ 3 ] "PDA SPACE`ID:" 
          [ 4 ] "PDA OFFSET:" 
          [ 5 ] "MSG SPACE`ID:" 
          [ 6 ] "MSG OFFSET:" 
          [ 7 ] "UID:" 
Now, the TAG`ID can be installed through LOGTOOL:

     *****                                                  ***** 
     *****                     LOGTOOL                      ***** 
     *****                                                  ***** 
     *****         (C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co.        ***** 
     *****                All Rights Reserved.              ***** 
     *****                  Version A.00.00                 ***** 
     *****                                                  ***** 

     Welcome, Today is MON, August 10, 1987 at 12:30 PM 

LOGTOOL>layout file=layport;append
     Processing TAG`ID 111 ... 

End processing of layout file LAYPORT.DIAG.SYS 

0 Errors encountered 
0 out of 0 record`IDs were accepted. 
1 out of 1 tag`IDs were accepted. 

Number of messages in LAYMSG = 292 
Header records in LAYOUTF=26 
Total records in LAYOUTF = 819 

LOGTOOL>list log=14;type=111    {Display log entry} 

                             SYSTEM ERROR LOG REPORT

 Report Date/Time:  TUE, JAN  1, 1987 -  2:27 AM

TUE, JAN  1, 1987    2:22 AM       LOG0023.PUB.SYS              SYSTEM (PIN 27)
PRODUCT NAME:       HPIBDAM             PDEV:               8.2
LDEV:                                   DEVICE CLASS:       6
I/O EVENT CLASS:    Hardware            LLIO STATUS:        $5A000074

MPE/XL I/O Status: Proc. Num. = 0, Error Num. = 90, Subsystem = 116

RETRY SCHEME:       Summarized Retries WILL RETRY:         NO
I/O RESULT:         I/O Failed         RUN AUTODIAG:       NO
RETRY COUNT:        0                  MGR PORT NUM.:      -82
TRANS. NUM. :       0                  # HDWR BYTES:       1
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  FF                                               .

DATA LEN:           24                 MGR CODE:           116
HDWR STATUS:        $2                 PDA SPACE ID:       $C
PDA OFFSET:         $454545            MSG SPACE ID:       $C
MSG OFFSET:         $674694            UID:                9

======  ====================  ==========
   111             I/O ERROR         1
======  ====================  ==========


LOGTOOL is not able to display all the information for the log entry. Since the append option was used in the LAYOUT command, all subsequent users have access to the definition given. To shorten this process, the LAYLLIO and LAYPORT record definition files can be merged together. Then LOGTOOL will process the RECORD`ID, followed by the TAG`ID.
Summary Records All the files
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Last updated: Thu Oct 26 15:44:47 PDT 2000