HPlogo MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual > Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions

Expression Evaluator Features

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The two main types of expressions, which can be processed by the expression evaluator, are numeric and string. In addition, Boolean expressions may be constructed using numeric and string expressions (involving the comparison operators), Boolean operators, Boolean functions, and Boolean variables.

A numeric expression may contain the following:
  • Variables containing numeric values or expressions

  • Unary operators: +,-

  • Bit manipulation operators: CSL, CSR, LSL, LSR, BOR, BAND, BNOT, BXOR

  • Exponentiation operator: ^

  • Algebraic operators: +, -,

  • , /, MOD

  • Comparison operators: >, <, =, >=, <=, <>

  • Parentheses: ( )

  • Functions returning numeric values: ABS(), LEN(), ORD(), POS()

  • Decimal digits, optionally preceded by #, consisting of 0..9

  • Hexadecimal digits, preceded by $, consisting of 0 .. 9, a .. f, A .. F

  • Octal digits, preceded by %, consisting of 0 .. 7

String expressions are comprised of the following:
  • Variables containing string values or expressions

  • Algebraic operators: +,-

  • Comparison operators: >, <, =, >=, <=, <>

  • Parentheses: ( )

  • Functions returning string values: STR(), LFT(), RHT(), CHR()

  • Quoted strings of the form 'string', "string", '', or "" (the last two refer to an empty string)

String and numeric expressions resulting in Boolean values may be combined with each other and with Boolean functions and variables using the logical operators AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. Their Boolean values may also be compared with the equality, =, and inequality, <>, operators. For example:

  setvar a 1
  setvar str2 'b'
  setvar boolvar1 1=0
  if (a=1)=('a'=str2) or boolvar1 then

Functions may be nested and mixed. String, numeric, and Boolean operations may not, however, be mixed. For example:

  calc 1+'abc'
  calc 'a' +len('abc')

  if bound(a) + 3>2 then

  setvar bool1 true
  if bool1 and (str('abc',2,len('ab'))='bc') then

  calc 'a'+chr(65)
  calc 1=3 or 'a'  <>  'b'

  calc chr(ord('A'))
  calc 2+len(str(lft('abcdefg',2*2),5-3,ord('A')-63))
  4, $4, %4

Variables may be used in expressions either through explicit dereferencing or implicit dereferencing. To explicitly dereference a variable, precede the variable name with an exclamation point (!). This is passed through string substitution the same as any other CI command. Explicit dereferencing is recursive, meaning that if the contents of the variable references another variable (introduced with an exclamation point) the value of the included variable is also retrieved.

To implicitly dereference a variable, simply use its name in any expression. If a variable with this name has not been defined an error results. Implicit dereferencing is not recursive. This means that if the contents of an implicitly dereferenced variable contains a string which might be a variable name, preceded by an exclamation point the evaluator does not attempt to dereference that variable. Instead, the string value is used in the expression.

For example:

  setvar a 'x'
  showvar a
  A = x
  calc a+'b'

  setvar a ''
  showvar a
  A =
  if a = '' then

  setvar a 'x'
  setvar b a
  calc a+b

  setvar exp 'a+b*c/d'
  setvar a  1
  setvar b  2
  setvar c  3
  setvar d  4
  setvar e  5
  calc exp
  calc !exp
  2, $2, %2
  setvar exp2 exp+'*e'
  calc !exp2

  setvar a hptimef
  showvar a
  A = 8:26 AM              ** the time when var was set **
  calc a + 'in the morning!!! '
  8:26 AM in the morning!!!'
  calc 'a' + 'in the morning!!!' 
  a in the morning!!!'
  calc '!a' + 'in the morning!!!
  8:26 AM in the morning!!!'

  deletevar a
  calc a + 'x'
  setvar hppath '!!hpgroup,pub,pub.sys'
  showvar hppath
  HPPATH = !hpgroup,pub,pub.sys
  calc hppath - ',pub'
  calc !hppath-',pub'
  calc UI,pub,pub.sys-',pub'
  comment         ** variable dereferenced before call **
  comment         ** to evaluator and content does not **
  comment         ** make valid expression.            **
  calc '!hppath' - ',pub'
  setvar a 6+2
  setvar b 7
  setvar c b
  calc b*c
  49, $31, %61
  calc hpresult/a
  6, $6, %6
  setvar a '2'
  setvar b 6
  calc a+b
      ERROR       ** variables of different types      **
  calc len(b)
      ERROR       ** expected string or string variable**
  calc ord(a)
  50, $32, %62
  setvar a -6
  calc 18/(3^2^3/3^6/3+6)/-(a+3)-1
  -1, $FFFFFFFF, %37777777777

The rules of precedence determine which operations are performed before others. Their order, from highest to lowest priority, is:
  • Variable dereferencing

  • Unary operators: + -

  • Bit manipulation: CSL, CSR, LSL, LSR, BOR, BAND, BNOT, BXOR

  • Exponentiation

  • Multiplication, division, modulo

  • Addition, subtraction

  • Comparison: > < = + <= <>

  • Logical operations: AND, NOT

  • Logical operations: OR, XOR

The evaluation of string expressions follows a similar hierarchy. However, bit manipulation, multiplication, division, and modulo operations do not apply to string expressions. If you attempt to use them with a string expression, an error occurs.

Evaluation is left to right until the evaluation is complete, or until a fatal error has been detected. If a fatal error is detected, evaluation terminates.

Completion of evaluation in this case means either end of expression or partial evaluation of expression.

In the latter case (partial evaluation), the result of the evaluation can be determined without examining the rest of the expressions. For example, when part of an expression that is evaluated to FALSE is followed by an AND, or is evaluated to TRUE and is followed by an OR:

  (1=2) And (2=2 or 3=4)
  FALSE And (whatever) -> FALSE
  (1=1) or (2=3 and x=y)
  TRUE or (whatever) -> TRUE

NOTE: Exponentiation is the one exception to the left-to-right evaluation pattern. Exponentiation evaluates right to left. For example, 3^2^3 is resolved as 3^8 (=6561) and not as 9^3 (=729).

The logical operators operate only on Boolean expressions, Boolean functions, or Boolean variables. Boolean expressions are those which contain a comparison operation (< > <= >= <> =) or a logical operation (AND, OR, NOT, XOR).


   if 6-5>2 and 'abc'-'a'<=rht('cdbc',2) then
   if not(1=1 and 'a'<>'b') or 6>7 then
   calc 6+(7>2)
        ERROR   ** Invalid Expression:       **
                ** Mixed Numeric and Boolean **
   if 1 then
        ERROR   ** Bad Boolean Expression    **
   setvar errorflag true
   if errorflag then

The expression evaluator is sensitive to the position of expression tokens. If an operator is expected, then an operator must be obtained in that position or a fatal error occurs. If a number is expected and a valid numeric string is not found, variable management is called to determine if this token is actually a variable. If the token is a variable with a numeric value, the variable value is used in the expression. If the token is not a variable or the variable is not an integer variable, the expression is not valid and an error is returned.

If a string is expected and a valid quoted string is not found, variable management is called to determine if the token is a variable. If it is not a variable, an error is returned. If it is a variable containing a string value, its contents is used in the expression. If the variable contains something other than a string, an error is returned.

Provided below is information on other facts you should be aware of concerning evaluator functions.


If the length of string> 1, then the value returned from ORD(string) is the ordinal value of the first character in the string.


A "string' of characters must be surrounded with quotation marks (" or ') in order to be treated as a string. For example, a + 'a' is treated as the contents of the string variable a concatenated to the string 'a'.

Evaluating a string that contains a string operator returns an error unless the string itself is surrounded by quotation marks (" or '). You may include quotation marks within a string in this fashion: "a'b" is evaluated as a'b, but a'b by itself produces an error.

You may also use quote folding, for example, two adjacent quotes of the same type that began the string. They are folded to one and the string is not terminated, for example:

  setvar a "a quote is here""!"

This would put the string a quote is here"! into the string variable A.


Variables that are dereferenced by an ! are dereferenced to complete resolution or to the limits of dereferencing (default is 30 levels). Variables may be used in expressions without the !, of course. This is called implicit dereferencing, and these variables are dereferenced to only one level.

For example, if variable A has a value of B, it is implicitly and explicitly dereferenced as B. If this variable has a value of !B, implicit dereferencing yields !B. If you want A to be fully dereferenced, you must use !A (explicit dereferencing) in the expression you want evaluated.

Variables and Strings

Explicitly dereferenced variables should be placed within quotation marks if you want the variable's value treated as a string. Doing this also eliminates problems that might arise if the variable contains delimiters or operators. Refer to the discussion on "Strings" above. For example:

  CALC "AB' + "!X'
  CALC "AB' + X
  CALC "AB" + "X'
  SETVAR Z "foo'
  CALC "AB' + Z
  CALC "AB' + "!Z'
  CALC "AB' + !Z
    error  variable foo not found
  SETVAR A "X'+"Y'
  CALC A +"B'
  8:26 AM
  8:26 AM

The error in the last example occurs because the dereferenced value of HPTIMEF is not a valid expression.

Dereferencing of either kind is performed before any evaluation is carried out. The following examples illustrate the consequences:


The first command causes no problem. A variable, B, is created and its value is set to 2. Because 2 is not surrounded by quotes, it is taken as an integer.

String Substitution assumes that an exclamation point introduces a variable name. However, there are occasions when the user wants String Substitution to ignore an exclamation point. Doubling the exclamation point will cause String Substitution to reduce the two exclamation points to one, and ignore them as dereferencing characters.

Dereferencing takes place first, and B yields !B For additional information on variables and dereferencing, refer to the Using the 900 Series HP 3000 Fundamental Skills (32650-60039). Because B is not surrounded by quotes, it is not taken as a string, integer, or a Boolean. Therefore, SETVAR A B produces an error.

The problem is corrected by changing the second command:

  SETVAR A "B'   ** second command changed **

Now the variable A is given the string representation of !B.




  CALC A + 2

produces an error. A has been assigned a string value (the result of B, which is the string "!B').


  CALC !A + 2

works. !A is really !B. That in turn yields a value of 2. The result is 2 + 2, which equals 4.



  CALC 8:26 AM

which produces an error.

On the other hand,


is the same as

  CALC " 8:26 AM"

which produces

   8:26 AM


Appendix C Terminal and Printer Types