MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual
> Chapter 12 Command List XCommands SAVE thru SHUTQ |
SAVESaves a file in the permanent system file domain. SyntaxSAVE { $OLDPASS,newfilereference | tempfilereference } Parameters
Operation NotesThe SAVE command saves a temporary file by converting it to a permanent file in the system file domain. This command is necessary when the subsystem or program that created your file does not allow you to save it while the program is executing. You must specify a new filename for $OLDPASS, because MPE/iX does not allow $OLDPASS as a permanent file name. If there is a file in the temporary domain with the same name specified by newfilereference, MPE/iX attempts to save $OLDPASS by creating a new temporary file. This temporary file name, created by SAVE, starts with S and is followed by seven digits: Sdddhhmm, where ddd is the Julian day of the year, hh is the hour of the day, and mm is the minute. The new temporary file is then saved under the file name specified by newfilereference, and is deleted from the temporary domain. If both temporary and permanent files exist under the same name specified by newfilereference, the temporary SAVE file is saved as a permanent file. In this case, a printed error message states the file name for the new SAVE file. It can be renamed later using the RENAME command. This command applies only to temporary files on disk. It is similar to opening a file with the FOPEN intrinsic, and then closing it with the FCLOSE intrinsic, using a permanent file disposition. Use the SAVE command to save KSAM XL files. Since the KSAMUTIL utility is not supported for KSAM XL, the SAVE command is the only method of doing so.UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExamplesTo save the temporary file $OLDPASS, containing an object program, to the program file PROGFILE, enter:SAVE $OLDPASS,PROGFILETo save the temporary file TEMPFL as a permanent file with the same name, enter: SAVE TEMPFLTo save the temporary file DATAFILE in the group GROUPX, enter: SAVE DATAFILE.GROUPXTo save a temporary file (other than $OLDPASS) and change its name, use the SAVE and RENAME commands. Only the logon group and account directories in the current session are searched, for example: SAVE DATAFILE RENAME DATAFILE,DATABASE Related Information
SECUREReinstates all file security provisions that you previously suspended with the RELEASE command. SyntaxSECURE filereference Parameters
Operation Notes
UseYou can enter this command from a session, a job, a program, or in break mode. Pressing Break does not affect this command.Example
Related Information
SEGMENTERStarts the MPE segmenter. SyntaxSEGMENTER [listfile] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command starts the segmenter subsystem from MPE/iX. The segmenter subsystem performs the intermediate functions between source code compilation and program execution. The segmenter employs temporary files named T999SYM, SEGTMP01, and SEGTMP00. If you create temporary files with these names, the segmenter attempts to purge them. You must have READ and LOCK access to use a relocatable library with the SEGMENTER command.UseThis command may be issued from a session or a job. It may not be issued in BREAK or from a program, unless the user or the MPE segmenter has process handling (PH) capability. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.ExampleTo call the MPE segmenter from a session and transmit the output to a line printer instead of the standard list device, enter:FILE LISTFL;DEV=LP SEGMENTER *LISTFL Related Information
SETDefines elements of the command interpreter. It also allows a job using a spooled $STDLIST to mark its standard list device for deletion when the job terminates. (Native Mode) SyntaxSET [STDLIST= { DELETE | SAVE }] [;MSG= { ON | OFF }] [ECHO= { ON | OFF }] [;SPEED= { 300 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 19.2K }] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SET command specifies several elements of the command interpreter including the terminal echo and baud rate. In a job, the SET command can be placed anywhere between the JOB and EOJ statements. It is most practical to place it at the end of a job stream since the command does not execute if the job fails. $STDLIST then prints, allowing you to study your listing and to locate the problem. The effect of a SET STDLIST=DELETE can be reversed by entering SET STDLIST=SAVE into the job stream. Note that the SET command works only on jobs with a spooled $STDLIST.UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExampleThe following example illustrates using the SET command from within a program:!JOB EXAMPLE, USER.TECHPUB,XGROUP !CONTINUE !RUN UPDATE.PUB.SYS;PARM=1;MAXDATA=16000 !IF JCW < FATAL THEN !SET STDLIST=DELETE !ENDIF !EOJ Related Information
SETCATALOGCatalogs, or enables, the user-defined commands (UDCs) in a specified catalog file at the user, account, or system level. You can also use this command to disable all UDCs on the system. (Native Mode)
SyntaxSETCATALOG [ catfilename [,catfilename [, ...]]] [ ;SHOW] [ ;SYSTEM] [ ;ACCOUNT] [ ;USER= username[.acctname]] [ ;RESET][ ;APPEND][ ;DELETE] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SETCATALOG command allows you to catalog user-defined commands. When you set your own UDCs, the change takes place in your UDC catalog immediately. If you specify the ACCOUNT or SYSTEM parameter, your UDC catalog is changed immediately, but other users in your account or system must log on again in order to have those changes available to them. If you set a UDC and specify another user (USER=), that user must log on again in order to have the changes available. The ability to delete or append files is particularly useful because, although most UDC files do not change, new UDC commands are frequently added or modified. Using the DELETE or APPEND parameter allows you to make changes without incurring the overhead of recataloging the entire directory for every change. Grouping UDC files into functions further reduces the work involved in modifying UDCs. The RECURSION option relieves the user of having to define a particular command more than once in a catalog set, and from having to maintain a particular order for commands within a catalog set. Refer to the discussion on options in "User Commands" in Using the HP 3000 Series 900: Advanced Skills. If SETCATALOG is used in a UDC, all valid commands through and including the SETCATALOG command execute. But execution of the UDC terminates after the execution of the SETCATALOG command. Commands that follow do not execute. The SETCATALOG command does not have this effect when executed in a command file. The SETCATALOG command may be invoked only from the logon command interpreter (user main), where it is passed through the scanner/parser. It cannot be invoked from any other program (any child process).UseThis command is available in a session, job, or in BREAK. It is not available from a program. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExamplesThe following command sets the UDC directory for the user JOHN.WORKERS with the commands in the file named UDCA. The USER option cannot be specified with the ACCOUNT or SYSTEM options. Attempting to do so produces an error.SETCATALOG UDCA; USER=JOHN.WORKERSThe following two command sequences are equivalent: SETCATALOG UDCA, UDCB SETCATALOG UDCA SETCATALOG UDCB ;APPENDIn the first example, the command has an implied RESET, and thus overwrites the previous file set in the directory. In the second example, UDCA is entered into the directory, and then UDCB is appended to the directory without affecting UDCA. It also finds new logon commands if appropriate. The following command deletes UDCA from the directory at the account level, provided it was cataloged at the account level. If other account-level UDCs reside in the directory along with UDCA, they remain undisturbed by this deletion. When appropriate, a new logon UDC is set up. SETCATALOG UDCA ;DELETE ;ACCOUNT
Related Information
SETCLOCKAlters the system time or system time zone. SYNTAXSETCLOCK {DATE=date-spec ;TIME=time-spec [; { GRADUAL | NOW }]} [CORRECTION= correction-spec] [TIMEZONE= timezone-spec] [ ;CANCEL] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SETCLOCK command is used to change the system time or to change the system's time zone. Changing the system time or time zone does not affect any interval timers in effect. Thus, a PAUSE for a given time duration will maintain that same duration regardless of how the system time is changed. Changing the system time or time zone will cause any jobs streamed with a time specification (;AT=, ;DAY=, ;DATE= or ;IN=) to be introduced in accordance with the newly-changed system time. Thus, a job streamed with ;AT=9:00 will be introduced when the changed system time is equal to 9:00. The user may provide SETCLOCK with a date and time, a time correction, or a time zone. The Date-Time form, the Correction form, and the Time Zone form are mutually exclusive; for instance, the user may not provide specifications for both a time correction and a time zone in a single command. The Date-Time and Correction forms of the command are intended for slight adjustments of the system time. For example, these forms would be used to move the time forward or backward slightly in order to keep the system time synchronized with an external time source. Both local and Universal (GMT) time are adjusted. The Time Zone form of the command is intended for the larger time changes required to move the system to a new time zone, such as moving between Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time. This form of the command alters the local time without changing Universal Time. Date-Time: If the Date-Time form of the command is used, the system time is adjusted to the specified date and time. This adjustment is gradual by default. It may be made immediate if ;NOW is specified and the user has System Manager (SM) capability. Correction: If the Correction form of the command is used, the system time is adjusted forward or backward by the amount of the correction. This adjustment is always gradual. Time Zone: If the Time Zone form is used, local time is adjusted to match that of the specified time zone. In addition, the system time zone offset is changed to reflect the new time zone. The Use of The Time Zone Offset On the HP3000 Universal Time (GMT) is calculated by starting with local time and adding or subtracting a time zone offset. When changing time zones (such as moving from Standard to Daylight Savings Time and back) the local time is altered, but this change must not affect Universal Time. To prevent Universal Time from being altered, both the local time and the system time zone offset must be adjusted. Therefore, using the Time Zone form of this command is the only way to accurately change time zones. If the Date-Time or Correction form of the command is used, Universal Time will drift along with local time. Thus, the Date-Time and Correction forms of this command should only be used to adjust the clock for drift, not to change time zones. Results of the Time Zone Form
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Diagnostician (DI) and either Operator (OP) or System Manager (SM) capabilities are required to issue this command. Additionally, System Manager (SM) capabiltiy is required to use the ;NOW parameter.Examples of Date-Time and Correction Forms:The following example illustrates setting the system time by providing a date and time::SETCLOCK DATE=07/04/1993;TIME=15:00The following example illustrates providing a time correction to advance the system time by one hour. :SETCLOCK CORRECTION= +3600or :SETCLOCK CORRECTION= 3600Both of the above examples cause Universal Time (GMT) to change as well as local time, and therefore while they are useful in correcting the system time for drift (time gain or loss), they are not accurate ways to change time zones. The following example illustrates setting a time correction, executing a SHOWCLOCK command, cancelling the correction, then again executing a SHOWCLOCK command. Note that by the time of the first SHOWCLOCK the correction has already begun to be consumed. :SETCLOCK CORRECTION= -3600 :SHOWCLOCK SYSTEM TIME: FRI, JUL 24, 1987, 8:47:35 AM CURRENT TIME CORRECTION: -3568 SECONDS TIME ZONE: 7 HOURS 0 MINUTES WESTERN HEMISPHERE :SETCLOCK; CANCEL CORRECTION OF -3550 SECONDS HAS BEEN CANCELLED :SHOWCLOCK SYSTEM TIME: FRI, JUL 24, 1987, 8:52:53 AM CURRENT TIME CORRECTION: 0 SECONDS TIME ZONE: 7 HOURS 0 MINUTES WESTERN HEMISPHERENote that in the example above the system clock was slower than normal for several minutes. Cancelling the correction did not undo that change; it merely prevented any further time change. Thus after this sequence of commands, the system clock is set to a slightly earlier time than if no SETCLOCK command had been issued. Examples of the Time Zone Form:Moving from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time: The following example illustrates changing the system time zone offset from 8 hours 00 minutes in the Western Hemisphere (Pacific Standard Time) to 7 hours 00 minutes in the Western Hemisphere (Pacific Daylight Savings Time). This command will cause local time to jump forward immediately one hour. Universal Time will be unchanged.:SETCLOCK TIMEZONE=W7:00 SYSTEM TIME: SUN, APR 4, 1993, 7:12:00 AM CURRENT TIME CORRECTION: 3600 SECONDS TIME ZONE: 7 HOURS 0 MINUTES WESTERN HEMISPHEREMoving from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time: The following example illustrates changing the system time zone offset from 7 hours 00 minutes in the Western Hemisphere (Pacific Daylight Savings Time) back to 8 hours 00 minutes in the Western Hemisphere (Pacific Standard Time). This command will cause local time to slow down until it loses one hour. Users of Universal Time will see an immediate one-hour jump forward, followed by a slowdown until system Univeral Time again matches real Universal Time. :SETCLOCK TIMEZONE= W8:00 SYSTEM TIME: SUN, OCT 31, 1993, 06:23:14 AM CURRENT TIME CORRECTION: -3600 SECONDS TIME ZONE: 8 HOURS 0 MINUTES WESTERN HEMISPHERE Related Information
SETCOUNTERSets the next value of a specified resource counter, and optionally enables automatic rollback when a specified limit is reached. Duplicate values are avoided. SyntaxSETCOUNTER [ COUNTER=] [ INSP | OUTSP | JOBNUM | SESSNUM ] [ ;BASE = num] [ ;MAX = num ] [ ;SHOW] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SETCOUNTER command allows you to specify limits other than 1 and the maximum possible value of one of four counters (but within that range) You may set limits for one counter with each use of the command and, therefore, you must invoke the command four times to change the limits of all four coutners. You may also use SETCOUNTER to display the current values of the counters. Only one invocation of the command is necessary to see all current values. To set a maximum operating value for the specified counter and enable its operation, enter a positive value for the MAX keyword. Specify MAX=0 to disable the operation, that is, the counter's limit is then its maximum possible value. Omitting MAX leaves its previous value in force. Once MAX is reached, the next value tried is the BASE value. If you specify a non-zero value for MAX, it must be greater than the current BASE for the corresponding counter, but less than the maximum possible value. The BASE keyword causes the specified counter to be immediately yanked to the specified value. If you supply a value, it must be less than the supplied or current value of MAX (other than 0), and in any case, less than the maximum possible value. If you do not specify BASE, it is not changed, nor is current sequencing affected. For each counter, duplicate values are avoided. For example, if #O10 is in use when due to be assigned as the next output spoolid, it is skipped and #O11 is tried. This process continues until an available value is found. The defaults, established when the system is booted, are MAX=0 and BASE=1. This is for backward compatibility; if these settings are not changed, the system will operate as it does today. These boot time settings can be modified by including one or more instances of this command in SYSSTART.PUB.SYS. The SHOW option can be used alone to display the current values of BASE and MAX for a specified counter or for all four counters. If used in addition to either BASE or MAX, the value(s) displayed are the new setting(s). This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in Break. Any display specified by the SHOW option is breakable, but command operation is not. Any user may execute this command with only the SHOW option to display current values of BASE, Next, and MAX for the specified counter (or all counters if none is specified). When changing either value, this command may be executed only:
ExamplesTo display the current BASE, Next, MAX, and maximum possible values for all four counters, enter::SETCOUNTER ;SHOW Absolute Counter BASE Next MAX maximum --------------- ----- -------- ---------- ---------- Input spoolid: 1 172 16383 9999999 Output spoolid: 1 1872 32767 9999999 Job number: 1 172 0 16383 Session number: 1 2753 0 16383To limit input spoolids to the same range as their corresponding jobs, enter: :SETCOUNTER INSP; MAX=16383 Related Information
SETDUMPArms the system debug facility for a process abort. (Native Mode) SyntaxSETDUMP [DB [,ST [,QS]]] [;ASCII] [;DEBUG="commands"] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command enables the stackdump facility for any process created later under the current session or job. If the call is armed (enabled), and the process aborts, SETDUMP executes the system debug commands given in the "commands" parameter. If no commands are specified, a default command string is used to produce a stacktrace and register dump. If the process is interactive, it subsequently enters the system debugger to wait for further commands. If it is not interactive, the process simply terminates instead of entering the debugger. Any combination of the four strings (DB, ST, QS, or ASCII) is parsed without error in MPE/iX, but they have no effect on the functional behavior of the commands. The "commands" string, preceded by the DEBUG keyword, is interpreted as a series of system debug commands and is sent to the system debugger that way. The "commands" parameter may contain a maximum of 255 characters.
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExampleTo arm the stackdump/debug facility, enter:SETDUMP Related Information
SETJCWCreates or assigns a value to a job control word (JCW) variable. SyntaxSETJCW jcwname delimiter value [{ + | - }value] Parameters
Operation NotesA job control word (JCW) is a flag that allows information to be passed between processes within a single job or session. There are three forms of JCWs: system-defined, user-defined, and system-reserved. Job control words in MPE/iX are classed as system variables of type JCW. You may delete user-created variables. You may modify the two system-defined variables CIERROR and JCW. Refer to appendix A, "Predefined Variables in MPE/iX," for a list of system-defined variables. The SETVAR command creates and assigns variables too, but variables created or assigned with SETVAR are not of type JCW and cannot function as true job control words. If you create or assign a value to a variable using the SETJCW command and later reassign its value using the SETVAR command, the reassignment succeeds. If the new value is out of range for a JCW, the variable type is changed to that of an ordinary user-defined variable:SETJCW PROGCNTR 0 .... SETVAR PROGCNTR 65536 JCW VARIABLE RECLASSIFIED AS A STANDARD VARIABLE (CIWARN 8126)PROGCNTR is now a user-defined variable and does not function as a job control word. JCWs can be tested against specific values. The user can use IF and WHILE conditional statements that act according to the results of these tests. The user-defined JCWs can also be set to user-selected values by a process so that they reflect the completion of steps within that process. System-defined JCWs can be used to determine whether certain events have occurred within MPE/iX. The values in the system-reserved JCWs can be inspected by the user, but not altered. To display the contents of a JCW use the SHOWJCW or the SHOWVAR command. JCW Values and Mnemonics JCWs may be assigned any positive integer value between 0 and 65,535 inclusive (%0 and %177777). These values are treated as 16-bit unsigned integers by MPE/iX, since all 16 bits are used for numeric information, rather than using the most significant bit as a sign bit. MPE/iX treats the two most significant bits of a JCW in a special way: the bits define "bases" or "steps" of 16K each. Each of these steps is given a mnemonic to simplify references to it or to the numbers between steps. If the 14 least significant bits are considered to be zeros, the two "step" bits, step value (in decimal), and mnemonic have the following relationship: Table 12-1 JCW Values and Mnemonics
SETJCW OK=100 SETJCW X=OKNaming a JCW with a mnemonic or predefined JCW value results in an error message, as in the following example: SETJCW OK200=1982 JCWNAME CANNOT BE A VALID JCW VALUE (CIERR 1725)Negative or out-of-range JCW values cause the following error message to be displayed: VALUE NOT IN RANGELEGAL RANGE IS 0 TO 65535 (CIERR 1712)System-Defined JCWs JCW and CIERROR are MPE/iX system-defined JCWs created for each job and session. The JCW named JCW is always initialized to zero at the beginning of the job or session and remains zero, unless fatal errors occur, or unless the user changes the value. There are two special values for the system-defined JCW: %140000 (System 0) Program aborted per user request. >%140000 Program terminated in an error state.The CIERROR JCW tracks command interpreter (CI) errors. CIERROR is set to zero at the beginning of the job or session. If a command interpreter error occurs, CIERROR is updated to reflect the current CI error message number. Users are advised not to alter the values of the CIERROR and JCW job control words. User-defined JCWs should be used for information the user wishes to control. The following example shows the use of the CIERROR JCW: LISTF ^ UNKNOWN COMMAND NAME. (CIERR 975) SHOWJCW CIERROR CIERROR = 975 RUN ^ NO PROGRAM FILE SPECIFIED. (CIERR 600) SHOWJCW CIERROR CIERROR = 600 :System-Reserved JCWs The system-reserved JCWs are HPMINUTE, HPHOUR, HPDAY, HPDATE, HPMONTH, and HPYEAR. They contain system-assigned minute, hour, day, date, month, and year information. If the user attempts to assign values, an error message is displayed. You can retrieve the values in these JCWs with the FINDJCW intrinsic. The values can also be tested if the JCW is used with an IF, WHILE, SETJCW, SETVAR, or CALC command. The names of the system-reserved JCWs are reserved. The following describes system-reserved JCWs and possible values:
!SETJCW CHEKPROGSTAT=OK !CONTINUE !RUN CHEKPROG ! IF CHEKPROGSTAT<FATAL THEN ! RUN SHIPPROG ! ELSE ! SHOWJCW CHEKPROGSTAT ! RUN ERRORRPT !ENDIF !RUN FINALRPT UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExamplesTo set the job control word CURR1 to 100, and use a comma (,) as the delimiter instead of an =, enter:SETJCW CURR1,100To set CURR1 to the value of the mnemonic WARN, and use a slash (/) as the delimiter instead of an =, enter: SETJCW CURR1/WARNTo use an arithmetic operation to set one JCW value relative to another, enter: SETJCW NEWJCW=LASTJCW + 56To schedule a full backup job on Saturdays and a partial backup job on the other days of the week, you could create a user command: SETJCW FRIDAY=6 IF HPDAY = FRIDAY THEN SCHEDJOB FULLBKUP;IN=1 ELSE SCHEDJOB PARTBKUP;IN=1 ENDIF Related Information
SETMSGEnables or disables the receipt of user or operator messages at the standard list device. SyntaxSETMSG { OFF | ON } Parameters
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.Operation NotesAllows a job or session to receive or block TELL messages from other users. WARN messages from the system operator override quiet mode and are received and displayed.ExamplesTo block messages, enter:SETMSG OFFTo receive messages, enter: SETMSG ON Related Information
SETVARAssigns values to MPE/iX variables. (Native Mode) SyntaxSETVAR varname { <space> | , | ; } expression Parameters
Operation NotesThis command assigns values to MPE/iX variables. Variable names may be any combination of letters and numbers plus the underbar character, up to a total of 255 characters. Variables must start with a letter or the underbar character. The expression parameter may be an MPE/iX expression, a Boolean, integer, or string value, or the name of another variable. If expression consists of elements and operators MPE/iX accepts ('abc' + 'cd' or 2*5+1), SETVAR will evaluate it. The operators defined in Table 12-2 "Logical Operators - The SETVAR Command" may be used in expression. Table 12-2 Logical Operators - The SETVAR Command
SETVAR TRUE 'ABC' SETVAR X TRUEThe SETVAR command may be used to set the command interpreter's search path (HPPATH), the command interpreter's prompt (HPPROMPT), and all other variables. You use SHOWVAR to see all the variables that were created by the user. Issuing SHOWVAR @ causes the display of every predefined and user-defined variable. UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break terminates an INPUT ( ) function.ExampleTo change the command interpreter prompt to your username.accountname, enter:SETVAR HPPROMPT "!HPUSER.!HPACCOUNT:" or SETVAR HPPROMPT HPUSER+"."+HPACCOUNT+":"The result is the same regardless of which form of the command you use. Related Information
SHOWALLOCATEDisplays status information about the ALLOCATE command. SyntaxSHOWALLOCATE [ STATUS [,listfile] [ALLOCATE [,[fileset] [,listfile]] ] [ALL [,[fileset] [,listfile]] ] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command generates the status information of the specified system tables and lists files which are allocated.UseThis command requires system manager (SM) capability to execute for other groups or accounts.ExamplesTo display status information for all allocated files in the system.SHOWALLOCATE ALLOCATE ALLOCATED PROGRAMS SHARE COUNT EDITOR.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . . 0 FCOPY.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . . 2 LISTDIR5.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . 1 NUMBER OF PROGRAMS FOUND = 3To display status information for all allocated files starting with a character "S" in the account named SYS. SHOWALLOCATE ALLOCATE,S@.@.SYS ALLOCATED PROGRAMS SHARE COUNT SPOOK5.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . . 1 SLPATCH.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . . 0 NUMBER OF PROGRAMS FOUND = 2To display summary status information regarding allocation. SHOWALLOCATE STATUS ALLOCATION STATUS NUMBER OF PROGRAMS ALLOCATED = 3 ALLOCATION RELATED TABLES SIZE %USED CODE SEGMENT TABLE 191 52 CSTX BLOCK TABLE 144 13 LOADER SEGMENT TABLE 32000 3 Related Information
SHOWALLOWDisplays which operator commands have been allowed. SyntaxSHOWALLOW [{ @.@ | user.@ | @.acct | user.acct }] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command displays the operator commands that have been allowed to specific users if the user.acct form is entered. If the @.@ form is entered, the commands allowed to all users in all accounts are displayed. System manager (SM) capability is required to specify @.@. Account managers (AM capability) may specify all users in their own account. When SHOWALLOW is executed from the system console, @ may be substituted for user and/or acct. In addition, SHOWALLOW separately lists which operator commands have been globally allowed.UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command. Account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability is required to execute this command for other groups or accounts.ExampleTo list the operator commands allowed to the user USER.SYS, enter:SHOWALLOW USER.SYS #S86 USER.SYS USER HAS THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS ALLOWED: ABORTIO ACCEPT DOWN GIVE THERE ARE NO GLOBAL ALLOWS DEFINED. Related Information
SHOWCATALOGDisplays information about user-defined commands (UDCs). (Native Mode) SyntaxSHOWCATALOG [listfile] [;USER=username [.acctname]] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command lists user-defined command files, their commands and the level at which they were cataloged (user, account, or `system). This may not be the executing UDC catalog directory, as with the USER option. The user may specify a listfile to send the listing to the line printer. You may use a file equation to direct the listing of the catalog to another disk or tape file. Default is that the listing is sent to the $STDLIST device. If SETCATALOG is performed with the USER option after the user logs on, the user's executing UDC directory is not affected. Only the UDC catalog set is affected. The next time the user logs on, the UDC directory is built from this set. Thus the SHOWCATALOG command with the USER option shows the UDC catalog set. The SHOWCATALOG command alone shows the currently executing UDC directory commands.UseThis command is available from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesTo display the account-level UDC files of all users in the GRIMSBY account, enter:SHOWCATALOG ;USER=@.GRIMSBYTo display the system-level UDC files of all users in all accounts, enter: SHOWCATALOG ;USER=@.@To display all UDC command files for the current user and send the listing to the line printer (LP), enter: SHOWCATALOG MYFILETo display all UDC command files for the current user and send the listing to the disk file called MYFILE, enter: FILE MYFILE;DEV=DISK SHOWCATALOG *MYFILETo send all system-level UDC files to the line printer under the name LISTALL, enter: SHOWCATALOG LISTALL,@.@To display a list of the cataloged files for the user SCOTT in your account, enter: SHOWCATALOG,SCOTT Related Information
SHOWCLOCKDisplays information about the system date and time. SYNTAXSHOWCLOCK ParametersNone.Operation NotesPrints the current time, date, the time correction in effect, and the time zone. See the command SETCLOCK for information about time correction and time zone.UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.Example:SHOWCLOCK SYSTEM TIME: FRI, JUL 24, 1987, 8:47:35 AM CURRENT TIME CORRECTION: -3428 seconds TIME ZONE: 7 HOURS 0 MINUTES WESTERN HEMISPHERE Related Information
SHOWDEVReports the status of input/output devices. SyntaxSHOWDEV [ ldev | classname ] [;ACD] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SHOWDEV command displays the status information for all input and output devices on the system. The display spacing is important and has been changed after the 4.7 release. The display appears in the following format:SHOWDEV LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP VOLID DEN ASSOCIATION 1 DISC N/A 2 DISC N/A 3 DISC N/A 4 DISC N/A 5 AVAIL 6 SPOOLED SPOOLER OUT 7 AVAIL 8 AVAIL 9 AVAIL 10 A AVAIL 11 DISC N/A 12 DISC N/A 13 DISC N/A 14 DISC N/A 15 DISC N/A 16 DISC N/A 17 AVAIL 18 AVAIL 19 SPOOLED 20 A UNAVAIL #S914: 8 FILES 21 A AVAIL
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesTo display the status of the device identified by logical device number 5 enter:SHOWDEV 5 LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP VOLID DEN ASSOCIATION 5 SPOOLED SPOOLER OUTTo display the status of all devices of the device class CARD, enter: SHOWDEV CARD LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP VOLID DEN ASSOCIATION 6 A AVAIL Related Information
SHOWINReports the status of input device files. SyntaxSHOWIN [ #Innn STATUS ] [;SP] [;item [;...]] Parameters
Syntax for Item[DEV=ldev] [JOB={ @J | @S | @ | [#] { Jnnn | Snnn }} ] [{ ACTIVE | OPENED | READY }] Parameters for Item
Operation NotesThis command displays the status information about one or more currently defined input device files. This information reflects the status at the time the command is entered, and always appears on the standard list device. Except for the keyword STATUS, which has its own format (refer to "Parameters"), the format of the information is as follows:DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C 10 #I10 #J133 $STDIN OPENEDThe information displayed in this format is defined as follows:
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesThe following is an example of how to determine the status of an individual input device file:SHOWIN #I80 DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C 43 #I43 #S37 $STDIN OPENED 8If you do not know the device file identification number (DFID) of the device file whose status you want to determine, you may request the status display by entering either the logical device number or the device class name of the device on which the file originated: SHOWIN DEV=43 DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C 43 #I43 #S37 $STDIN OPENEDYou may also request displays of device file information using various combinations of qualifications (devices, jobs/sessions, and states). For example, to display information about all OPENED input device files used by all sessions (but not jobs) in the system, enter: SHOWIN JOB=@S;OPENED DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C 7 #I7 #S38 MASTER OPENED 26 #I26 #S18 $STDIN OPENED 32 #I32 #S41 $STDIN OPENED 34 #I34 #S26 $STDIN OPENED 42 #I42 #S28 $STDIN OPENED 43 #I43 #S37 $STDIN OPENED 50 #I50 #S40 $STDIN OPENED 51 #I51 #S17 $STDIN OPENED 8 FILES (DISPLAYED): 0 SPOOFLES: 0 SECTORS Related Information
SHOWJCWDisplays the current state of one or more job control word (JCW) variables. SyntaxSHOWJCW [jcwname] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SHOWJCW command is used to display the current state of one or more job control words (JCWs). Job control words in MPE/iX are classed as variables of type JCW. Specifying a particular JCW (user-defined, system-defined, or system-reserved) displays the value of that particular JCW. If you do not specify a particular JCW, user-defined and system-defined JCWs are displayed. The value of the third type of JCW, system-reserved JCW, is displayed only if you specifically enter its jcwname. The SHOWVAR command can be used to show variable values as well. You may retrieve the value assigned a JCW with the FINDJCW and HPCIGETVAR intrinsics. You may test the value of a JCW with an IF or WHILE command. In this way, the value of a given JCW can be used to conditionally execute another instruction or set of instructions. For example:!CONTINUE !SPL MYPROG,MYUSL !IF JCW>=FATAL THEN ! TELL USER.TECHPUBS;COMPILE FAILED !ELSE ! TELL USER.TECHPUBS;COMPILE COMPLETED !ENDIF UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesTo show the current state of all user-defined and system-defined JCWs, enter:SHOWJCW JCW = 0 CIERROR = 0To display the current state of a valid user-defined job control word named JCW1, enter: SHOWJCW JCW1 JCW1=3To display the contents of a system-reserved JCW, enter: SHOWJCW HPDAY HPDAY=4 Related Information
SHOWJOBDisplays status information about jobs/sessions. SyntaxSHOWJOB [ [#]Snnn | [#]Jnnn | STATUS | SCHED ] [item [;...]] [;*listfile] [;JOBQ] Parameters
Syntax for Item[JOB={ @J | @S | @ [{ @ | jsname} ,] username.acctname }] [;{INTRO | EXEC | SUSP | WAIT [, { N | D }] }] Parameters for Item
Operation NotesThis command enables you to determine the number of jobs and sessions in each processing state, the current jobfence and job/session limits, and allows you to keep track of individual spooled and streamed jobs that are entered in the system. The command jobq will indicate the queue name to which the job belongs.The output appears in the following formats: Type I:JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST INTRODUCED JOB NAME #S16 EXEC 45 45 MON 7:08A TEST.PUBS JOBFENCE= 0; JLIMIT = 3; SLIMIT= 16Type II: 7 JOBS: 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 7 EXEC; INCL 7 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 0; JLIMIT= 3; SLIMIT= 16If the SHOWJOB SCHED command is used, the output is displayed as shown below. The STATE field shows that the job is scheduled. The SCHEDULED-INTRO field shows the time and date the job will be introduced to the system. Note that the scheduled jobs are listed in the order in which they will be introduced to the system. If you enter only the SHOWJOB command, the formatted output for jobs and sessions in the INTRO, WAIT, and EXEC states is displayed first in the Type I and Type II formats. The formatted data for jobs in the SCHED state is displayed last and is in the Type III format. Type III: CURRENT: 5/13/85 1600 JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST SCHEDULED-INTRO JOB NAME #J38 SCHED 3 10 6 5/16/84 11:24 NOTHING,JON.OSE #J23 SCHED 8 10 PP 5/25/84 8:01 REPORT,MGR.OSE #J25 SCHED 8 10 LP 7/ 4/84 18:05 FIREWORK,MR.SAM 3 JOBS (DISPLAYED) JOBFENCE=7; JLIMIT=2; SLIMIT=20 UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesTo determine the number of jobs and sessions in each processing state, the current jobfence and the job/session limits, enter:SHOWJOB STATUS 6 JOBS: 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 6 EXEC; INCL 6 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 0; JLIMIT= 3; SLIMIT= 16To get a report on all jobs and sessions in the system, enter: :SHOWJOB JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST INTRODUCED JOB NAME #S745 EXEC 29 29 MON 2:53P DL,SPL.ALANG #S746 EXEC 26 26 MON 2:53P CLI.AOPSYS 2 JOBS: 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 2 EXEC; INCL 2 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 2; JLIMIT= 1; SLIMIT= 16 :SHOWJOB;jobq JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST JOBQ INTRODUCED JOB NAME #J3 EXEC 10S LP HPSYSJQ WED 11:46A FTPMON,FTP.SYS #J7 EXEC 10S LP SYSMGRQ WED 5:47P EMG,MGR.SYSMGR #S81 EXEC 34 34 THU 12:17P MGR.GOPIThe following example of a SHOWJOB command sequence illustrates an override of the default characteristics of listfile with the FILE command, and shows the output produced with the new listfile characteristics: FILE A;REC=40,1,F,ASCII;NOCCTL SHOWJOB;*A SAVE A FCOPY FROM=A;TO= HP32212A.03.26 FILE COPIER (C) HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. 1984 MON, MAY 7, 1987, 7:54 AM JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST INTRODUCED JOB NAME #S46 EXEC 20 20 MON 7:14A OPERATOR.SYS #S45 EXEC 47 47 MON 6:37A USER.PUBS #S47 EXEC 28 28 MON 7:26A SUPPORT.DOC #S48 EXEC 102 102 MON 7:28A USER.TECH #J19 EXEC 10S LP MON 6:41A JON.OSE #S49 EXEC* 34 34 MON 7:31A FLASH.G #J21 EXEC 10S LP MON 7:15A DELIVER,MAIL.MAIL #J22 EXEC 10S LP MON 7:14A RSPOOLJ,RSPOOL.SYS 8 JOBS (DISPLAYED): 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 8 EXEC; INCL 5 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 6; JLIMIT= 4; SLIMIT= 50 EOF FOUND IN FROMFILE AFTER RECORD 17 18 RECORDS PROCESSED *** 0 ERRORS END OF SUBSYSTEM :The SHOWJOB command reports a job or session as being in EXEC* when it is initializing. After initialization is complete, the state changes to EXEC. The number shown in the EXEC state is the sum of the jobs and sessions in both EXEC and EXEC*. Related Information
SHOWLOGDisplays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of disk space used. (Native Mode) SyntaxSHOWLOG ParametersNone.Operation NotesThe log file number, xxxx, and percentage of file space used, yy, is displayed in the format:SYSTEM LOG FILE #xxxx IS yy% FULLIf the logging system is disabled, MPE/iX displays the message: NO LOGGINGIf logging is enabled but currently suspended due to an error, both messages are displayed. UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. System supervisor (OP) capability is required to use this command.ExampleTo display the current log file status, enter:SHOWLOG SYSTEM LOG FILE #7 IS 20% FULL Related Information
SHOWLOGSTATUSDisplays status information about currently opened user logging files assigned to a logging identifier. SyntaxSHOWLOGSTATUS [logid] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command lists the status of currently running logging processes. The status includes the total number of records written by the process and the number of users accessing the logging file. By default this command gives the following information about all currently running logging processes. To display the status of the logging identifier LEN, enter:SHOWLOGSTATUS LEN LOGID CHANGE AUTO USERS STATE CUR-REC MAX-REC % USED CUR-F LEN NO NO 4 INACTIVE 100 1000 10% 1The information provided in this format is defined as follows:
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExampleRefer to "Operation Notes."Related Information
SHOWMEReports the status of a job or session. (Native Mode) SyntaxSHOWME ParametersNone.Operation NotesTo display the status of the current job/session enter:SHOWME USER: #S485,MGR.DSUSER,PUB (NOT IN BREAK) RELEASE: V.UU.FF MPE XL HP31900 A.11.70 USER VERSION: V.UU.FF CURRENT: MON, MAY 7, 1987, 11:09 AM LOGON: MON, MAY 7, 1987, 11:08 AM CPU SECONDS: 3 CONNECT MINUTES: 1 $STDIN LDEV: 88 $STDLIST LDEV: 88The system welcome message, if one exists, appears immediately following the SHOWME display. The information provided in the format above is defined as follows:
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExampleRefer to "Operation Notes."Related Information
SHOWOUTDisplays the status of output device files. SyntaxSHOWOUT [{ #Onnn | STATUS | SP } [item [;...]] ] Parameters
Syntax for Item[DEV={ ldev | classname }] [JOB={ @J | @S | @ | [{ @ | jsname },] username.acctname }] [;{ INTRO | EXEC | SUSP | WAIT [, { N | D }] }] Parameters for Item
Operation NotesThis command displays the status information for one or more currently defined output device files. The information reflects the status at the time the command is entered and always appears on the standard list device. Two types of spooling queues are maintained in MPE/iX, one output queue for each logical device configured on the system and one additional queue for all device classes. Within each queue, files are linked according to the following parameters and listed in descending order of importance by output priority, device class, and rank. If the priorities are equal, the spooler alternates between queues. Information about all spoolfiles on the system is available only from the console. Information about spoolfiles created in a specific job or session is available during that job or session only. To list information about an individual output device file, you may specify its device file identifier (DFID) in the SHOWOUT command:SHOWOUT #O26 DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C EPOC #O26 #J242 $STDLIST READY 36 D 1 1 OUTFENCE = 6The information provided in this format is defined as follows:
DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C 32 #O32 #S16 $STDLIST OPENED OUTFENCE = 6Type II: 19 FILES 0 ACTIVE 2 READY; INCLUDING 2 SPOOFLES, 2 DEFERRED 17 OPENED; INCLUDING 1 SPOOFLE 0 LOCKED; INCLUDING 0 SPOOFLES 3 SPOOFLES: 1572 SECTORS OUTFENCE = 6 OUTFENCE = 2 FOR LDEV 13 UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesTo display the total number of output device files currently existing, the number of those that are spooled, and their current status, enter:SHOWOUT STATUS 11 FILES: 1 ACTIVE 1 READY; INCLUDING 1 SPOOFLES, 0 DEFERRED 9 OPENED; INCLUDING 1 SPOOFLES 0 LOCKED; INCLUDING 0 SPOOFLES 3 SPOOFLES: 7212 SECTORS OUTFENCE= 2 :You can also request information about a specific output device file, device number or device class name of the device for which the file is destined in the SHOWOUT command: SHOWOUT DEV=43 DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C 43 #O43 #S37 $STDLIST OPENED OUTFENCE= 2 : Related Information
SHOWPROCDisplays information about the specified process(es). (Native Mode) SyntaxSHOWPROC [ [ PIN= ] { pinspec | ( pinspec [, ...]) }] [; JOB= { jobspec | ( jobspec [, ...]) }] [; FORMAT={ SUMMARY | DETAIL }] [; { TREE | NOTREEE }] [; { USER | ANYUSER }] [; SYSTEM] [; { TRUNC | NOTRUNC }] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SHOWPROC command displays information about processes except lockwords, which are never displayed. By default, the processes shown are the root CI and its descendents (TREE option). Any user may issue this command. Users with OP or SM capability may see information for processes belonging to other users. SM users may also see system processes via the SYSTEM option. Any user may issue the SHOWPROC command and see information about all processes that belong to them. A process "belongs" to a user if one or more of the following conditions exists:
:SHOWPROC pin=(2,99,121,188);format=detail;system PIN PARENT PRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM (PROGRAM) STEP --- ------ --- ------- ----- ------ -------------- 2 1 142L 7:23.687 WAIT (LOAD.PUB.SYS) LOGON : PROGRAM : LOAD.PUB.SYS QUEUE : BS WORKGROUP : BS_Default *********************** PIN PARENT PRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM (PROGRAM) STEP --- ------ --- ------- ----- ------ -------------- 99 68 160L 0:05.020 BLKIO S45 (QEDIT.PUB.SYS) LOGON : NMTEST,SLC.MYTEST PROGRAM : QEDIT.PUB.SYS QUEUE : BS WORKGROUP : Program_Development *********************** PIN PARENT PRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM (PROGRAM) STEP --- ------ --- ------- ----- ------ -------------- 121 97 158D 0:12.045 READY J51 :tdp "text report" LOGON : JREPORT,GREG.MYTEST PROGRAM : TDP.PUB.SYS QUEUE : DS WORKGROUP : %Payroll_Online ************************ PIN PARENT PRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM (PROGRAM) STEP --- ------ --- ------- ----- ------ -------------- 188 101 100D 0:04.200 WAIT S56 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text test1 LOGON : CMTEST,DOUG.MYTEST PROGRAM : TDP.PUB.SYS QUEUE : BS WORKGROUP : BS_DefaultBelow is a sample output of the default SUMMARY format. The information in the (PROGRAM) STEP column is visible only when the user issuing the command has SM capability, or when the process specified on the command line (in this case, #P54) belongs to the user. :SHOWPROC #P54; tree; trunc QPRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM PIN (PROGRAM) STEP C152 0:12.999 WAIT S12 54 :tdp "text myfile" C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile C152 0:01.030 READY S12 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS);to= :SHOWPROC #P54; tree; notrunc QPRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM PIN (PROGRAM) STEP C152 0:12.999 WAIT S12 54 :tdp "text myfile" C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile C152 0:01.030 READY S12 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS);to= bar,new ExampleTo display a summary of information for all non-system processes in the current job/session, enter::SHOWPROCTo display a summary of information for PIN 42, enter: :SHOWPROC #p42To display a summary of information for PIN 42 and all of its descendants, enter: :SHOWPROC #p42; treeTo display the detail information for PIN 42, enter: :SHOWPROC #p42; format= detailTo display a summary of information for all processes (requires SM capability), enter: :SHOWPROC 1 ;system ;treeTo display a summary of information for all non-system processes that are jobs (requires SM or OP capability), enter: :SHOWPROC job=@j; anyuserTo display a summary of information for PINs 150, 247, and 211, enter: :SHOWPROC (150,#p247,211)To display a summary of information for all non-system processes logged on as MGR.PAYROLL (requires SM or OP capability), enter: :SHOWPROC job=mgr.payrollTo display a summary of information for all non-system processes belonging to Job 2 or logged on as ME.AP (requires SM or OP capability), enter: :SHOWPROC job=(#j2,me.ap)To display the detail information for all non-system processes in the current job/session, enter: :SHOWPROC detailTo display the detail information for all non-system processes on the system (requires SM or OP capability), enter: :SHOWPROC job=@; format= detail Related Information
SHOWQDisplays scheduling data for all processes and the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS and ES scheduling subqueue(s). (Native Mode) SYNTAXSHOWQ [; { ACTIVE | STATUS }] Parameters
Operation NotesThe process scheduling and subqueue information appears in two major columns: DORMANT and RUNNING. RUNNING processes are those that currently require the CPU in order to continue, or that will require it in the immediate future. CPU time is automatically allocated to the highest priority process that is ready to run. DORMANT processes are those waiting on longer-term events. On occasion, a process appears in more than one column, indicating that it was changing state when you executed SHOWQ. As the default, SHOWQ lists dormant and running processes and the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS, and ES subqueues. However, the ACTIVE and STATUS options permit you to filter the SHOWQ output which, on large systems, may display hundreds of live processes. Use the ACTIVE option to display running processes and the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues. Use the STATUS option to display just the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS, and ES subqueues. (Note that the ACTIVE output appears when both options are specified, since status information is a subset of the active information.) Below is an example of the two-column output produced by the SHOWQ command. The symbols that may appear in such a listing are explained in the remainder of the discussion.DORMANT RUNNING Q PIN JOBNUM Q PIN JOBNUM A 1 C M163 #S263 B 2 C U215 #S256 B 3 A 4 D U29 #J30 C M37 #S234 C M55 #S248Each entry in the three columns displays the following information for a single process; the meaning is explained below. { A B C D E } [ M U ] pin [ #Jnnn #Snnn ] A the queue attribute of the process is AS B the queue attribute of the process is BS C the queue attribute of the process is CS D the queue attribute of the process is DS E the queue attribute of the process is ES M this is a job or session main process U this is a user process pin process identification number, a decimal J nnn job number: a process executing in a batch job S nnn session number: a process executing from a sessionThe process identification number (pin) may appear with or without an M or U label. Processes without an M or U label are system processes. In addition, SHOWQ prints the scheduling characteristics currently in effect. In the example below, QUEUE is the scheduling subqueue and BASE, LIMIT, MIN QUANTUM, MAX QUANTUM, BOOST and TIMESLICE are scheduling values set by the TUNE command. MIN and MAX quantums are bounds for the quantums and ACTUAL quantum is the current quantum value. ------QUANTUM------- QUEUE BASE LIMIT MIN MAX ACTUAL BOOST TIMESLICE ----- ---- ----- --- --- ------ ----- --------- CQ 152 200 1 2000 200 DECAY 200 DQ 202 238 2000 2000 2000 OSC 200 EQ 240 253 2000 2000 2000 DECAY 200You may issue the SHOWQ command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command. SHOWQ requires System Supervisor (OP) capability.
ExampleTo display the active processes and the current scheduling subqueue characteristics, enter::SHOWQ;ACTIVE DORMANT RUNNING Q PIN JOBNUM Q PIN JOBNUM C M163 #S263 C U215 #S256 ------QUANTUM------- QUEUE BASE LIMIT MIN MAX ACTUAL BOOST TIMESLICE ----- ---- ----- --- --- ------ ----- --------- CQ 152 200 1 2000 200 DECAY 200 DQ 202 238 2000 2000 2000 OSC 200 EQ 240 253 2000 2000 2000 DECAY 200 Related Information
SHOWTIMEPrints current time and date. (Native Mode) SyntaxSHOWTIME ParametersNone.Operation NotesPrints current time and date, as indicated by system clock.UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.ExampleTo display the time and date, enter:SHOWTIME MON, JUL 24, 1987, 8:47 AM Related Information
SHOWVARDisplays specific variable names and their current values. (Native Mode) SyntaxSHOWVAR [ varid] [, ...]] [job= jobID] [; { USER | HP | ANY }] Parameters
Operation NotesThis command displays to $STDLIST the variables specified and their values. It displays information in the format: VARIABLE NAME = value. Users with SM capability may display user-defined variables for another job or session by using the JOB= parameter. If jobid matches the job ID of the user execuiting the command no restrictions are placed. Plaese specify the USER option in scripts and jobs that use JOB=. This documents the intent, and allows these scripts and jobs to function the same if JOB= is later enhanced to show predefined and use user-defined variables. Anyone can specify the USER, HP and ANY options. However, an error is reported if HP is used in conjunction with a jobid. Table 12-3 Specified Variable-ID/Result
UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.ExamplesTo display two specific variables, enter:SHOWVAR firstvariable, secondvariableTo display all variables beginning with a single alphabetic character and ending with the characters axval, enter: SHOWVAR ?axvalTo display all variables created by the user with the SETVAR, INPUT, or SETJCW command, or with the HPCIPUTVAR, PUTJCW, or SETJCW intrinsics, enter: SHOWVARTo display all variables created currently in the variable table, those created by the user and all predefined variables, enter: SHOWVAR @To display all user-defined variables for session 32. Must have SM capability, enter: SHOWVAR ;job=#s32 To display all user-defined variables matching s@ for job 23. Must have SM capability, enter: SHOWVAR s@ ;job=J23 ;user To display all user-defined variables beginning with the letter "H". Note: the predefined HP variables, like HPPATH, are not shown, enter: SHOWVAR h@ ;user To display all predefined variables containing "TIME" in their names. User created variables, like MYTIME, would not be seen, enter: SHOWVAR @time@ ;hp Related Information
=SHUTDOWNInitiates a shutdown of MPE/iX. Syntax=SHUTDOWN [ system | terminal | dtc | tape | disc | network | other ] ParametersNone.Operation NotesThe =SHUTDOWN command performs an implicit =LOGOFF of all sessions, including the session logged at the system console. All system processes are stopped in an orderly fashion. This includes the completion of all pending system activity and any processing necessary to ensure that the integrity of all system tables and directories is maintained. Once these procedures are complete, SHUT is displayed on the console, the CPU halts, and console interrupt (CTRL-A) is ineffective. Device configuration changes that were made after the preceding load (UP, DOWN, ACCEPT, REFUSE, and spooling commands) are not retained. Configuration changes made during a system startup from tape are recorded and retained until the next system startup from tape. Newly assigned or released global resource identification numbers (RINs) are permanently recorded. All communication lines must be closed before issuing a =SHUTDOWN command or a manual halt of the system may be necessary. Note that data is lost if a transmission is in progress when the halt is performed. If any network service (NS) lines are left open when the =SHUTDOWN command is issued, lines to the remote system remain open and any remote sessions become hung. In this case, the remote system's operator may need to issue ABORTIO commands for the hung sessions and then abort the sessions themselves. Spooled devices stop operation immediately upon receiving a =SHUTDOWN command. A START RECOVERY retains spoolfiles which are printed when the system is returned online. You can use any of the options to indicate the reason that you are shutting down the system. These options were developed to identify any possible type of system hang that might occur. For example, if you shutdown to clear a DTC hang, you can use the =SHUTDOWN dtc option.UseThis command may be issued only at the physical console.ExampleTo shut the system down, first issue a warning to all users to allow them time to log off, and then execute =SHUTDOWN as shown below:WARN @;SYSTEM WILL SHUTDOWN IN FIVE MINUTES. PLS LOG OFF. CTRL-A =SHUTDOWN 10:49/#S40/25/LOGOFF 10:49/20/ALL JOBS LOGGED-OFFTo shut down the system in order to identify a DTC hang, use the dtc option. The console responds by listing shutdown messages similar to these: CTRL-A =SHUTDOWN dtc Shutdown of operating system begins. (Shut 1) Shutdown of user processes begins. (Shut 2) Shutdown of jobs & sessions begins. (Shut 3) Spoolers notified of a shutdown. (Shut 16) Shutdown of system processes begins. (Shut 4) Shutdown of system managers begins. (Shut 5) Shutdown of operating system complete. (Shut 6) Related Information
SHUTQCloses the spool queue(s) for the specified logical device, device name, or all members of a device class. (Native Mode) SyntaxSHUTQ { ldev | devclass | devname | @ } [;SHOW] Parameters
Operation NotesThe SHUTQ command closes the spool queue(s) for a logical device or all members of a device class configured in the system. The spooler process, however, does not need to be running for the device. If the spooler process is running, it is unaffected by shutting the queue. This command also serves as an option to the STARTSPOOL and SPOOLER commands, which are documented in this chapter.UseThis command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.ExamplesTo shut the queue for all devices in class LP, enter:SHUTQ LPTo shut the spool queue and show the state of the queue and other information about the specified device, enter: SHUTQ 6;SHOW Related Information