AICS Research

Open ATM
Cards Report

Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

A management report can be as simple as a single answer to a single question. How many widgets did we make last month? Often, managers have to receive a large number of pages, flip to the back and look at the total in order to get the one number they want. On some reports, the total may not be available. You may have to run a tape on the detail provided to get the answer you needed.

This report is an alternative. One question, one answer. How many open, unrestricted ATM cards does our institution have right now? The output has been formatted to make it more "user friendly".

The worksheet is all that is necessary to create the report. However, because we track this information, the report has been automated to run at the end of the month without input or interference from an operator. In this way, the report is printed and waiting with the other month end reports.

Files included
  • OpenATMW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • OpenATMM - QueryCalc macro
  • OpenATMJ - job which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
  • MEMBR2 - Spectrum Image Database

Special Requirements

PostScript printer. In order to print the report to the PostScript form provided, you must have a PostScript printer.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
