AICS Research

Management Reports

  • wrq std Age Analysis (41Kb)
  • wrq std Department Profile (29Kb)
  • wrq std Membership List (34Kb)
  • wrq std Branch Database (55Kb)
  • wrq std Branch Report (32Kb)

  • Accounting Reports

  • wrq std Financial Graphs (57Kb)
  • wrq std Financial Statements (78Kb)
  • wrq std Fixed Asset Summary Report (37Kb)
  • wrq std Loan Audit Report (30Kb)
  • wrq std Loans to Credit Union Officials Report (31Kb)
  • wrq std Official Check Transmission (31Kb)
  • wrq std ProfitStar Download Report (34Kb)

  • Loan Reports

  • wrq std Delete VISA Cards (30Kb)
  • wrq std Delinquent Loan Review (31Kb)
  • wrq std K-Method Transfers (29Kb)
  • wrq std Loan Production Report (37Kb)
  • wrq std Rate Code Analysis Report (31Kb)
  • wrq std VISA Payment Transmission Report (40Kb)

  • Share Reports

  • wrq std CD Maturity Report (32Kb)
  • wrq std Indemnity Bond (34Kb)
  • wrq std Returned Deposit Letters (31Kb)
  • wrq std Share Analysis Report (41Kb)
  • wrq std Stop Payment Maintenance Report (29Kb)
  • wrq std Update MICR (32Kb)
  • wrq std ShareDraft Returns Download Report (35Kb)
  • wrq std NSF Notices (40Kb)

  • EFT Reports

  • wrq std ATM Deposit Report (31Kb)
  • wrq std ATM Network Balancing (48Kb)
  • wrq std Open ATM Cards (27Kb)

  • Miscellaneous Files & Reports

  • wrq std Default Worksheet (26Kb)
  • wrq std End-of-Month Databases (29Kb)
  • wrq std Fee Tag File (31Kb)
  • wrq std Plan America Form Letters (33Kb)
  • wrq std Laser Printer Escape Sequences (25Kb)
  • wrq std MCU Pseudodatabase (32Kb)

  • All Files & Reports

  • wrq std All Files (3.5Mb)

  • New Download formats

    Besides the original {report}.exe file that goes with the instructional steps below, MPE Store-To-Disk formats are now provided in Reflection Label format (.wrq) and binary FTP format (.std). The Readme.txt files have names that end in "T": {report}T (the std files end in "S"). After you transfer the std file to your HP3000, use the RESTORE command to retreive the files, then goto step 5 below. The stds where created from group.account: QCPUB.AICS.
      :file E=reportS;dev=disc

    Downloading Instructions

    The downloading procedures are also included in the readme.txt file which is downloaded with each report. Readme.txt also includes additional instructions for customizing the reports to run on your HP3000.

    Although downloading reports from this site is quite simple, you may wish to print these instructions before proceeding. The procedure outlined below requires the use of: (i) a relatively recent version of the Reflection terminal emulator and (ii) either Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or greater) or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 (or greater), running on any version of Windows (3.x, 95, or NT). If you're missing any of these pieces, the downloading procedure unfortunately will not work.

    Step 1.
    Click on the desired download link. Store the self-extracting file anywhere you wish on your PC. Its residency on your PC will only be temporary. At the conclusion of the downloading process, after the files have been successfully transferred to your HP3000, this file will be deleted.
    Step 2.
    Once the file has been downloaded, double click on the newly downloaded file. When you press the UnZip button, the file will unzip itself and automatically build an AICS directory (folder) on the C: drive, with a subdirectory (subfolder) labeled Reports.
    Step 3.
    You will now find files in the Reports subdirectory. The files include a Readme.txt file, the report and any attendant macros, jobs and ancillary files. These files are stored in Reflection's WRQ protocol (LABEL mode) and must be transferred back onto your HP3000 in that format. The particular version of Reflection that was used to originally upload these files was 5.21. It would probably be best to use a reasonably similar version.
    Step 4.
    Once the download is complete, follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file to transfer the files to your HP3000.
    Step 5.
    Once the transfer is complete, follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file to setup the report for your credit union.
    Step 6.
    Once you are satisfied that the report is working, you may delete the self-extracting download file as well as the Reports subdirectory and its files from your PC's file directory.
    Step 7.
    Congratulations on a successful download. We sincerely hope you will find your new QueryCalc report useful!

    QC Reports   QueryCalc
