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Appendix C Terminal and Printer Types

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The terminal types supported on the advanced terminal processor (ATP) and asynchronous data communications controller (ADCC) terminal/printer controllers for MPE V/E T-MIT or later (MPE V/E version G.01.00 or later) are 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, TTPCL18, TTPCL19, and TTPCL22.

The data and terminal subsystems (DTS) on MPE/iX systems supports terminal types 10 and 18.

The DTS on MPE/iX systems supports printer types 18, 21, and 22.

Table C-1 "MPE/iX Terminal Types and Similar MPE V/E Terminal Types" through Table C-2 "MPE/iX Printer Types and Similar MPE V/E Terminal Types" provide comparative information for MPE V/E and MPE/iX terminal and printer types.

Table C-1 MPE/iX Terminal Types and Similar MPE V/E Terminal Types

MPE/iX Terminal MPE V/E Terminal Differences
1010 Enhanced XON/OFF protocol on MPE/iX. No ENQ/ACK protocol on MPE/iX.
1818Enhanced XON/OFF protocol on MPE/iX.

Table C-2 MPE/iX Printer Types and Similar MPE V/E Terminal Types

MPE/iX Printer MPE V/E Terminal Differences
1818Enhanced XON/OFF protocol on MPE/iX.
21,2221,22 Enhanced XON/OFF protocol on MPE/iX. No ENQ/ACK protocol on MPE/iX. Printer initialization string of the MPE V/E terminal type PCL22 is used. Printer status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX; status requests are not sent after each printed line.

Table C-3 MPE V/E Terminal and Similar MPE/iX Terminal Types

MPE V/E\Terminal Description MPE/iX \Terminal Comments
6,9Non-HP hardcopy device needing delays after linefeed or formfeed. NoneDevices that need delays are not supported on MPE/iX.
10General HP CRT terminal using both ENQ/ACK and XON/XOFF. 10Only XON/XOFF protocol is used on MPE/iX.
128-bit character version of terminal type 10. Used with languages that need extended character sets. 10It is necessary to programmatically set parity to NONE.
13Terminal type 10 with no echo or ENQ/ACK protocol. Used for plotters or the HP 2601 printer. NoneThese devices are not supported on MPE XL.
15,168-bit and 7-bit HP 2635 hardcopy terminal. NoneThe HP 2635 is not supported on MPE/iX.
18 (Terminal)Terminal type 10 without ENQ/ACK protocol or a READ trigger. Used with non-HP devices. 18Terminal type 18 is the same on MPE V/E and MPE/iX , except that an enhanced XON/XOFF protocol is used on MPE/iX.
18 (Printer)Non-HP devices or application printers. 18The MPE V/E terminal type 18 and MPE/iX printer type 18 are the same except that an enhanced XON/XOFF protocol is used on MPE/iX.

Table C-4 MPE V/E Terminal and Similar MPE/iX Printer Types

MPE V/E\Terminal Description MPE/iX \Printer Comments
Terminal Type PCL18Terminal type 18 with a printer initialization string and an XOFF timer. Used with the HP 2687A. NoneThe HP 2678A is not supported on MPE/iX.
19Remote serial spooled printer. 21Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX. The printer initialization string is the same as MPE V/E terminal type PCL22.
Terminal Type PCL19PCL Remote serial spooled printer. 21Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX.
208-bit Serial spooled printer. 22Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX. The Initialization string is the same as MPE V/E terminal type PCL22.
218-bit Serial spooled printer with no status checking after XOFF. 21Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX. Initialization string is the same on MPE V/E terminal type PCL22.
22Serial spooled printer with no status checking after XOFF. 22Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX. Initialization string is the same as MPE V/E terminal type PCL22.
Terminal Type PCL22PCL 8-bit serial spooled printer with no status checking after XOFF. 22Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX.

Expression Evaluator Features

Appendix D Subsystem Formal File Designators