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Create Your Own Presentations with QCShow Author

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Instruction Manual

"Mark Twain," a Demonstration of What Can Be Done in QCShow

Technical Notes
How QCShow Works

How to Build Your Own Authoring Tool

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Thank you for your interest in QCShow Author, software for creating high-quality, low-bandwidth presentations in the QCShow format.

[] QCShow Author
Version 1.4

For a First Installation*
Download QCShow Author (9.8 MB)
  1. Click on the hyperlink above to download the installer program.
  2. If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer Browser: "Open" or "Run" the installation file rather than "saving" it on your PC. It's simply easier than saving it somewhere on your disc and then having to look for it.

    If you are using the Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Browsers: "Save" the installation file to your desktop. Once downloaded, double-click on the newly created desktop icon to start the installation.
  3. Choose where you would like QCShow Author to reside on your PC if you find the default location unsatisfactory.

  4. As soon as the installation is complete, you are ready to use your copy of QCShow Author.
For instructions on purchasing and permanently registering your copy of QCShow Author, please click here.

*Mininum system requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP, 300MHz Pentium processor, 64MB RAM.

QCShow Author

When you download and install QCShow Author, you'll find that it isn't one program. Rather, it's a collection of three programs, each representing one of the three principal steps you'll perform in creating a QCShow presentation: (i) recording the narration, (ii) capturing your PowerPoint or Adobe PDF slides, and (iii) synchronizing the two:




Each step was designed to be as simple and as straightforward as it could possibly be made.

These programs weren't designed for audio and video "professionals." They were intended to be used by ordinary people in the hope that they will be able to create extraordinary results at professional quality levels.

The complete Instruction Manual for QCShow Author is avaliable here.

The 30-Day Demonstration Clock

The 30-day demonstration clock begins when you first run either SoundEditor or ScreenCapture.

In contrast, the SoundRecorder program isn't tied to the 30-day clock, nor does its use start the clock. It has no timeout. It's a permanent program that you may use freely, without charge. The reason for this lack of registration requirement is that you will likely want to put the SoundRecorder on more PCs than you will use in editing your QCShow presentations, particularly if you record narrations at remote locations, and we don't want you to have to expend your backup registrations for these copies.

This lack-of-registration requirement also makes QCShow Author's SoundRecorder a valuable substitute for the Microsoft Sound Recorder program that comes with every version of Windows. Microsoft's program has a one-minute recording limit. QCShow Author's SoundRecorder has no limit at all, other than the amount of free disc space that you have on your computer.

A complete explanation of QCShow Author, including SoundRecorder, can be found in QCShow Author's manual:

QCShow Author Instruction Manual

QCShow Author was developed with the assistance of the National Science Foundation, in support of enhancing technologies for long-distance education.
QCShow Player   QCShow   AICS Research
