QCShow Player
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Using the Player

The Philosophy of QCShow

Create Your Own Presentations
Create Your Own Presentations with QCShow Author

Download a 30-day Trial of QCShow Author

Pricing and Ordering

Instruction Manual

"Mark Twain," a Demonstration of What Can Be Done in QCShow

Technical Notes
How QCShow Works

How to Build Your Own Authoring Tool

Support Contact Information

Pricing and Ordering

License Pack for 5 PC's: US$249.99

Ordering Instructions

To purchase QCShow Author, first download and install a 30-day free trial copy from:

Download QCShow Author

Once installed, run QCShow's SoundEditor and click on the Register pulldown menu option:

Enter your credit card information into the data entry form. American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover cards are accepted.

When you press the SUBMIT button, a block of encrypted text will appear. This text contains not only the information that you entered but also a "fingerprint" of the PC you're using.

Copy and paste this information into your favorite email program and email it to the address shown in the text. In a few minutes, you will receive back a similarly encrypted block of text that will link your license to the PC you're currently using.

Paste this information into the waiting form. Congratulations. You are now a fully registered user of QCShow Author.

The Fine Print

Your QCShow Author license specifically ties your copy of the authoring tool to your machine. What this means is that when your PC dies or you dispose of it, your copy of QCShow Author dies with it.

However, things are not as bad as they sound. In order to make the registration process as simple, fair and generous as possible, you actually received five copies of the QCShow Author license when you bought the product, not one. In the return email that you received, a ten-character license was provided, similar to this:


Keep this licensing code in a safe place. It will allow you to register four more copies of QCShow Author on four more PCs, at no additional cost.

While we would prefer for you to think of your purchase as being for one QCShow Author license — with four backup copies — there is nothing to keep you from immediately distributing your ten-character license to four colleagues, friends or relatives. The only danger with doing this is that should anything go wrong with your PC, or if you should wish to replace it, you would have to repurchase the product.

Our best advice is to keep at least one or two of the licenses in reserve for emergencies.


Updates are free for the lifetime of your PC. All that you need do to update your copy of QCShow Author is download a new version from this website. Your license resides in the PC's registry and will not be affected by the new download, even if you should purge QCShow Author from your PC before you update it.


Because there is no practical way for you to return the product to us once you've registered it, refunds aren't possible. Therefore, download the 30-day free trial of QCShow Author and use it extensively before you purchase the product to insure that you are completely satisfied.

The 30-day clock starts with your first run of QCShow Author.

During the trial period, and especially after you purchase QCShow Author, don't hesitate to call or write if you find yourself significantly confused. Our support contact numbers appear on this page:

QCShow Author Support

QCShow Player   QCShow   AICS Research
