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How to Build Your Own Authoring Tool

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How to Build Your Own Authoring Tool

If money is very tight – or you are simply curious – you can create your own presentations manually rather than purchasing the commercially available authoring tool, QCShow Author. The QCShow process has been purposefully designed to be as simple as possible. At its worst, creating your own presentations is only tedious, but it's never complicated.

Because the QCShow Player is distributed freely, there's little incentive to duplicate that effort, although that's clearly possible too. Nonetheless, the explanation here will focus only on creating a QCShow-compatible lecture.

There are only three parts to assembling a QCShow lecture:

  • creating a series of 800 x 600 images, which will be your slides, using any method you care to use, including drawing the images on paper and scanning them individually.
  • recording a narration sound file and breaking it into segments, one for each of the slides above, and then compressing each of the audio segments using the Ogg Vorbis compression method.
  • writing an appropriate accompanying script file.
We'll talk about each of these steps in detail. But before we begin, we will need to create the necessary folder structure. For the examples to follow, we'll presume that your presentation is about your last vacation.

Fig. 1. The necessary folder structure.

First create a generic outer folder, perhaps called "presentations," as shown in Fig. 1, where you'll put each of your individual slideshows. Inside that folder, create another folder, perhaps called "our-vacation", for this one presentation. And inside that folder, create a third folder called "resources." The "resources" folder is the only one whose name is not optional.

Step One: Creating the Slide Images

Your slides may be created in any number of ways. The only constant is that, in the end, they must be 800 x 600 JPEG, GIF or BMP-encoded images. 800 x 600 is the only screen resolution that QCShow uses, thus they must meet this one criterion.

Two examples of such images are shown below, using the two compression methods, GIF and JPEG.

Three different ways of creating your slides are also shown: (i) hand-drawing your slides, (ii) simply using photographs and (iii) using a commercial authoring tool such as PowerPoint.

Fig. 2. A scanned image in GIF format.

One very simple way to author your slides is to draw them by hand on a piece of paper and scan the pages. Quite similarly, you might use a word processing program to create your slides as a series of pages and then print and scan them.

If your image is primarily a line drawing, composed of only a few discrete colors, as occurs in Figure 2, you will find that GIF encodings are your best option. The GIF algorithm, which until recently was patented by Unisys but is now public domain worldwide, uses a 256-color palette. If your image contains more colors than 256, the algorithm will determine the 256 most commonly used colors and map all of the remaining colors onto the closest colors in that palette. This process can leave a continuous-tone image, such as photograph, looking splotchy or peppery, thus you don't want to use it for such use.

But if the color palette used in an image is less than 256 colors and the drawing is primarily line art, GIF has the advantage that its compression mechanism is lossless (i.e., you get back exactly the same image as you put in when decompressed).

The image in Figure 2 may actually have more than 256 colors, but you would never notice it. The few colors that are used are bold and the gradations of color within a pen stroke are close enough so that substitutions to the nearest color in the palette appear quite normal.

The compression algorithm used in GIF encodings, LZW, works much the same way as a fax machine's compression algorithm operates: it "likes" large areas that are all the same color. When these structures occur in a GIF-encoded image, the compression ratios that can be achieved using GIF can be quite impressive. On the other hand, GIF does not work well if each pixel is a slightly different color. The resulting encodings are often quite bulky and are almost always inferior to JPEG.

Fig. 3. A photographic image in JPEG format.

A second way to create your slides is simply to use pre-existing photographs. The primary constraint in doing this is that your photographs must be in horizontal (landscape) format.

In those situations where GIF-encodings tend to fail (continuous tone images with large color palettes), JPEG encodings work quite well. The JPEG algorithm is built around a two-dimensional spatial Fourier analysis. What this means in practical terms is that a series of rolling waves are applied to the image in order to determine how the "signal" on the image changes as you travel across the image left-to-right and top-to-bottom.

Images encoded with JPEG tend not to have sharp edges. Rather the JPEG algorithm works best when the color changes in a slow, predictable manner. Fortunately, photographs have this attribute. They are characterized by relatively smooth changes in color and brightness from one nearby area to the next.

JPEG images are inherently "lossy." Some of the information of the original photograph will be lost on decoding, but there is a parameter to the encoding JPEG algorithm called quality. Most normally, the quality level is set to 75. This will produce an image that is difficult on casual observation to tell from the original but also results in a relatively high compression ratio. In the commercial authoring tool, QCShow Author, the quality is fixed at 90. This results in significantly better images when decompressed, but also in image files that are larger than normal.

You are free to select whatever JPEG quality level you choose to use, but remember: higher quality images come at the price of higher bandwidth requirements in your presentation. In contrast, lower quality settings result in images that are fuzzier and more poorly represent text.

Fig. 4. A PowerPoint slide in JPEG format.

What about writing text onto your slides? If you're not going to manually draw and scan your slides, you're going to need some sort of electronic authoring tool. PowerPoint is the most common method to do this. It is powerful and flexible, allowing you to generate truly attractive slides with little effort. You are however by no means limited to using PowerPoint. Other alternatives are word processing and desktop publishing programs, particularly if you can output your slides as PDF files.

[Note: Microsoft's Paint program, which is freely distributed with every copy of Windows can also be used to write text onto images, but it is much more difficult to use than PowerPoint and does not encode images in JPEG or GIF particularly well. If you are going to use Paint, it is our recommendation that you only save your images in BMP format and transform them later in JPEG or GIF using some other process.]

Transferring the PowerPoint (or other similar method's) slides is a simple three-step process. Before you begin, however, launch your favorite image processing program (Lview Pro, etc.) and your authoring tool (PowerPoint, etc.) so that both are running:
  1. Set your PC's screen resolution to 800 x 600 and put PowerPoint into its slideshow mode. Press PRNT SCRN to save the slide's image into your PC's clipboard.
  2. Once you've done this, ALT+TAB to your image processing program and paste the clipboard image into the program. Save the image as a JPEG file, with a quality level 75-90, or as a GIF file, whichever is most appropriate for the type of image, in the "resources" folder you created earlier. Name each slide in some organized fashion for later use in the script, such as:
  3. ALT+TAB back to the authoring program, advance the slide, and repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you have recorded all of your slides.
At this point, you're essentially done with the creation of the slides.

One final note on encoding images. If you're not planning on distributing your presentation over the internet, but rather intending on using a CD or DVD, you can encode your images in BMP (bitmap)-format. BMP-encoded images have the advantage that they are lossless. They are an exact representation of the image you see on the screen, but they tend to be 10-20 times larger than either GIF or JPEG-encoded files.

Step Two: Creating the Sound Files

QCShow player recognizes two forms of audio encodings: OGG and WAV. Allow me to explain the difference between the two.

WAV-encoded files are simply PCM (pulse-code modulated) data with a short header appended to the beginning of the file describing the conditions under which the audio track was recorded.

PCM-encoding is the simplest form of audio digital recording, but it is also the most accurate. An example of the process is shown here:

Fig. 5. An original continuous tone wave.

Fig. 6. The same wave digitized into discrete (PCM)
steps, although in an exaggerated fashion.

Ogg Vorbis, in contrast, is a much more elaborate encoding mechanism. Rather than digitize a signal as it progresses through time, it analyzes the frequency distribution of the signal as it passes through a series of successive frames. Ogg Vorbis achieves its high rate of compression by picking out only the most noticeable frequencies in each frame and dispensing with the rest. It's simply the nature of human ear that you don't miss their absence.

In either case, a PCM-encoded file is the basis for an Ogg Vorbis-encoding. You first record your audio file using a standard WAV recorder and then subsequently convert it to OGG. In the process, you compress your audio files by 5 to 10 times, making them much more acceptable for transmission over the internet.

Ogg Vorbis is a patent-free, open-source project. Encoding WAV files in the OGG format is quite easily done. You can download an encoder from:

Ogg Vorbis download point

In Windows, Ogg Vorbis runs under MS-DOS. If the encoder program, oggenc.exe, and the wave file you wish to compress are in the same folder, you would type a command like this:
oggenc our-vacation001.wav
That's all there is to the process. A OGG-encoded file named "our-vacation001.ogg" will have been created as a result. However, let us recommend a lower quality level than the OGG encoder selects by default. Type this command in place of the first:
oggenc our-vacation001.wav -q -1
This second command uses a quality setting of -1, which perhaps sounds like you might not want to use it, but the difference in decoded sound quality will hardly be noticeable. The size of the encoded file will however be half that of the default setting.

Although no version of Windows' audio tools supports the Ogg Vorbis format, you can download Winamp, a free audio player, if you wish to listen to your encoded files as soon as you create them. OGG is one of Winamp's supported formats:

Winamp download point

Recording the Audio File

A great part of the reason for purchasing the commercial authoring tool, QCShow Author, is to obtain its elegant sound editing & slide synchronizing capabilities. QCShow Author was designed to record, edit and parse the indefinitely long audio tracks that are characteristic of scientific lectures, training sessions, business presentations and sales talks.

Such lectures are generally recorded live, with all of the ups and downs of a live presentation. Every live talk is filled with sneezes, coughs, long stretches of dead time and the inevitable uh's and um's, all of which should be deleted from the final presentation. Similarly, every live talk tends to have a few spurious comments, such as "These aren't my slides," "Can we have the room lights down?", "How much time do I have left?", etc. Eliminating this material makes the final presentation surprisingly more professional, creating a lecture that is much more enjoyable to listen to.

However, writing an editor to eliminate this spurious material from a continuous recording and then subsequently breaking the audio file into its necessary constituents, one audio segment per slide, requires a great deal of programming effort. Fortunately, however, there is a free alternative, one that will cost you almost nothing in time to implement.

The trick is simple enough. Record the narration for each slide as an individual sound file. SoundRecorder is a Microsoft product that has been included with every copy of Windows since Windows 95 and NT, and it will work admirably for this purpose.

Fig. 7. Microsoft's SoundRecorder.

A good part of making this process work lies in first writing out your narration as a series of text blocks, something like this:

Slide 1 --------------------
This is sample text that would express the things you wished to say about the first slide. Although the text can go on for as long as you like, generally a single slide's narration should last somewhere between 30 seconds and three minutes in order to keep your audience's attention.

Slide 2 --------------------
This is sample text that would express the things you wished to say about the second slide. Although the text can go on for as long as you like, generally a single slide's narration should last somewhere between 30 seconds and three minutes in order to keep your audience's attention.

Slide 3 --------------------
This is sample text that would express the things you wished to say about the third slide. Although the text can go on for as long as you like, generally a single slide's narration should last somewhere between 30 seconds and three minutes in order to keep your audience's attention.
...and then recording each block separately.

The advantages of doing this are severalfold, but the most significant is that text narrated in these short segments doesn't require much editing. If you flub a segment, you can simply record it over again until you get right.

Using Microsoft's SoundRecorder

SoundRecorder possesses very little editing capabilities, but it does allow you the capacity to trim off dead space at the beginnings and ends of files easily, and you will find that capability useful. But there are some tricks to using the SoundRecorder program. The most severe limitation to SoundRecorder is that in its default mode it can record only 60 seconds worth of narration.

This limitation can be overcome by performing the following steps:
  • Under the file menu, select the Properties option. Using the Convert button, set the recorder to 16,000 Hz, 16 bits, mono. Press OK twice to return to the recorder.
  • Record a full minute of silence, with no sound input.
  • Save the 60 second silent file as "dummy.wav"
  • Under the Edit/Insert File... menu, insert the "dummy.wav" file anywhere in the 60-second segment. Doing this, you'll notice that the registered file length is now 120 seconds instead of the previous 60 second default.
  • Repeat the previous step three more times, so that the file length grows to 300 seconds (five minutes). This time limit should be more than long enough for any single slide's narration.
  • Save the new 300 second file as "dummy.wav"
Prior to recording each slide, load the "dummy.wav" file. Doing this not only sets the maximum record time to 300 seconds, it also resets the recorder to the 16,000 Hz, 16 bits, mono settings.

After recording the text for each slide to your satisfaction, trim the dead time off the beginning and end of the narration, leaving a few tenths of seconds of quiet time at each end, and save your files into the "resources" folder in an organized fashion, such as:
...so as to match your slides above.

All that remains now is to write a backbone script that will direct the QCShow Player to play your presentation.

Step Three: Writing the Script

The QCShow script structure is explained in detail in How QCShow Works. Let me encourage you to read that page carefully before proceeding.

The script has three major divisions, the first of which we'll ignore:
  • The Info Section, which is specified by the "%info" and "%endinfo" markers, provides details about the lecture. The inclusion of this section is optional and we'll ignore it here for simplicity's sake.
  • The Resource Section, specified by the "%resource" and "%endresource" markers, outlines the complete list of sound and image files that will be required by the current lecture. This section also specifies the URL of the remote server where these files may be downloaded if they are not already locally present.
  • The Slides Specification Section, specified by the "%slide" and "%endslide" markers, lists the components necessary to draw each individual slide and how the slide is to be assembled. In the simple script example shown above, one full-screen image and one sound slice comprises each slide.
Writing the script is not difficult. Each line is very much like another, and with a little cut-and-paste, you can assemble it quite quickly.

Although the script below is imaginary, yours will look something very much like this one. Using any text editor you wish, create a script similar to this:

    /resource {our-vacation001.jpg [71898] our-vacation001.ogg [18811]}
    /resource {our-vacation002.jpg [91392] our-vacation002.ogg [77838]}
    /resource {our-vacation003.jpg [51160] our-vacation003.ogg [82915]}
    /resource {our-vacation004.jpg [132201] our-vacation004.ogg [126728]}
    /resource {our-vacation005.jpg [54038] our-vacation005.ogg [64412]}
    /resource {our-vacation006.jpg [180114] our-vacation006.ogg [63392]}
    /resource {our-vacation007.jpg [138848] our-vacation007.ogg [88644]}
    /resource {our-vacation008.jpg [77415] our-vacation008.ogg [42291]}
    /resource {our-vacation009.jpg [74382] our-vacation009.ogg [176096]}
    /resource {our-vacation010.jpg [46386] our-vacation010.ogg [138152]}
    /resource {our-vacation011.jpg [58442] our-vacation011.ogg [87365]}
    /resource {our-vacation012.jpg [126423] our-vacation012.ogg [201968]}
    /resource {our-vacation013.jpg [152650] our-vacation013.ogg [91239]}
    /resource {our-vacation014.jpg [115436] our-vacation014.ogg [173416]}
    /resource {our-vacation015.jpg [125701] our-vacation015.ogg [80501]}
    /resource {our-vacation016.jpg [134063] our-vacation016.ogg [173636]}
    /resource {our-vacation017.jpg [70116] our-vacation017.ogg [366280]}
    /resource {our-vacation018.jpg [126423] our-vacation018.ogg [60778]}
    /resource {our-vacation019.jpg [54038] our-vacation019.ogg [73550]}
    /resource {our-vacation020.jpg [71229] our-vacation020.ogg [234340]}
    /resource {our-vacation021.jpg [93866] our-vacation021.ogg [23534]}
    /resource {our-vacation022.jpg [152085] our-vacation022.ogg [28045]}
    /resource {our-vacation023.jpg [72457] our-vacation023.ogg [73711]}
    /resource {our-vacation024.jpg [83248] our-vacation024.ogg [41770]}
    /resource {our-vacation025.jpg [79170] our-vacation025.ogg [28677]}
    /resource {our-vacation026.jpg [77415] our-vacation026.ogg [23598]}
    /resource {our-vacation027.jpg [69462] our-vacation027.ogg [88888]}
    /resource {our-vacation028.jpg [58731] our-vacation028.ogg [182034]}
    /resource {our-vacation029.jpg [52810] our-vacation029.ogg [115375]}
    /resource {our-vacation030.jpg [66229] our-vacation030.ogg [54237]}
    /resource {our-vacation031.jpg [65091] our-vacation031.ogg [97519]}
    /resource {our-vacation032.jpg [101090] our-vacation032.ogg [95421]}
    /resource {our-vacation033.jpg [122403] our-vacation033.ogg [50452]}
    /resource {our-vacation034.jpg [75653] our-vacation034.ogg [180235]}
    /resource {our-vacation035.jpg [127430] our-vacation035.ogg [158243]}
    /resource {our-vacation036.jpg [127381] our-vacation036.ogg [191005]}
    /resourceserver {http://mywebpage.com/qcshow/our-vacation/resources/}
    /play {our-vacation001.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation001.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation002.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation002.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation003.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation003.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation004.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation004.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation005.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation005.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation034.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation034.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation035.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation035.jpg}
    /play {our-vacation036.ogg}
    /image {0 0 our-vacation036.jpg}

[Note: If you intend on distributing your presentation only by CD, you still must enter a server address in the %resource section of the script, even if only a dummy name. The "/resourceserver" verb delineates the end of the resources list.]

Save the script file in your presentation folder, with a ".qcshow" file extension, at the same level as the "resources" folder:

Fig. 8. The necessary folder structure.

Congratulations. You're done (almost). Double-click on the script file to watch your presentation. If there's anything you don't like, you can redo the particular sound or image files and substitute the new versions for the old in the "resources" folder.

Fig. 9. The necessary folder structure, with thumbnails.

After you've run your presentation through the Player once, you'll notice that the Player has built a new folder in your presentation, "thumbnails." This folder's presence is absolutely necessary if you intend on distributing your presentation using CD's or DVD's, media that can't be written to once it's been formatted.

Should you find anything significant to change about your presentation, delete the thumbnails folder and let the player rebuild it for you after you've made your changes.

Every presentation that you create will have this same structure: (i) an outer folder, named with some descriptive name, (ii) an interior "resources" and "thumbnails" folder, and (iii) a ".qcshow" script file placed at the same directory level as the "resources" folder.

Step Four: Distributing Your Presentation

The two most probable ways that you'll use to distribute your presentations will be either by CD or the internet. Both are quite simple to implement.

Creating CDs

Once you have constructed the folder structure that you see in Figure 9 and you've throughly checked out your presentation, all you need do is copy the outer folder ("our-vacation") to your CD.

Perhaps the only thing that you might want to do in addition is create a link (a "shortcut") to your script files that would reside at the top level of your CD, making the navigation of the CD a little easier for your users.

[Note: Because file space is not as great a concern on a CD, you can record your narrations at high frequency and in stereo, if you wish, and leave the audio file in an uncompressed WAV format. Similarly, you can record your images in the lossless BMP format. QCShow Player will work perfectly well in these modes. But if you intend on transmitting your presentations over the internet, you will find these uncompressed encodings completely unacceptable. For the internet environment, you'll want to make your sound and image files as small as possible, without significantly compromising quality.]

Using a Web Server

Creating the conditions to distribute your presentations via the web is very similar to burning a CD. FTP the outer folder ("our vacation") and all of its contents to a location of your choosing, perhaps in a directory called "qcshow", on your web server. This location would then become the location that you would specify in %resource section of your script file for all future downloads, as in this example:

/resourceserver {http://mywebpage.com/qcshow/our-vacation/resources/}

Similarly, the code for the hyperlink to the script file that you put onto your webpage for your viewers to click would look something like this:
<a href="//mywebpage.com/qcshow/our-vacation/our-vacation.qcshow">Our New Mexico Vacation</a>
Only the script file and the resources folder need to appear on your webserver. To minimize bandwidth, QCShow Player does not download the thumbnails from the remote server, but rather builds them locally on the client PC.

[Note: you may have deduced from the nature of the links above, you don't have to put the QCShow script file and the resources folder on the same server. When a script file's hyperlink is clicked, the script file is downloaded into QCShow Player from the webserver. It's only then that the Player obtains its directions on where to download the necessary image and sound files, which could easily be on a different server.

This partitioning of behavior may be valuable in those situations where your primary public web server is either quite busy, file space is limited or the operating agency charges you for either the space you use or the amount of material downloaded.]

QCShow Player   QCShow   AICS Research
