Using the WDB GUI ·
Changing the Working Directory
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Using the WDB GUI
Starting and Exiting the WDB GUI
Loading a Program and Changing Program Settings
Opening Source Files
{short description of image} Changing the Working Directory
Saving and Restoring Debug Sessions
Setting Source Paths
Setting Object Paths
Viewing Your Code
Browsing Functions
Setting Signal Handling
Finding Specific Text in Your Code
Using the Command View
Using the Watch View
Using Quick Watch
Using the Local Variables View
Using the Call Stack View
Using the Threads View
Using the Registers View
Examining Memory Use
Using the Program Console
Using Breakpoints
Advancing Through Your Program
Fixing Code from within the Debugger
Starting and Stopping the Debug Process
Setting Debugger Preferences
Customizing Colors and Fonts

Reference Information


Using Help

Bullet Overview
Bullet Changing the Working Directory
Bullet Tips
Bullet See Also

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The current working directory is the directory where the debugger runs. This is where the debugger looks for your program executable and core file. This is also one of the places the debugger looks for your source files.

The default working directory is the location where you first envoked the WDB GUI.
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Changing the Working Directory

To set the current working directory

  1. On the File menu, click Change Directory.
  2. In the Working Directory dialog box, double-click to select the appropriate directory from the Directories list.
  3. When the proper directory appears in the Selection box, click OK.

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  • If your source files are not in your current working directory, you may need to add directories to your source file path.
  • If your object files are not in your current working directory, you may need to add directories to your object file path.
  • You can save your working directory in a debug session file. The next time you want to debug that program, you can quickly reset the working directory and other information by restoring the debug session that you saved.
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See Also

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