
Performing System Management Tasks: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems


Technical documentation

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HP Part Number: 32650-90854

Edition: Edition 06

Published: Printed in: U.S.A. 1996

Table of Contents

In This Book
1 Starting the System
Starting the System
To save main memory to tape
Using Initial System Loader (ISL) Commands
Using the Standalone ISL Utilities
To set or change the system clock
To list system hardware
To recover corrupted disk files
To recover files with SAVE
To enable the access port (AP)
To use the access port
2 Getting Started Defining Your System
Configuring Your System with SYSGEN
To access SYSGEN
To confirm potentially serious actions
To access other configurators
To use online help
To show the state of the configurators
To hold and save configuration changes
To clear configuration changes
To create system load tapes
To enter an MPE command from any configurator
Cross-Validating NMCONFIG. PUB.SYS with SYSGEN
Introducing the SPU Configurator
3 Defining Input/Output Devices
Using SYSGEN's I/O Configurator
Viewing the current configuration
Configuring Devices with SYSGEN
Adding Objects in SYSGEN
Changing Configurations in SYSGEN
Deleting Objects in SYSGEN
Changing the configuration online
Using the IOCONFIG Utility
Adding a device with IOCONFIG
Listing one or more devices with IOCONFIG
Deleting a device with IOCONFIG
Adding a device class with IOCONFIG
Modifying a device class with IOCONFIG
Listing one or more device classes with IOCONFIG
Deleting a device class with IOCONFIG
Configuring a device adapter with IOCONFIG
Listing an I/O path with IOCONFIG
Deleting an I/O path with IOCONFIG
Updating the device class association table with IOCONFIG
Adding an HP-IB Disk Drive
Introducing the UPS and UPS Monitor/iX Software
To configure a UPS
To configure the first UPS on a Series 9X8
To configure a UPS connected via a DTC port
To use UPS Monitor/iX software
System behavior when AC power fails
System Behavior When AC Power Returns
To enable logging of UPS activity
To review UPS activity recorded in the system log file
4 Defining Events to Be Recorded
Using the LOG Configurator
To enter the LOG configurator
To display on-line help
To show current LOG values
To log system events
To control user logging
To print a log
5 Changing System Libraries, Programs, and Message Catalogs
Using the SYSFILE Configurator
To access the SYSFILE configurator
To use online help
To display current file information
To add objects to the SLT
To delete objects from the SLT
To replace objects on the SLT
To use a segmented library file as CMSL
6 Defining Miscellaneous System Resources
Using the Miscellaneous Configurator
To access the MISC configurator
To use online help
To show current values
To print current values
To configure I/O-related parameters
To configure job-related limits
To display resource identification numbers (RINs)
To delete RINs
To set resource allocations
To set session-related limits
To set sizes of NM and CM stacks
To set strings and string parameters
7 Using Threshold Manager
Getting Started with Threshold Manager
To access Threshold Manager
To enable Threshold Manager
To disable Threshold Manager
To exit Threshold Manager
Using Threshold Manager Commands
Overview of Threshold Manager commands
To use online help
To reissue a command using DO
To reissue a command using REDO
To review the command line history stack
To execute a file from Threshold Manager
Controlling Threshold Management at the Global Level
To control global notifications
To display the configuration
To print the configuration display
To enable monitoring of a resource
To disable monitoring of a resource
To reset the configuration
To modify the time interval of the operation cycle
To monitor Threshold Manager with OpenView System Manager
Configuring a Threshold
To add a threshold
To delete a threshold
To modify a threshold
8 Allowing Access to the System
The Hierarchical File System (HFS)
Expanded File Naming Syntax
MPE/iX Shell and Utilities
Setting Up Accounts, Groups, and Users
File Ownership
The Group and User Databases
To create accounts
To create MPE groups
To create users
To create accounts using a command file
Assigning capabilities
To assign capabilities
To alter capabilities
To limit accounts and groups
To keep track of user events
Managing Directories
To create directories
To control access to directories
To list directories
To list files in directories
To delete directories
To delete directories using wildcards
To move between directories
To Show the current working directory
To list the space used by directories
Securing Disk Files
To identify a user's file access
To define a user's file access
To establish security for a file, group, or account
Controlling File Access with ACDs
Access modes
Restricting Access to /tmp
9 Managing Disks
Managing Types of Volume Sets
To manage master and member volumes
To display information about all mounted volumes
Creating a Nonsystem Volume Set
To access VOLUTIL
To use online help
To define the volume set
To add members to the volume set
To create volume classes
To add additional volumes to an existing volume class
To display information about volume sets
Managing Permanent and Transient Storage
To configure disk storage
To change the disk storage
Reinitializing a Volume
To scratch a volume
To unscratch a volume
Creating the Account Structure for Volume Sets, Members, and Classes
Controlling Disk Usage
To display disk usage information
To change file space limits
To add a file to a volume set
Determining Free Disk Space
Clearing Disk Space
HFS Directories and High-Availability Products
10 Planning Your Backup Strategy
Choosing Types of Backup
Creating a Backup Schedule
When to do full backups
When to use cumulative backups
When to use incremental backups
Performing a System Backup
To perform a full system backup
To perform an incremental system backup
To perform a cumulative system backup
Verifying Your Backup Media
To verify your tapes
To print the results of VSTORE
11 Shutting Down the System
Scheduling Shutdowns
Performing the Shutdown Process
To tell users in advance of the shutdown
To warn users a few minutes before the shutdown
To prevent new system activity
To clear the backlog of reports
To answer any pending requests
To close any open communication lines
To shut down the system
12 System Hardware Descriptions
Identifying the System
Components of the Series 9x7LX and 9x7 Systems
Components of the Series 9x8LX and 9x8 Systems
Components of the Series 920 Through Series 958 Systems
Components of the Series 925 Through Series 949 Systems
Switches and Lights on Series 925 Through Series 949 Systems
To remove the SPU Card Cage
To understand the CIO expander
To understand the battery backup unit
Components of Series 950 Through Series 980 Systems
Components of Series 991, 992 and 995 Systems
Switches and lights on Series 950 through Series 980 systems
To understand processor bay card cages
To understand the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Identifying System Connections
To identify the distributed terminal controller (DTC) connections
To identify network connections
To identify system console connections
To recognize local/remote console capabilities
To identify the logical system console
Determining Hardware Paths
To recognize hardware path components
Understanding System Resets
Scheduling Peripheral Maintenance

List of Figures

1-1 Enabling the Access Port
2-1 Example 2-1. Entering SYSGEN
2-2 Example 2-2. PERMYES ON Action
2-3 Example 2-3. Activating the IO Configurator
3-1 Example 3-1. Entering the I/O Configurator
3-2 Example 3-6. Sample Console Messages from UPS Monitor/iX
4-1 Example 4-1. Activating the LOG Configurator
4-2 Example 4-2. Showing User Logging Processes
4-3 Example 4-3. Sample Configured Values
5-1 Example 4-1. Activating the SYSFILE Configurator
6-1 Example 6-1. Accessing the MISC Configurator
6-2 Example 6-2. MISC Configurator SHOW Output
7-1 Threshold Manager Global Configuration Display
8-1 MPE/iX File System (Prior to Release 4.5)
8-2 MPE/iX File System (Release 4.5 and Later)
9-1 Master and Member Volume
9-2 Data Partitioning with Classes
9-3 Example 9-1. Displaying Volume States
9-4 Example 9-1. Displaying Volume States
9-5 Displaying Mounted Volume Information
9-6 Creating a Nonsystem Volume Set
9-7 Displaying Volume Set Information
9-8 Permanent and Transient Storage
10-1 Cumulative Backup Schedule
10-2 Incremental Backup Schedule
12-1 Sample System Processor Units of the HP 3000 Family
12-2 Series 9x7LX and 9x7 Systems
12-3 Series 920 Through Series 958 Systems
12-4 Large and Small Cabinet Installations
12-5 Series 925 through Series 949 Switches and Lights
12-6 Series 925 through Series 949 System Status Panel
12-7 Series 925 through Series 949 CIO Expander
12-8 BBU Status Lights
12-9 Series 950 Through Series 980 SPU Cabinet
12-10 Series 950 through Series 980 Control Panel
12-11 Rear View of DTC
12-12 Network Connections
12-13 System Console Connections
12-14 Hardware Path Components
12-15 System Reset Conditions
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