AICS Research

Reports for
Credit Unions

An effort has been made to categorize reports available on this site to coincide with Summit's reference manuals.

Electronic Services reports refer to a collection of reports that presents information which is usually referred to in the EFT topic of Spectrum. These reports may be detail list reports or may summarize date in a text and/or graphical format.

Bullet ATM Deposit Report
An ATM deposit reconciliation report. This report makes balancing ATM deposits more efficient.
Detail  |  Download  (31Kb)  |  Sample Report

(Added to library on Feb 15, 1999)
Bullet Network Balancing Report
This report summarizes information that can be used to balance ATM network transactions. An ASCII download file is also created that can be imported into a balancing spreadsheet.
Detail  |  Download  (48Kb)  |  Sample Report

(Added to library on Feb 15, 1999)
Bullet Open ATM Cards
A summary report of the number of open, unrestricted ATM cards.
Detail  |  Download  (27Kb)

(Added to library on Feb 15, 1999)

QC Reports   QueryCalc
