Using the WDB GUI ·
Starting and Stopping the Debug Process
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Keyword Index

Using the WDB GUI
Starting and Exiting the WDB GUI
Loading a Program and Changing Program Settings
Opening Source Files
Changing the Working Directory
Saving and Restoring Debug Sessions
Setting Source Paths
Setting Object Paths
Viewing Your Code
Browsing Functions
Setting Signal Handling
Finding Specific Text in Your Code
Using the Command View
Using the Watch View
Using Quick Watch
Using the Local Variables View
Using the Call Stack View
Using the Threads View
Using the Registers View
Examining Memory Use
Using the Program Console
Using Breakpoints
Advancing Through Your Program
Fixing Code from within the Debugger
{short description of image} Starting and Stopping the Debug Process
Setting Debugger Preferences
Customizing Colors and Fonts

Reference Information


Using Help

Bullet Overview
Bullet Starting the Debug Process (Go)
Bullet Restarting the Debug Process (Restart)
Bullet Stopping a Debug Session (Stop Debugging)
Bullet Pausing Program Execution (Break Execution)
Bullet Tips
Bullet See Also

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You can use the commands in this section to control the execution of your program in the debugger. The Go and Restart commands provide two ways to start the debugging process. For example, you may need to restart the debugging process as you use breakpoints to isolate problems in your program.

Stop Debugging offers a way to stop execution and enable loading of a new executable. If the debugger is attached to an existing process, Stop Debugging detaches the process. The Break Executioncommand allows you to interrupt the program while it is executing, which is helpful when you have not set breakpoints or cannot run to the cursor interactively. For example, you can use Break Execution to stop execution in an infinite loop.

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Starting the Debug Process (Go)

The Go command starts program execution or continues execution from the location of the program counter.

To start debugging

  • On the Debug menu, click Go.
  • Or, click the Go toolbar button.
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Restarting the Debug Process (Restart)

The Restart command resets execution to the beginning of the program being debugged. It uses the current program arguments and environment variables settings. The debugger is paused at the program's entry point, and the Watch, Local Variables, and Call Stack views are cleared and initialized.

If the debugger is attached to an existing process, Restart detaches the process and starts a new process.

To restart the debug process

  • On the Debug menu, click Restart.
  • Or, click the Restart toolbar button.
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Stopping a Debug Session (Stop Debugging)

The Stop Debugging command stops execution of the current program and enables loading of a new executable. The program is still loaded in the debugger, but no process is running. All views except the Source view are cleared and initialized.

If the debugger is attached to an existing process, Stop Debugging detaches the process. After it is detached, the process continues running independently of WDB, and WDB no longer has any control of the process.

To stop a debug session

  • On the Debug menu, click Stop Debugging.
  • Or, click the Stop Debugging toolbar button.
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Pausing Program Execution (Break Execution)

The Break Executioncommand pauses execution of the program running in the debugger. Once the program is paused, you can continue debugging as if you had encountered a breakpoint at that location.

To pause program execution

  • On the Debug menu, click Break Execution.
  • Or, click the Break toolbar button.
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See Also

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