Support Tools (logo)

Standalone Logtool for MPE/iX: Commands

Command Summary

Commands are inputs executed immediately after they are received. There are three categories of input commands available to the user:
  • System Log File Commands (SFL)
  • Memory Log File Commands (MLF)
  • Miscellaneous Commands (MC)
The following is a list and brief description of commands available in LOGTOOL.

ALTFIELD (SFL) Specifies which fields of a log record should be displayed in a report generated by LIST.
DISPLAYLOG (SFL) Displays I/O entries as information is logged.
EXIT (MC) Exits LOGTOOL and returns user to the MPE/iX user interface.
HELP (MC) Gives help on running LOGTOOL.
LAYOUT (SLF) Reads in a layout file.
LIST (SLF) Lists contents of a system log file.
MEMCLR (MLF) Clears the memory logging process log files.
MEMRPT (MLF) Displays the contents of the memory log file.
MEMTIMER (MLF) Alters the timer value of the memory error logging process.
PURGESYSLOG (SLF) Deletes the specified system log files from the disc.
PURGEWORK (SLF) Deletes the specified work files from the disc.
REDO (MC) Edits any of the last four lines of text entered.
SELECT (SLF) Selects specified records from the system log files.
STATUS (SLF) Reports on the status of all system log files.
SUMMARIZE (SLF) Allows user to generate summary report based on contents of system log files.
SUSPEND (MC) Suspends LOGTOOL and returns control to the MPE/iX user interface.
SWITCHLOG (SLF) Causes the system to start a new system log file.
TYPES (SLF) Describes the system log file "types."

Definitions and Conventions

All keywords, commands and options may be abbreviated to the shortest number of characters that make the reserved word unique. Delimiters for keywords and options include spaces and/or semicolons. The delimiter for items in a list is a comma.

The user may be prompted from time to time for certain data. If one of several specific responses is required (a YES or NO question, for example), the valid responses will be indicated in parentheses. In all instances, a default response is indicated in square brackets. This response may be selected simply by pressing Return. For example, a user who is deleting a system log file might be asked the question:
     Purge (Y/N) [N] ? 
Valid responses include Y and N. Simply pressing the Return key selects the default response, N. If the text of a command is too long to fit on one line, the user may use continuation lines to complete entry of the command. To accomplish this task, the user simply places an ampersand (&) character as the last character of the line. LOGTOOL will then prompt the user for the rest of the input. A command may consist of numerous continuation lines provided that the total length of the text entered does not exceed 255 characters. For example:
     LOGTOOL>select log=100/400, 234/599 ;type= 101, 105, 109 &
The LOGTOOL prompt appears slightly different to indicate that a continuation line is expected.

Command lines may include comments if desired. The beginning of a comment is indicated by the "{" character. A "}" or Return terminates the comment (i.e., For Return everything after the "{" is ignored). The continuation character "&" within a comment is ignored. For example:
   LOGTOOL>status  { This is a comment } 
   LOGTOOL>select log=1,2  { This is line 1's comment } & 
   LOGTOOL>ldev=4    { Note the "&" above was recognized! } 
Typing a user interrupt while LOGTOOL is performing a lengthy task (i.e., producing a report or selecting out a subset of error log records) will cause that task to be interrupted. The user may be asked in some cases to choose either to abort or to continue the current task. If the user decides to terminate the task and there was output being directed to a disk file (a report, for example), that file will be closed and preserved as is. Any appropriate cleanup is performed and the user will be returned to the LOGTOOL> prompt.

The following notation appears throughout the remainder of this document. This notation is also used when performing the HELP HELP command.

Notations Table
[ ] An element inside brackets is optional.
<>Items within angle brackets will be replaced with user-supplied information. Do NOT type the angle brackets.
{} Items within curly brackets are required. (Usually you must choose one of several options).
... A horizontal ellipsis indicates that the previous element may be repeated, or that elements have been omitted.
| A vertical bar means "or." For example, (YES | NO) means (YES or NO).
:: Means "is defined as."


The following list of parameters will be used to define the functions and options of the LOGTOOL package. The Command Descriptions section of this document makes constant reference to the terms defined here.

log list Specifies a list of log file ranges. All system log files are named "LOGxxxx" where "xxxx" is a 4-digit number.
<log_list> ::= <log_range> | <log_range> , <log_list>
<log_range> ::= <log#> | <log#> / <log#>
<log#> ::= (Any 4 digit integer)
Example: LOG=1/5, 253/1004

file list Specifies a list of file names used as input or output to LOGTOOL. LP can be specified if output is to be directed to the system printer. All input and output files are assumed to be located in the diagnostic directory (DIAG.SYS for MPE/iX)
<file_list> ::= <file_name> | <file_name> , <file_list>
<file_name> ::= Alpha-numeric text (starting with an alpha) |
Example: FILE=file1,file8,junk,work

type list The system error logs contain several different "types" of log records. These record types may be referred to by a type number. (The LOGTOOL command TYPES gives the user a list of the types known to LOGTOOL.)
<type list> ::= <type number range> | <type number range> , <type list>
<type number range> ::= <type number> | <type number>/
<type number>
<type number> ::= integer value
Example: TYPE=101, 104, 106

ldev list A list of logical names for devices.
<ldev_list> ::= <ldev> | <ldev> , <ldev_list>
<ldev> ::= (Any positive integer) (For MPE/iX)
LDEV=1,2,5,10 {For MPE/iX}

pdev list A list of physical devices. Please note that bus converters are applicable to some HPPA systems only.
<pdev_list> ::= <pdev> | <pdev> , <pdev_list>
<pdev> ::= <BUSCONV>/<CA>.<DA>.<device> |
<BUSCONV>/<CA>.<DA>.<device> |
<CA>.<DA>.<device> |
<CA>.<DA>.<device> |
<CA>.<DA> |
<BUSNUM> ::= An integer giving the bus converter address.
<CA> ::= An integer giving the channel address
<DA> ::= An integer giving the DA address
<device> ::= An integer giving the device address
Example: PDEV=1.1, 1.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.1, 3.2.1

Field label keywords Field label keywords allow the user to select log records based on the data present in the log record. Quotes are only required for field labels and data items which contain embedded blanks or LOGTOOL reserved words used as part of the command syntax. If a quote is needed as part of the field label, entering a quote twice ("") will be interpreted as a single quote as part of the field label. For fields which are always displayed as hex arrays or can be displayed as hex arrays by using the HEXDUMP option, the index construct will allow users to select log records by individual array elements. To use the index construct, the field label must be followed by the array element index number enclosed in square brackets. Please note that all arrays start with an element index of 1. The selection criteria specified by a field label keyword will only be met if the data item and the data found in the log record match exactly. All field labels and text data items will be upshifted before the evaluation is performed.
<field label> ::= text | "text" | text[<index>] | "text"[<index>]
<index> ::= integer value starting at 1
<data list> ::= <data item> | <data item> , <data list>
<data item> ::= integer value | text | "text"
"Hardware status"[1]=4

DATE & TIME Date and time formats are language dependent. Machines which support language localization may support numerous date and time formats at one time. The format expected will correspond to the language custom the program is run in.
Standard USA formats are:
<date> ::= <month#> / <day#> / <year>
<day#> ::= 1 .. 31
<month#> ::= 1 .. 12
<year> ::= 1800 .. 2000
<time> ::= <hours> : <minutes> AM | PM
<hours> ::= 0 .. 12
<minutes> ::= 0 .. 59

integer Any integer value. Any time an integer is expected, that value can be entered in any of 4 bases by preceding the value with one of the base indication characters. If no base character is present, decimal is assumed.
$ = Hex
% = Octal
B = Binary
%12 is 10 base ten.
B1001 is 9 base ten.
$1A is 26 base ten.

Command Descriptions

This section explains the standard set of LOGTOOL commands available to the user. (An additional set of commands used in connection with Record Definition Files is explained in the section in this document named Record Definition Files )

Each description contains the command explanation, syntax definition, parameter definition and an example.


The DISPLAYLOG command displays I/O and diagnostic log entries as they are logged into the host system log file. The user can terminate this command by hitting a user interrupt. This command accepts a parameter which is a list of either LDEV or PDEV numbers of an I/O device(s). If this parameter is given, only the I/O and diagnostic log entries for those devices will be displayed. Otherwise, all I/O and diagnostic log entries will be displayed.


     DISPLAYLOG [;LDEV=<LDEV_list>] 
LDEV= <DEV_list>  -  This is a list of logical names for I/O devices 
                     for which the user would like to see log entries 

                     Example:  LDEV=1,2,5,10       {For MPE/iX}

PDEV= <PDEV_list> -  This is a list of PDEV numbers for I/O devices 
                     for which the user would like to see log entries 

                     Example: PDEV=1.1, 1.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.1, 
Command Example:

PRODUCT NAME:       HP7935H            PDEV:               8.0.1 
LDEV:               2                  DEVICE CLASS:       Hard Disc 
I/O EVENT CLASS:    Software           LLIO STATUS:        $DFD700C6

MPE/XL I/O Status: Proc. Num. = -41,  Error Num. = -33,  Subsystem = 198

RETRY SCHEME:       Summarized Retries WILL RETRY:         NO
I/O RESULT:         I/O Failed         RUN AUTODIAG:       NO
RETRY COUNT:        5                  MGR PORT NUM.:      -82
TRANS. NUM. :       1279               # HDWR BYTES:       20                 

   Status = 
   Unit = 0   Volume = 0 
   No units with status pending 
   >>>>>>>>>> Access Errors <<<<<<<<<< 
   Drive is not ready for access 
   New target address is : 
      Vector address = 
         Cylinder = 0   Head = 0   Sector = 0 
      Block address = 0 

DATA LEN:           52                  MGR CODE:           121
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  40  01  00  0A  20  10  00  00  00  00  00  08  @ . . .   . . . . . . .
 13:  34  34  34  18  00  00  00  00  02  00  00  00  4 4 4 . . . . . . . . .
MSG DESCRIPTOR:     4                   MESSAGE ID:         -1000
TRANSACTION NUM.:   1277                PORT NUMBER:        -82
COMMAND RESIDUE:    0                   DATA RESIDUE:       -1

<hit user interrupt>


The EXIT command causes LOGTOOL to terminate returning control to the MPE/iX user interface.

Syntax: EXIT


     LOGTOOL Exiting .... 


Help for any of the LOGTOOL commands may be obtained by using the HELP command. Using the SYNTAX option prints only the syntax of the command. Typing HELP all by itself produces a general description and a list of commands. The symbols used in the HELP syntax output are defined in the Notations table.


     HELP [<command name> [;SYNTAX]] 
Optional Parameters:
<command_name> - Any valid LOGTOOL command for which help is desired.
SYNTAX - This option causes only the syntax of the indicated to be printed.

         The System and Memory Log Analysis Tool (LOGTOOL) enables the 
   user to perform numerous functions on the various system log files. 
   These functions include deleting/clearing of log files and displaying 
   the contents of log files.  LOGTOOL will allow the user to manipulate 
   two types of log files. 

   o  System log files:  Contains information logged by the host 
      operating system. 

   o  The Memory log file:  contains information concering memory 
      errors obtained from memory controller hardware. 

   LOGTOOL is available in multi-user mode, but the user will 
   be required to execute at diagnostic security 1 to 
   perform some functions. 
   LOGTOOL command summary: 

   Command Name      Description 
   ================= ================================================= 
   SUSPEND           Return control to MPE/iX - Suspend LOGTOOL 
   EXIT              Exit LOGTOOL - return to MPE/iX
   REDO              Edit the last line of text entered 
   HELP              Gives help on running LOGTOOL
   LIST              List contents of a system error log 
   DISPLAYLOG        Display I/O entries as information is logged 
   PURGESYSLOG       Delete from disc the specified system error logs 
   PURGEWORK         Delete from disc the specified "work" files 
   LAYOUT            Read in layout file 
   ALTFIELD          Specify which fields are to be displayed in report
   SELECT            Select specified records from system log files 
   STATUS            Report on status of all system log files 
   SUMMARIZE         Summarize contents of a system log file.
   SWITCHLOG         Cause the system to start a new system log file 
   MEMCLR            Clears MEMLOGP log file. 
   MEMTIMER          Alter timer value of MEMLOGP process. 
   MEMRPT            Display contents of Memory Log File. 
   TYPES             Describes System Log File "types" 
   ================= ================================================= 

   Any command, keyword, or option may be entered by specifying the 
   shortest number of characters which makes the name unambiguous. 

   Keywords and options may be separated by spaces and/or semicolons. 



The ALTFIELD command allows the user to identify which fields of a log record are to be displayed in a report generated by the LIST command. LOGTOOL will assume that all fields of all record types are to be displayed unless this command is used to indicate otherwise. Disabling or enabling the display of a field will only effect the fields given in the field label list. All other fields within the record types given by the TYPE parameter will remain unchanged. If the ALL reserved word is used with either the DISABLE or ENABLE keywords, all the fields in the record types given by the TYPE parameter will be changed to the appropriate setting. If the format of a record type is redefined by using the LAYOUT command, all fields for that record type will be re-enabled.


   ALTFIELD TYPE=<type list>
            ;DISABLE = <field label list> | ENABLE = <field label list>
   TYPE=<type list>    - The TYPE keyword is used to specify which log
                         record types (id's) the fields given in the
                         DISABLE or ENABLE parameter applies to.
                         Log record Id's range from 0 to 255. If this
                         TYPE is not used, all log record types will be

        <type list> ::= <type number range> | <type number range>,<type list>
        <type number range> ::= <type number> | <type number>/<type number>
        <type number> ::= integer value

        Ex: TYPE=101,104,106

   DISABLE = <field label list> - Specifies which fields are not to
                         be displayed in a report generated by the
                         LIST command.  Quotes are only required
                         for field labels which contain embedded

        <field label list> ::= <field label range> |
                 <field label range>,<field label list> | ALL
        <field label range ::= <field label> | <field label>/<field label>
        <field label> ::= text | "text"


   ENABLE = <field label list> - Specifies which fields are to
                         be displayed in a report generated by the
                         LIST command.  Quotes are only required
                         for field labels which contain embedded

        <field label list> ::= <field label range> |
                 <field label range>,<field label list> | ALL
        <field label range ::= <field label> | <field label>/<field label>
        <field label> ::= text | "text"


Command Example:
LOGTOOL> altfield type=111 disable="retry scheme"/"mgr code"


The LAYOUT command will allow the user to define the format of a particular log entry, which may be found in the system log file. This command requires special files containing the definition of some log file record entries defined in a special language. Please refer to the Record Definition File Formatting section for more detailed information.

Once the record definitions have been accepted, LOGTOOL will display the record entry as specified when performing a LIST command. If any syntax errors are detected by the LAYOUT command, the errors will be displayed to the user and the record definition will not be accepted. Upon completion of the record definition file processing, LAYOUT will display the number of errors detected, the number of record definition accepted and the number of tag definitions accepted. If the APPEND option is given, LOGTOOL will append the new record definitions to the record decoding files (LAYOUTF and LAYMSG). These decoding files are used as a data base of record definitions. The record definitions in the record decoding files will be used by all users when performing a LIST command. If the APPEND option is not given, the record definitions given will be used only by the current session of LOGTOOL and will be lost upon exiting LOGTOOL.

During the processing of a record definition file, if a record definition already exists, the user will be prompted to determine if the previous definition should be overwritten. If the answer YES is given, the previous definition will be destroyed. This prompting can be disabled by giving the NOVERIFY option and the overwrite case is assumed.

To execute this command, the user must possess at least diagnostic security 1. (It is assumed that the record definition files given are located in the diagnostic directory -- DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX.)


     LAYOUT FILES=<file_list> 
           [;VERIFY | ;NOVERIFY] 
Optional Parameters:
FILES  -  <file_list> The FILES keyword is used to specify the names 
           of the record definition files to be processed.  File is 
           assumed to reside in the diagnostic directory -- 
           DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX. 

          <file_list> ::=  <file_name> | <file_name> , <file_list> 

           Example:  FILE=laympexl, layio 

APPEND  -  If given, specifies that the record definitions given 
           are to be saved permanently in LOGTOOL's 
           record decoding file. 

VERIFY|NOVERIFY  -  Specifies if the user is to be asked to 
                    overwrite record definitions which already exist. 
      LOGTOOL>layout file=laytemp;noverify
         Processing ID 101 ... 
         Processing ID 102 ... 
         Processing ID 103 ... 

      End processing of layout file LAYTEMP.DIAG.SYS 

      0 Errors encountered 
      3 out of 3 record'IDs were accepted. 
      0 out of 0 tag'IDs were accepted. 



The LIST command allows the user to generate a report which will display the contents of the system log files. The user can use the LIST command to display all of the records contained in the system log files, or can specify which individual log records are to be displayed using various command options. The report from the LIST command may be sent to a file, line printer, or to the terminal (default).

In order for a log record to be included in the report, it must match all of the selection criteria specified. The user can define the selection criteria by using the TYPE keyword, DATE or TIME options, or field label keywords.

TYPE keyword The TYPE keyword can be used to indicate that only log records of the types specified are to be displayed. The LOGTOOL command TYPES can be used to obtain a list of the log record types available.

DATE or TIME options The DATE or TIME options can be used to indicate that only the log records generated between the date and time entered are to be displayed.

Field Label Keywords Field label keywords allow the user to select log records based on the data present in the log record. Whenever the LIST command displays a data item from a log record, a field label is shown before the data item to identify what the item represents. This field label is usually a text abbreviation. Field label keywords allow the user to use this text abbreviation as a selection keyword. For example, if the user wishes to see all log records with a field label of "LDEV" and a logged data value of 1, the parameter of "LDEV=1" can be entered as part of the LIST command.

NOTE: In the preceding example, if the record does not contain an "LDEV" field, the record will not be displayed.

If no selection criteria are given, all log records found will be included in the report. After all the selected log records have been displayed, this report will be terminated with a summary indicating the number of log records selected. Please note that if LOGTOOL cannot find a record definition for a log record type, the entire log record will be displayed in HEX.

To execute this command, the user must posses at least diagnostic security level 1.


   LIST LOG=<log list> | FILES=<file list>
        [;OUTFILE=<file name>]
        [;TYPE=<type list>]
        [;<field label>=<data list>]
  LOG=<log list>      - The LOG keyword specifies which log files to
                         base the report on.  Use the STATUS
                         command to obtain a list of the system log files
                         available on the host system.

  <log list> ::= <log number range> | <log number range> , <log list>
  <log number range> ::= <log number> | <log number>/<log number>
  <log number> ::= integer value

   Ex:  LOG=100/105, 150

  FILES=<file list> -   The FILES keyword is optionally used in place
                         of the LOG keyword. The file list must be a
                         list of "work" files (created by the SELECT
                         command).  Note: All "work" files are created
                         in the diagnostic directory (DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX).

  <file list> ::=  <file name> | <file name> , <file list>
  <file name> ::=  Alpha-numeric text (starting with an alpha)

   Ex:  FILE=file1,file8,junk,work

   OUTFILE=<file name> - The OUTFILE keyword lets the user direct the
                          report to a file or the line printer.
                          Note: All files created by using the OUTFILE
                          parameter will reside in the diagnostic directory 
                          (DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX).

   <file name> ::=  Alpha-numeric text (starting with an alpha)  |


        Ex: OUTFILE=listfile    or

            OUTFILE=lp          {Output to printer}

   TYPE=<type list>    - The TYPE keyword is used to specify which log
                         record types (id's) to select for the report.
                         Log record Id's range from 0 to 255. If this
                         TYPE is not used, all log record types will be

        <type list> ::= <type number range> | <type number range>,<type list>
        <type number range> ::= <type number> | <type number>/<type number>
        <type number> ::= integer value

        Ex: TYPE=101,104,106

   <field label>=<data list> - Field label keywords allow the user to
                               select log records based on the data present
                               in the log record.  Quotes are only required
                               for field labels and data items which contain
                               embedded blanks or reserved words used as
                               part of the LIST command syntax.  If a quote
                               is needed as part of the field label, entering
                               a quote twice ("") will be interpreted as a
                               single quote as part of the field label.  For fields 
                               which are always displayed as hex arrays or can be
                               displayed as hex arrays by using the HEXDUMP option,
                               the index construct will allow users to select
                               log records by individual array elements.  To
                               use the index construct, the field label must
                               be followed by the array element index number
                               enclosed in square brackets.  Please note that
                               all arrays start with an element index of 1.
                               The selection criteria specified by a field label 
                               keyword will only be met if the data item and the data
                               found in the log record match exactly.  
                               If the selection criteria are not met, the
                               record will not be displayed.  All
                               field labels and text data items will be
                               upshifted before the evaluation is performed.

        <field label> ::= text | "text" | text[<index>] | "text"[<index>]
        <index> ::= integer value starting at 1
        <data list> ::= <data item> | <data item> , <data list>
        <data item> ::= integer value | text | "text"

        Ex: Ldev=1,7  "PRODUCT NAME"=HP7935 JSNAME=JREPORT
            "Hardware status"[1]=4

   DATE                - The DATE option will cause the user to be
                       prompted for a range of dates. Only those log
                       records falling into one of the specified date
                       ranges will be included in the report. Default
                       is the current day.

      Ex:  Enter the starting date [01/01/86] ?  02/02/86
           Enter the ending date [<starting date>]? 02/03/86
           Do you have more dates (Y/N) [N] ? n

   TIME                - The TIME option will cause the user to be
                         prompted for a range of times. Only those log
                         records falling into one of the specified time
                         ranges will be included in the report.
                         Default is the current time.

      Ex:  Enter the starting time [12:47 PM]? 1:00 PM
           Enter the ending time [<starting time>]? 5:00 PM
           Do you have more to enter (Y/N) [N] ? n

   WIDE                - The WIDE option is used when the output is
                         directed to a device which has 120 or more
                         columns.  If the output device is LP, this
                         option is automatically set.

   HEXDUMP             - The HEXDUMP option is applicable only for I/O
                         and diagnostic records. If used, the hardware
                         status and diagnostic error stack is
                         dumped in HEX rather than being decoded into
                         text statements.

Command Examples:
LOGTOOL> list log=1 out=demo
    Processing LOG0001.PUB.SYS ...

    Total records checked = 52.   Records selected = 52.
LIST Report Example:

The following is an example display of a log file (LOG0039.PUB.SYS) through the LOGTOOL LIST command.

                             SYSTEM ERROR LOG REPORT

 Report Date/Time:  FRI, APR 27, 1990 -  5:09 PM

TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS              SYSTEM (PIN 19)
USER:               MANAGER             GROUP:              PUB
ACCOUNT:            SYS                 JSNAME:
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS               SYSTEM (PIN 2)
NUM. LOGICAL READS: 3                   NUM. BYTES READ:    2048
NUM. LOGICAL WRITES:1                   NUM. BYTES WRITTEN: 256
FILE NAME:          PEGCMD              GROUP NAME:         PEGASUS
USER NAME:          MANAGER             USER GROUP:         PUB
USER ACCOUNT:       SYS                 UFID:
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  05  5A  00  03  06  0E  6A  13  00  01  B0  B4   . Z . . . . j . . . . .
 13:  0C  04  2C  A7  03  97  D3  96                   . . , . . . . .

CLOSE DISP.:        No Change           OPEN DOMAIN:        Old Perm File
FILE SIZE (BYTES):  8192                FILE OPEN COUNT:    2
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS              SYSTEM (PIN 19)
PRODUCT NAME:       HP7935H            PDEV:               8.0.1
LDEV:               2                  DEVICE CLASS:       Hard Disc
I/O EVENT CLASS:    Software           LLIO STATUS:        $DFD700C6

MPE/XL I/O Status: Proc. Num. = -41, Error Num. = -33, Subsystem = 198

RETRY SCHEME:       Summarized Retries WILL RETRY:         NO
I/O RESULT:         I/O Failed         RUN AUTODIAG:       NO
RETRY COUNT:        5                  MGR PORT NUM.:      -82
TRANS. NUM. :       1279               # HDWR BYTES:       20

   Status =
   Unit = 0   Volume = 0
   No units with status pending
   >>>>>>>>>> Access Errors <<<<<<<<<<<\esc>
   Drive is not ready for access
   New target address is :
      Vector address =
         Cylinder = 0   Head = 0   Sector = 0
      Block address = 0

DATA LEN:           52                  MGR CODE:           121
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  40  01  00  0A  20  10  00  00  00  00  00  08  @ . . .   . . . . . . .
 13:  34  34  34  18  00  00  00  00  02  00  00  00  4 4 4 . . . . . . . . .
MSG DESCRIPTOR:     4                   MESSAGE ID:         -1000
TRANSACTION NUM.:   1277                PORT NUMBER:        -82
COMMAND RESIDUE:    0                   DATA RESIDUE:       -1
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS              SYSTEM (PIN 19)
USER:               MANAGER             GROUP:              PUB
ACCOUNT:            SYS                 JSNAME:
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS                 #J4 (PIN 40)
PID INITIATED:      180388626434        PRIORITY:           6911
SPACE ID:           561                 PARENT ID:          171798691842
NM_HEAP_SIZE:       81920000            PROCESS CAP BA:     YES
PROCESS CAP IA:     YES                 PROCESS CAP PM:     NO
PROCESS CAP MR:     NO                  PROCESS CAP DS:     NO
PROCESS CAP PH:     NO                  USER:               MGR
GROUP:              SU                  ACCOUNT:            FVSTEST
JSNAME:             SUSLG01J
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS                 #J4 (PIN 42)
NUM. LOGICAL READS: 0                   NUM. BYTES READ:    0
NUM. LOGICAL WRITES:0                   NUM. BYTES WRITTEN: 268
FILE NAME:          O124                GROUP NAME:         OUT
USER NAME:          MGR                 USER GROUP:         SU
USER ACCOUNT:       FVSTEST             UFID:
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
      ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==
  1:  05  5A  00  03  06  0E  6A  13  00  0D  9E  B4   . Z . . . . j . . . . .
 13:  32  02  08  26  01  F8  A2  3A                   2 . . & . . . :

CLOSE DISP.:        No Change           OPEN DOMAIN:        Old Perm File
FILE SIZE (BYTES):  524288              FILE OPEN COUNT:    6
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS                 #J4 (PIN 42)
CPU TIME(MILLI-SEC):458                 STACK SIZE (8 BITS):393216
HEAP SIZE ( 8 BITS):81920000            CM STACK (16 BITS): 4686
TERMINATION TYPE:   Normal              USER:               MGR
GROUP:              SU                  ACCOUNT:            FVSTEST
JSNAME:             SUSLG01J
TUE, APR 10, 1990    9:11 AM       LOG0039.PUB.SYS                 #J4 (PIN 40)
PID INITIATED:      94489280515         PRIORITY:           6911
SPACE ID:           561                 PARENT ID:          171798691842
NM_HEAP_SIZE:       81920000            PROCESS CAP BA:     YES
PROCESS CAP IA:     YES                 PROCESS CAP PM:     NO
PROCESS CAP MR:     NO                  PROCESS CAP DS:     NO
PROCESS CAP PH:     NO                  USER:               MGR
GROUP:              SU                  ACCOUNT:            FVSTEST
JSNAME:             SUSLG01J

======  ====================  ==========
   115           CONSOLE LOG         2
   105         NM FILE CLOSE         2
   111             I/O ERROR         1
   141      PROCESS CREATION         2
   104   PROCESS TERMINATION         1
======  ====================  ==========


The MEMCLR command will clear the memory error log file of all data. It is recommended that the user generate a memory report using the MEMRPT command before entering this command. For systems that support a page deallocation table (PDT), the memory file will be cleared and then rebuilt using entries from the PDT. This command will not clear the PDT. To execute this command, the user must possess at least diagnostic security level 1.




The MEMRPT command produces a summary report of the memory errors detected by the memory logging process (MEMLOGP). Error information will be displayed for each memory controller present on the system. To execute this command, the user must possess at least diagnostic security level 1.

The following is a list of the types of error information displayed:

Slot This will identify the slot where the memory board, which produced the error, can be found.
Bit number/Bank number This is the data bit number and bank number where the error occurred.
Error address This is the physical address where the error occurred.
Chip ID This is the ID of the chip where the error occurred.

Error type Identifies the type of error. Possible settings are:

Single/Hard Error A solid, repeatable single bit error.

Single/Soft Error An unrepeatable single bit error. A soft error occurring at the same location within 24 hours will result in page deallocation.

Single/Unconfirmed A single bit error that could not be confirmed as being either soft or hard.

Double bit error A soft or hard, repeatable or unrepeatable double bit error.

Page Status Possible statuses are:

Active: Page is active and can be used.

Pending: Page has been marked for deallocation, but has not yet been deallocated.

Deallocated: Page is no longer being used.

Logged by This indicates how the error was found. The possible settings are MEMLOGP, MEMDIAG, HARDWARE, and FOUND IN PDT.

Error count The number of times the error occurred.

First detected: The date and the time when the error was first detected.

Last detected: The date and the time when the error was last detected.

The default memory report will only show entries for errors which caused a page of memory to be deallocated (to be no longer used by the system). For a full report, the DETAIL option must be used. A full report will display the entire contents of the memory log file, including entries for errors that are not severe enough to cause page deallocation. Since the full report tracks errors by a combination of error address and error type, it may contain multiple entries for one error address. For example, if an error address starts as a single/unconfirmed error, turns into a single/soft error, and is then deallocated when the error becomes a single/hard error, there will be three entries displayed in the full report. The time stamps with each entry can be used when an error address transitions from one error type to another. Only the entry for the single/hard error will be displayed in the default report.

For systems that do not support memory page deallocation, this command will always display the entire contents of the memory log file, even if the DETAIL option is not used.


     MEMRPT [OUTFILE=<file name>] 
               [;DETAIL]   [;WIDE] 
Optional Parameters:
OUTFILE=<file name> - The output from the command is directed to the 
                      user's terminal unless the OUTFILE keyword is 

   <file_name> ::= Alphanumeric text (starting with an alpha)  |  LP 

   Example: OUTFILE=listfile 

DETAIL -  Display the entire contents of the memory log file, including
          data for errors that did not cause a memory page to be deallocated.

WIDE  -   The WIDE option is used when the output is directed 
          to a device which has 120 or more columns.  If the 
          output device is LP, this option is automatically set. 
     LOGTOOL>memrpt outfile=lp
Memory Report Example

The following memory report will be generated from an HP3000/930 system with three memory controllers:


SYSTEM START TIME             --  WED, JUL 22, 1989,  2:36 PM
LAST ERROR CHECK TIME         --  WED, JUL 22, 1989,  3:29 PM

LOGGING TIME INTERVAL         --  3600 seconds

|SLOT| CHIP | BIT |    1 ST ERROR     |    LAST ERROR     | ERROR | LOG BY  |
|              *** NO MULTI BIT ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED ***               |
|              *** NO SINGLE BIT ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED ***              |

|SLOT| CHIP | BIT |    1 ST ERROR     |    LAST ERROR     | ERROR | LOG BY  |
|  A |u3105 |20/ 7| 07/22/87  3:04 PM | 07/22/87  3:05 PM |     3 | MEMLOGP |
|              *** NO MULTI BIT ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED ***               |


|SLOT| CHIP | BIT |    1 ST ERROR     |    LAST ERROR     | ERROR | LOG BY  |
|              *** NO MULTI BIT ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED ***               |
|              *** NO SINGLE BIT ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED ***              |


The MEMTIMER command alters the time interval between successive interrogation of the memory controllers to determine if any memory errors occurred. This error information, from the memory controllers, is logged into the memory log file. The default value (3600 seconds) is retained while the system is down. Altering this timer causes MEMLOGP to update the log file immediately and then periodically thereafter according to the new interval. The user must possess at least diagnostic security 1 to execute this command.


     MEMTIMER SECONDS=<#seconds> 
Optional Parameters:
SECONDS= <#seconds>  -  The time between memory log scans 

    Example: SEC=3600 
     LOGTOOL>memtimer sec=9600


The PURGESYSLOG command will delete from disc the specified system log file(s). Included is a verify mode ( default ) which will ask the user to confirm the deletion of each file specified before the program actually purges it from the system. The user must possess at least diagnostic security 1 to execute this instruction.


     PURGESYSLOG LOG=<log list> 
                 [;VERIFY | ;NOVERIFY] 
Optional Parameters:
LOG= <log_list> - The LOG keyword specifies which log files to purge. 

    Example:  LOG=1000/1400,3418/3590,3400,4 

VERIFY|NOVERIFY - The VERIFY option is default for this command. 
                  It causes the user to be prompted before each log file 
                  is deleted.  If NOVERIFY is selected, the specified log 
                  files will be purged without query. 
Limitations: This command affects only the system log files.


     LOGTOOL>purgesyslog log=4232/4235
        Purge LOG4232.PUB.SYS  (Y/N) [N] ? Y 
              ...Deleted LOG4232.PUB.SYS 
        Purge LOG4233.PUB.SYS  (Y/N) [N] ? Y 
              ...Deleted LOG4233.PUB.SYS 
        LOG4234.PUB.SYS was missing 
        Purge LOG4235.PUB.SYS  (Y/N) [N] ? N 


This command will delete from disc the specified "work" file(s). These working log files are created by using the SELECT command. There are no naming conventions for these files. LOGTOOL can, however, tell the difference between a "work" file and files of any other type. In otherwords, this is NOT a general file purge command. Included is a verify mode (default) which will ask the user to confirm the deletion of each file specified before the program actually purges it from the system. All work files are currently created in the diagnostic directory (DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX).


     PURGEWORK FILES=<file list> 
           [;VERIFY | ;NOVERIFY] 
Optional Parameters:
FILES= <file_list>  -  The FILES keyword is used to specify the names 
                          of the work files to purge. 

    Example:  FILE=stuff,junk,foo 

VERIFY|NOVERIFY  -  The VERIFY option is default for this command. 
                    It causes the user to be prompted before each 
                    work file is deleted.  If NOVERIFY is selected, 
                    the specified work files will be purged without query. 


     LOGTOOL>purgework file=subset1,subset2,junkfile,logtool
         Purge SUBSET1.DIAG.SYS  (Y/N) [N] ? Y 
               ...Deleted SUBSET1.DIAG.SYS 
         SUBSET2.DIAG.SYS does not exist 
         Purge JUNKFILE.DIAG.SYS (Y/N) [N] ? N 
         LOGTOOL.DIAG.SYS is not a work file - skipped 



The REDO command allows you to edit any of the last 4 lines of input entered to LOGTOOL. If redo is given with no parameters, the last command given can be edited. If the "?" is given, a list of the last 4 commands given will be displayed. The user can also give a redo index number or an offset number to indicate which command on the redo stack is to be modified.


     REDO [? | <index> | <offset>] 
?        - Will display redo stack to user. 

<index>  - A positive number of the command to be modified. 

<offset> - A negative number indicating the offset from 
             the last command given.  "redo -1" is equivalent to "redo." 
The valid edit characters are:
i INSERT: Text following this character is inserted at the location just prior to the location of the "I"
r REPLACE: Text following this character overlays existing text starting at the location of the "R"
d DELETE: Each "D" will cause the corresponding character to be deleted.
d>DELETE. Deletes to the end of the current line from the position specified by d>. It It may be followed by an INSERT or REPLACE operation.
> APPEND >: Followed by text, appends the text to the end of the current line. If > is positioned beyond the end of the current line, then a replacement is performed instead.
>dDELETE: Deletes from the end of the current line, right-to-left. Multiple d's may be specified after >, as well as INSERT and REPLACE strings.
>rREPLACE: Replaces characters at the end of the command line. The replacement is done so that the last (rightmost) character of the re- placement string is at the end of the line.
c CHANGE: Change all occurrences of one string to another in the current line when the search string and replace string are properly delimited. A proper delimiter is a non-alpha- betic character: ', ", /, etc. The substitution is specified as: c<delim> search-string <delim> [replace-string [<delim]]. Omitting the replace-string causes occurrences of search-string to be deleted, with no substitution.
otherSimple replacement: Any other character ( not i, r, d, d>, >, >d, or c) causes that character to be replaced in the current line at the position indicated by the character. In fact, simple replacement also occurs for the editing characters i, r, c, or > if they are not followed by text; or if > appears at or beyond the current end of the line.

Command Example:

     LOGTOOL>sel log=1,,4,5 type=11 ldev=1,2 outfile=myoutfile

            >sel log=1,,4,5 type=11 ldev=1,2 outfile=myoutfile 
            >          d 
            >sel log=1,4,5 type=11 ldev=1,2 outfile=myoutfile 
            >                              i,3 
            >sel log=1,4,5 type=11 ldev=1,2,3 outfile=myoutfile 
            >                                           ddd 
            >sel log=1,4,5 type=11 ldev=1,2,3 outfile=myfile 
            >                   12 
            >sel log=1,4,5 type=12 ldev=1,2,3 outfile=myfile 
     LOGTOOL>sel log=1,4,5 type=12 ldev=1,2,3 outfile=myfile

            ( Logtool now processes the corrected "select" command ... ) 


The SELECT command allows the user to create a "work" file containing a subset of the log records found in the system log files. Currently, the work file will created in the diagnostic directory (DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX).

In order for a log record to be included in the work file, it must match all of the selection criteria specified. The user can define the selection criteria by using the TYPE keyword, DATE or TIME options, or field label keywords.

TYPE keyword The TYPE keyword can be used to indicate that only log records of the types specified are to be included. The LOGTOOL command TYPES can be used to obtain a list of the log record types available.

DATE or TIME options: The DATE or TIME options can be used to indicate that only the log records generated between the date and time entered are to be included.

Field Label Keywords: Field label keywords allow the user to select log records based on the data present in the log record. Whenever the LIST command displays a data item from a log record, a field label is shown before the data item to identify what the item represents. This field label is usually a text abbreviation. Field label keywords allow the user to use this text abbreviation as a selection keyword. For example, if the user wishes to see all log records with a field label of "LDEV" and a logged data value of 1, the parameter of "LDEV=1" can be entered as part of the LIST command.

If no selection criteria are given, all log records found will be included in the work file.

To execute this command, the user must possess at least diagnostic security level 1.


   SELECT LOG=<log list>
          ;OUTFILE= <file name>
          [;TYPE=<type list>]
          [;<field label>=<data list>]
   LOG=<log list>      - The LOG keyword specifies which log files to
                         base the report on.  Use the STATUS
                         command to obtain a list of the system log files
                         available on the host system.

        <log list> ::= <log number range> | <log number range> , <log list>
        <log number range> ::= <log number> | <log number>/<log number>
        <log number> ::= integer value

        Ex:  LOG=100/105, 150

   OUTFILE=<file name> - The OUTFILE keyword lets the user specify the
                         work file name.

        <file_name> ::=  Alpha-numeric text (starting with an alpha)

        Ex: OUTFILE=listfile

   TYPE=<type list>    - The TYPE keyword is used to specify which log
                         record types (id's) to select for the report.
                         Log record Id's range from 0 to 255. If this
                         TYPE is not used, all log record types will be

        <type list> ::= <type number range> | <type number range>,<type list>
        <type number range> ::= <type number> | <type number>/<type number>
        <type number> ::= integer value

        Ex: TYPE=101,104,106

        <field label>=<data list> - Field label keywords allow the user to
                         select log records based on the data present
                         in the log record.  Quotes are only required
                         for field labels and data items which contain
                         embedded blanks or reserved words used as
                         part of the SELECT command syntax.  If a quote
                         is needed as part of the field label, entering
                         a quote twice ("") will be interpreted as a
                         single quote as part of the field label. For fields
                         which are always displayed as hex arrays or can be
                         displayed as hex arrays by using the HEXDUMP option,
                         the index construct will allow users to select log
                         records by individual array elements.  To use the
                         index construct, the field label must be followed
                         by the array element index number enclosed in
                         square brackets.  Please note that all arrays start
                         with an element index of 1.  The selection
                         criteria specified by a field label keyword
                         will only be met if the data item and the data
                         found in the log record match exactly.  All
                         field labels and text data items will be
                         upshifted before the evaluation is performed.

        <field label> ::= text | "text" | text[<index>] | "text"[<index>]
        <index> ::= integer value starting at 1
        <data list> ::= <data item> | <data item> , <data list>
        <data item> ::= integer value | text | "text"

        Ex: Ldev=1,7  "PRODUCT NAME"=HP7935 JSNAME=JREPORT
            "Hardware status"[1]=4

   DATE                - The DATE option will cause the user to be
                         prompted for a range of dates. Only those log
                         records falling into one of the specified date
                         ranges will be included in the report.
                         Default is the current date.

      Ex:  Enter the starting date [01/01/86] ?  02/02/86
           Enter the ending date [<starting date>]? 02/03/86
           Do you have more dates (Y/N) [N] ? n

   TIME                - The TIME option will cause the user to be
                         prompted for a range of times. Only those log
                         records falling into one of the specified time
                         ranges will be included in the report

      Ex:  Enter the starting time [12:47 PM]? 1:00 PM
           Enter the ending time [<starting time>]? 5:00 PM
           Do you have more to enter (Y/N) [N] ? n

   APPEND              - The APPEND option will append data to the file
                         specified in the OUTFILE parameter.

Command Example:
LOGTOOL>select log=1,2 type=100,105 outf=subset1
    Processing LOG0001.PUB.SYS ...
    Processing LOG0002.PUB.SYS ...

    Total records checked = 109.   Records selected = 2.


The STATUS command displays a list of the currently existing system log files. The system log file currently being used by the system is indicated by the presence of a "*" after the file name. If no options are given, only the log file names will be displayed. If the DETAIL option is given, the log file name, the number of records within that log file and the date/time of the first log entry will be displayed.


Optional Parameter:
DETAIL - Causes detailed information (# of records and date/time 
         of first log entry) for all of the system log files 
         to be displayed. 

     System Log Files: 
     LOG0001    LOG0002    LOG0003    LOG0004    LOG0005* 
     LOGTOOL>status detail

     Log File    Rec #1        Rec #1    Total 
     Name        Date          Time      #Records 
     ==========  ============  ========  ======== 
     LOG0001     11/10/86      10:49 PM       52 
     LOG0002     11/17/86      12:46 PM       57 
     LOG0003                                   0 
     LOG0004     11/22/86       7:22 AM       10 
     LOG0005*    12/01/86       8:30 AM       10 



The SUMMARIZE command allows the user to generate a summary report based on the contents of the system log files. The user can use the SUMMARIZE command to generate a simple summary report, which will display the number of each type of log record present in the log files, or can specify that the content of the system log files are to be summarized based on particular fields of a log record using the FIELD keyword. The summary report from the SUMMARIZE command may be sent to a file, line printer, or to the terminal (default).

In order for a log record to be considered during the generation of a summary report, it must match all of the selection criteria specified. The user can define the selection criteria by using the TYPE keyword, DATE or TIME options, or field label keywords.

TYPE keyword The TYPE keyword can be used to indicate that only log records of the types specified are to be displayed. The LOGTOOL command TYPES can be used to obtain a list of the log record types available.

DATE or TIME options The DATE or TIME options can be used to indicate that only the log records generated between the date and time entered are to be displayed.

Field Label Keywords Field label keywords allow the user to select log records based on the data present in the log record. Whenever the LIST or SUMMARIZE command displays a data item from a log record, a field label is shown before the data item to identify what the item represents. This field label is usually a text abbreviation. Field label keywords allow the user to use this text abbreviation as a selection keyword. For example, if the user wishes to have all log records with the field label of "LDEV" and a logged data value of 1 considered during the generation of the summary report, the parameter of "LDEV=1" can be entered as part of the SUMMARIZE command.

If no selection criteria is given, all log records present in the system log files will be considered during the generation of the summary report. The SUMMARIZE command can produce two types of summary report.

Simple summary report If the user does not use the FIELD keyword, a simple summary report will be generated. A simple summary report will display the number of each type of log record present in the specified log files.

Summary report To generate a summary report using the FIELD keyword, the user must specify which fields of a log record are to be summarized. LOGTOOL will display each unique value found for the fields specified and the number of log records in the log files which have that unique value. If the user specifies more than one field, LOGTOOL will display each unique combination of field values found and the number of log records in the log files which have that unique combination. The summary report will contain the first log record with the unique value found. Please note that the summary report will only display the fields specified by the FIELD keyword.

To execute this command, the user must posses at least diagnostic security level 1.


   LIST LOG=<log list> | FILES=<file list>
        [;OUTFILE=<file name>]
        [;TYPE=<type list>]
        [;<field label>=<data list>]
        [;FIELD=<field label list>]
   LOG=<log list>      - The LOG keyword specifies which log files to
                         base the report on.  Use the STATUS
                         command to obtain a list of the system log files
                         available on the host system.

        <log list> ::= <log number range> | <log number range> , <log list>
        <log number range> ::= <log number> | <log number>/<log number>
        <log number> ::= integer value

        Ex:  LOG=100/105, 150

   FILES=<file list> -   The FILES keyword is optionally used in place
                         of the LOG keyword. The file list must be a
                         list of "work" files (created by the SELECT
                         command).  Note: All "work" files are created
                         in the diagnostic directory (DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX).

        <file list> ::=  <file name> | <file name> , <file list>
        <file name> ::=  Alpha-numeric text (starting with an alpha)

        Ex:  FILES=file1,file8,junk,work

   OUTFILE=<file name> - The OUTFILE keyword lets the user direct the
                         report to a file or the line printer.
                         Note: All files created by using the OUTFILE
                         parameter will reside in the diagnostic directory
                         (DIAG.SYS on MPE/iX)

        <file name> ::=  Alpha-numeric text (starting with an alpha)  |


        Ex: OUTFILE=listfile    or

            OUTFILE=lp          {Output to printer}

   TYPE=<type list>    - The TYPE keyword is used to specify which log
                         record types (id's) to select for the report.
                         Log record Id's range from 0 to 255. If this
                         TYPE is not used, all log record types will be

        <type list> ::= <type number range> | <type number range>,<type list>
        <type number range> ::= <type number> | <type number>/<type number>
        <type number> ::= integer value

        Ex: TYPE=101,104,106

   <field label>=<data list> - Field label keywords allow the user to
                         select log records based on the data present
                         in the log record.  Quotes are only required
                         for field labels and data items which contain
                         embedded blanks or reserved words used as
                         part of the SUMMARIZE command syntax.  If a quote
                         is needed as part of the field label, entering
                         a quote twice ("") will be interpreted as a
                         single quote as part of the field label.
                         For fields which are always displayed as hex arrays
                         or can be displayed as hex arrays by using the
                         HEXDUMP option, the index construct will allow
                         users to select log records by individual array
                         elements. To use the index construct, the field
                         label must be followed by the array element index
                         number enclosed in square brackets.  Please note
                         that all arrays start with an element index of 1.
                         The selection criteria specified by a
                         field label keyword will only be met if the data
                         item and the data found in the log record match
                         exactly.  All field labels and text data items
                         will be upshifted before the evaluation is performed.

        <field label> ::= text | "text" | text[<index>] | "text"[<index>]
        <index> ::= integer value starting at 1
        <data list> ::= <data item> | <data item> , <data list>
        <data item> ::= integer value | text | "text"

        Ex: Ldev=1,7  "PRODUCT NAME"=HP7935 JSNAME=JREPORT
            "Hardware status"[1]=4

   FIELD=<field label list> - The FIELD keyword is used to specify which
                         fields of a log record are to be summarized by
                         the SUMMARIZE command.  Quotes are only required
                         for field labels which contain embedded blanks.

        <field label list> ::= <field label list>,<field label> |
                               <field label>
        <field label>      ::= text | "text"

        Ex: FIELD=ldev,"Hardware status",jsname

   DATE                - The DATE option will cause the user to be
                         prompted for a range of dates. Only those log
                         records falling into one of the specified date
                         ranges will be included in the report. Default
                         is the current day.

      Ex:  Enter the starting date [01/01/86] ?  02/02/86
           Enter the ending date [<starting date>]? 02/03/86
           Do you have more dates (Y/N) [N] ? n

   TIME                - The TIME option will cause the user to be
                         prompted for a range of times. Only those log
                         records falling into one of the specified time
                         ranges will be included in the report.
                         Default is the current time.

      Ex:  Enter the starting time [12:47 PM]? 1:00 PM
           Enter the ending time [<starting time>]? 5:00 PM
           Do you have more to enter (Y/N) [N] ? n

   WIDE                - The WIDE option is used when the output is
                         directed to a device which has 120 or more
                         columns.  If the output device is LP, this
                         option is automatically set.

   HEXDUMP             - The HEXDUMP option is applicable only for I/O
                         and diagnostic records. If used, the hardware
                         status and diagnostic error stack is
                         dumped in HEX rather than being decoded into
                         text statements.

Command Examples:
LOGTOOL> summarize log=9/10


 Report Date/Time:  TUE, MAR 31, 1990 - 10:34 AM

======  ====================  ==========
   103       JOB TERMINATION         1
   105            FILE CLOSE         3
   108              SPOOLING         1
   111             I/O ERROR        45
   115           CONSOLE LOG        12
======  ====================  ==========

LOGTOOL> summarize log=9/10;type=111;field="hardware status","ldev"


 Report Date/Time:  TUE, MAR 31, 1990 - 10:34 AM

TUE, MAR 31, 1990   10:34 AM       LOG0009.PUB.SYS            SYSTEM (PIN 28)
LDEV:               2

   Status =
   Unit = 0   Volume = 0
   No units with status pending
   >>>>>>>>>> Access Errors <<<<<<<<<<<\esc>
   Drive is not ready for access
   New target address is :
      Vector address =
         Cylinder = 0   Head = 0   Sector = 0
      Block address = 0

TUE, MAR 31, 1990   10:36 AM       LOG0009.PUB.SYS            SYSTEM (PIN 28)
LDEV:               2

   Status =
   Unit = 0   Volume = 0
   No units with status pending
   >>>>>>>>>> Access Errors <<<<<<<<<<<\esc>
   Received an address which exceeds device bounds
   New target address is :
      Vector address =
         Cylinder = 0   Head = 0   Sector = 0
      Block address = 0


======  ====================  ==========
   111             I/O ERROR         45
======  ====================  ==========



The SUSPEND command returns control to the MPE/iX user interface. LOGTOOL is temporarily suspended and may be resumed by typing EXIT


         LOGTOOL in SUSPEND - [Type EXIT to continue]
     MPE_PROMPT> (any MPE/iX commands)
     MPE_PROMPT> exit
         LOGTOOL resuming from SUSPEND mode ...


The SWITCHLOG command causes a new system log file to be opened and the old one to be closed. The LOGTOOL STATUS command may be used to obtain the new log file name. To execute this command, the user must possess at least diagnostic security level 1. {For MPE/iX, the display from the SHOWLOG command and SWITCHLOG command will appear on the system console).


Limitations: This command affects only the system log files. Examples:


The TYPES command lists all the record identifiers currently defined within LOGTOOL. This command is useful for users who wish to display specific types of log records, or need specific information concerning how a log record will be formatted. When this command is executed without any options or keyword, the record ID number and the record label used when the log entry is displayed, will be listed. If the DETAIL option is given, the full definition of the record ID will be given. The information displayed will conform to the data given when the record definition file was processed. If the SUMMARY option is given, a list of all field label keywords, data field labels, and whether the field will be displayed in a LIST report, will be displayed for each log record. If the user needs information for a specific log record, the TYPE= keyword may be used to display information for a specify log record ID.


   TYPES [TYPE=<type list>]
            [;DETAIL | ;SUMMARY]
   TYPE=<type list>    - The TYPE keyword is used to specify which log
                         record types (id's) to display information for.
                         Log record Id's range from 0 to 255. If this
                         TYPE is not used, all log record types will be

        <type list> ::= <type number range> | <type number range>,<type list>
        <type number range> ::= <type number> | <type number>/<type number>
        <type number> ::= integer value

        Ex: TYPE=101,104,106

   DETAIL     - Causes detailed information for each record ID
                to be displayed.

   SUMMARY    - Causes the field label keywords and data field
                labels to be displayed for each field of a record ID.

Command Example:
LOGTOOL> types

   Type         Description
  ------    ---------------------
   100      LOG FAILURE
   101      SYSTEM UP
   102      JOB INITIATION
   105      NM FILE CLOSE
   107      POWER FAILURE
   111      I/O ERROR
   114      TAPE LABEL
   115      CONSOLE LOG
   120      NM SPOOLING
   130      AIFs
   136      RESTORE
   138      ACD CHANGE
   140      USER LOGGING
   143      CHGROUP
   144      FILE OPEN
   148      UPS MONITOR LOG
   151      HPMC
   152      LPMC
   160      CM FILE CLOSE
   205      NM FILE CLOSE
   227      CHDIR
   236      RESTORE
   238      ACD CHANGE
   240      USER LOGGING
   244      FILE OPEN
   245      CI COMMAND LOG
   305      NM FILE CLOSE
   344      FILE OPEN


Summary Records All the files
Commmands Err Msgs Diagnostics HOME

Last updated: Thu Oct 26 15:44:47 PDT 2000