HPlogo MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual > Chapter 9 Command List VII

Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE

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Sends a request to the system to reserve a volume set (keep it online). The set must be online in order to have the command take effect. (Native Mode)


  MOUNT [{ * volumesetname }] [.groupname [.acctname]]


* or <blank>

Specifies the home volume set for the group and account specified, or for the logon group and account if groupname or groupname.acctname is not specified.

volume- setname

An artificial component of a volume set name used to maintain backward compatibility with MPE V/E. The volumesetname can be a maximum of 8 characters.


Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E. The groupname can be a maximum of 8 characters.


Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E. The acctname can be a maximum of 8 characters.


A value from -1 to 32,767 specifying which generation of the home volume set is to be reserved. A value of -1 indicates that any generation is permitted. If omitted, the system ignores the generation when attempting to satisfy the MOUNT request.

Operation Notes

The MOUNT command reserves a specific volume set for use. It notifies the system that the volume set is to remain online and is not to be taken offline by a VSCLOSE command.

Volume sets in MPE/iX are not tied to groups and accounts. This is different from the MPE V/E scheme of disk partitioning.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from the MPE V/E naming convention for private volumes. MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must begin with an alphabetic character and consist of no more than 32 characters.

Table 9-1 "Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - MOUNT Command" illustrates the differences between the MPE/iX and MPE V/E naming conventions for volume sets.

Table 9-1 Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - MOUNT Command

Specify MPE V/E xxxMOUNT Command Accesses MPE/iX VSxxxxxx Command Accesses
myset.grp.acct The volume set named myset.grp.acct. The volume set named myset.grp.acct.
myset The volume set named myset.logongrp.logonacct. The volume set myset.
*.grp.acct The home volume set of the group grp in account acct. Causes an error.
myset_grp_acct Error (name component longer than eight characters). The volume set named myset_grp_acct.
m_g_a The volume set named m_g_a.logongrp.logonacct, provided it exists. If it does not exist, an error is reported. The volume set named m_g_a.

In MPE V/E, the name V.G.A indicates that V is the name of a volume set, that G is the name of a group, and that A is the name of an account.

MPE/iX accepts that name in that form, but no interpretation is made as to the referencing of G and A. Instead, MPE/iX treats V.G.A as a single, long string name, just as it would treat A_VERY_LONG_NAME-FOR_SOMETHING.

As a convenience to established Hewlett-Packard users, MPE/iX accepts the naming convention that was used for MPE V/E private volumes. Thus MOUNT V.G.A succeeds and MOUNT V accesses the same volume set, provided you are logged on to account A, group G. The MPE V/E commands are able to default the logon account and group.

However, VSRESERVE V succeeds only if there is a volume set V in existence. The MPE/iX commands do not call up any default specifications for group and account. VSRESERVE V.G.A succeeds only if a volumeset V.G.A is online. With all MPE/iX VSxxxxxx commands, the .G.A component of this name is interpreted as a string, neither more nor less specific than _G_A.

If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (V.G.A), you must use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands.

Various user commands that give you access to your logon group's home volume set implicitly initiate reservation requests if the volume set is not reserved already. An example of one of these commands (BUILD) is:


To issue a reserve request programmatically, you may issue an FOPEN call referencing a file residing on an unreserved volume set; this causes an implicit user initiated reserve request. An FOPEN reserve remains in effect until a corresponding FCLOSE intrinsic call is issued. The programmatic request is used when a single job/session step requires a certain volume set. Refer to the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028) for a description of a programmatic reserve request.

It is recommended that you not use the MPE V/E naming convention and xxxMOUNT commands. Instead use the MPE/iX naming convention and VSxxxxxx commands. Alternating between MPE V/E and MPE/iX commands may lead to errors. For example, MOUNT X used in a job stream attempts to access a volume set named X.logongrp.logonacct, which may or may not be your intention.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this command.


You are logged on to account MYACCT in group GRP. To request the system operator to reserve volume set MYSET in that group and account, with a generation index of 43, enter:


If you are logged on in another group.account, enter:


Related Information




Volume Management Reference Manual
MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual


Creates a new account with an associated account manager and PUB group.


  NEWACCT acctname,mgrname [;PASS=[password]] [;FILES=[filespace]]
    [;CPU=[cpu]] [;CONNECT=[connect]] [;CAP=[capabilitylist]]
    [;ACCESS=[fileaccess]] [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]]
    [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]] [;ONVS=volumesetname]
    [;GID=[gid]] [;UID=[uid]] [;USERPASS=[{ REQ | OPT }]]

The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.



Name to be assigned to the new account. This name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.


Name of the account manager. This is always the first user created under the account. Table 9-2 "Account Manager Default Capabilities" lists the default capabilities assigned to an account manager.

Table 9-2 Account Manager Default Capabilities

Attribute Default
capabilitylistSame as the account capability
subqueuenameSame as the account maximum priority
localattributeSame as account local attributes
Home GroupPUB
UIDA unique identifier
GIDA unique identifier

The attributes of an account manager may be changed with the ALTUSER command after mgrname is defined. However, in no case is this user granted attributes greater than those assigned the account.


Account password, used for verifying logon access only. This password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. Default is that no password is assigned.


Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the account. The maximum value you may define is 2,147,483,647 sectors. Default is unlimited file space.


Limit on total CPU-time, in seconds, for this account. This limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated, and so the limit never causes the job or session to abort. The maximum value you may define with NEWACCT is 2,147,483,647 seconds. Default is that no limit is assigned.


Limit on total session connect-time, in minutes, allowed the account. This limit is checked at logon, and when the job or session initiates a new process. The maximum value you may define is 2,147,483,647 minutes. Default is that no limit is assigned.


The list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted this account. Each capability is denoted by a two letter mnemonic, as follows:

  System Manager        = SM
  Account Manager       = AM
  Account Librarian     = AL
  Group Librarian       = GL
  Diagnostician         = DI
  System Supervisor     = OP
  Network Administrator = NA
  Node Manager          = NM
  Save Files            = SF
  Access to Nonshareable I/O Devices = ND
  Use Volumes           = UV
  Create Volumes        = CV
  Use Communication Subsystem = CS
  Programmatic Sessions = PS
  User Logging          = LG
  Process Handling      = PH
  Extra Data Segments   = DS
  Multiple RINs         = MR
  Privileged Mode       = PM
  Interactive Access    = IA
  Batch Access          = BA

Default is AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, IA, BA.


The restriction on file access pertinent to this account. Default is R,L,A,W,X:AC, where R, L, A, W, and X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY, AC, GU, AL, GL, CR) as follows:

  R  =  Read
  L  =  Lock
  A  =  Append
  W  =  Write
  X  =  Execute
  S  =  Save

LOCK allows exclusive access to the file. APPEND implicitly specifies LOCK. WRITE implicitly specifies APPEND.

The user types are specified as follows:

  ANY =  Any user
  AC  =  Member of this account only
  GU  =  Member of this group only
  AL  =  Account librarian user only
  GL  =  Group librarian user only
  CR  =  Creating user only

The default is no security restrictions at the account level. Two or more user types may be specified if they are separated by commas.


The name of the subqueue of highest priority that can be requested by any process of any job/session in the account. This parameter is specified as AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES.

CAUTION: Processes capable of executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. Assigning nonpriority system and user processes to these subqueues can prevent critical processes from executing. Exercise extreme caution when assigning processes to these subqueues.


The local attribute of the account, as defined at the installation site. This is a double word bit map used to further classify accounts. While it is not part of standard MPE/iX security provisions, programmers may define local attributes (which are checked by the WHO intrinsic) to enhance the security of their software. Default is double word 0.


Specifies a particular volume set on which the account is to be built. It must be a volume set already defined and recognized by the system. A NEWACCT must be specified twice, once without the ONVS parameter, and once with it. The first NEWACCT builds the account on the system volume set (from which the account is accessed). The second NEWACCT builds the account on the volume set where files in this account will exist.

The only other parameter that works with ONVS is the FILES parameter.

volume- setname

Volume set names consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, and periods.

If you specify a volumesetname, you must specify the full name of the volume set. When ONVS=volumesetname is specified, the volume set directory is assumed. When ONVS= is specified without volumesetname, the system directory is assumed.


Group ID to be added to the group database. The gid must be an unique positive (non-zero) 32-bit integer. Default is for MPE to create a value. Duplicate id numbers are not allowed.


User ID to be created for the account manager in the user database. The uid must be an unique positive (non zero) 32-bit integer. Default is for MPE to create a value. Duplicate id numbers are not allowed. The uid is associated to the manager of the account.


Specifies that all users in the account are to have non-blank passwords. If you require user passwords, MPE/iX assigns the account manager a blank, expired password. The account manager must select a new password the first time the Manager logs on. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.


Specifies that users of the account may or may not have passwords. This is the default. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.

Operation Notes

The NEWACCT command may be executed only by the System Manager. The System Manager is responsible for establishing the accounting structure best suited to the computer installation.

When a keyword is specified, but its corresponding parameter is omitted (as in ACCESS= Return), the default value for that keyword is assigned (in this case, R,L,A,W,X:AC). The default is also assigned when an entire keyword parameter group (such as ACCESS=fileaccess) is omitted.

After the System Manager creates accounts and designates account managers for those accounts, the new account managers may log on and redefine their own attributes and those of their PUB groups. Account managers can also define new users and groups. The capabilities and attributes that the account manager assigns to groups and users cannot exceed those assigned to the account itself by the system manager. For example, if the system manager does not assign the account DS capability, no users in the account are permitted DS capability (which prohibits them from linking programs that use extra data segments).

The PUB group is initially assigned the same capability class attributes, permanent file space limit, CPU limit, and connect-time limit as the account, but no password. Its initial security allows READ and EXECUTE access to all users who successfully log on to the account, and APPEND, WRITE, LOCK, and SAVE access to account librarian (AL) and group users (GU) only. These access provisions are (R,X:ANY;A,W,L,S:AL,GU).

NOTE: If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message.


This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this command.


To create an account with the account name ACI, and the account manager name MNGR, with all other parameters assigned by default, enter:


To create the account DOCTOR on the system volume set, with the manager named WHO, and on the volume set called MY_VOL, you must create it with two parallel commands:


The second command connects the accounting structures established on the system volume and on the volume set. By default, however, the PUB group of this account is on the system volume set.

To place the PUB group on the volume set MY_VOL, you need to use the PUB parameter in the first command:


To create the account DOCTOR on the system volume set, with the manager named WHO, and a UID of 150 and a GID of 120, enter:


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Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual


Creates a new process. (Native Mode) The new process replaces the MPE/iX Command Interpreter (CI) process for the current session. Otherwise the same functionality as the RUN command.


  NEWCI progfile [,["]entrypoint ["]]
    [;NOPRIV] [;LMAP] [;DEBUG] [;MAXDATA=maxstack]
    [;STACK=stacksize] [;DL=dlsize]
    [;NMSTACK=nmstacksize] [;NMHEAP=nmheapsize]
    [;LIB= { G | P | S }] [;XL="library [, ...]"] [;NOCB]
    [;INFO="quotedstring"] [;UNSAT=["]unsatproc ["]]
    [;STDIN= [{ *formaldesig fileref $NULL }]]
    [;STDLIST= [{ *formaldesig fileref [,NEW] [$NULL]}]]
    [;PRI= { BS | CS | DS | ES } {#}]


All of the parameters for the NEWCI command are identical (syntactically and semantically) to the RUN command. See the help text for RUN for complete descriptions of all the parameters except the "progfile" parameter.

The name of the program file to be executed. The file name can be specified in either MPE syntax (the default) or HFS syntax (where the name must begin with either a . or a /). If the file name is specified using MPE Syntax, it does not have to be fully qualified. File names which are not fully qualified will be qualified based on the current logon environment. The filename may be redirected with a file equation. If the file name is expressed using HFS syntax (e.g.: the name begins with a . or a /), and the file name refers to a file outside of MPE name space (e.g.: the file is not in an MPE group/account), then some restrictions apply. The following restrictions are placed on programs outside of MPE name space:

  • The program cannot be linked with PM, MR, or DS capability. Programs linked with these capabilities will not load.

  • If the program is linked with PH capability, then users must have PH capability to load the program.

  • CM Programs cannot be loaded from the HFS directory.


The syntax for the NEWCI command (and all of the parameters) is identical to the RUN command. The behavior of the NEWCI command differs from the RUN command is several important ways:
  • NEWCI replaces the calling process with the specified one, the calling process is terminated.

  • NEWCI is executable only from a session.

  • NEWCI is only executable from the root CI process.

  • NEWCI will cause BREAK to be disabled (see OPERATION below).

  • NEWCI is intended for a very specific use (see OPERATION below), RUN is a more "general purpose" command.

The NEWCI command can only be executed from a session, it is not allowed in a job.The NEWCI command is only executable from the root CI process, which is sometimes referred to as the usermain process. Normally, NEWCI is executed from the root CI process when executing a logon UDC. If a NEWCI command is executed, then the newly created process replaces the existing root CI process and becomes the new root CI process for that session. The NEWCI command can be executed programmatically provided the caller is executing in a session and the calling process is the root process for the session.

The NEWCI command is not executable in break mode. If a user runs a program (via the RUN command) and then hits break, then that user's session is in break mode. The SHOWME command displays a message indicating a session is in break mode. When in break mode, if the user tries to execute another program via the NEWCI command (or the RUN command), then the user will be asked if they wish to abort the program that is current running. If the user answers "YES" then the current program will be aborted and the new program will execute. In the case of NEWCI, the new program will replace the existing CI process.

The NEWCI command disables break handling for the session. Break remains disabled even if the program calls FCONTROL to re-enable break. The only way to re-enable break for the session is to execute "newci ci.pub.sys". This causes the MPE/iX Command Interpreter to replace the current CI, and CI.PUB.SYS re-enables break. CI.PUB.SYS also re-executes logon UDCs which may in turn disable break via the option nobreak feature.

NEWCI effects various session resources as follows:
  • Any file equations which were set prior to :NEWCI are preserved.

  • Any variables which have been set prior to :NEWCI are preserved.

  • Any temporary files which have been created prior to :NEWCI are preserved.

  • Any UDC files which were cataloged prior to the NEWCI are still cataloged (and thus are executable via the HPCICOMMAND intrinsic).

  • DSLINEs which were opened prior to :NEWCI will be closed.


The NEWCI command can be used to replace the current CI process (which may not be the standard MPE/iX CI if a NEWCI command was previously done) with the standard MPE/iX CI. This is done by executing the command "newci ci.pub.sys". If CI.PUB.SYS is executed using the NEWCI command, the behavior is slightly different than if it is executed using the RUN command. The behavior of the MPE/iX CI is identical to its behavior at logon time.


NEWCI from a Logon UDC

The most common usage of NEWCI is from a logon UDC (most commonly an OPTION NOBREAK logon UDC). Many system manager setup their users such that a logon UDC automatically execute the appropriate application program at logon time. Consider the following example logon udc:

  option logon nobreak
  file progdata=datafile.pub.payroll
  newci payroll.pub.payroll

NEWCI Programmatically

The NEWCI command is programmatically executable, but only from the "root" CI process. Some programs allow users to interactively enter CI commands (by convention CI commands are generally prefixed with a : character). Most HP product/utilities allow CI commands to be entered interactively. In the example below, the NEWCI command is executed programmatically from within TDP. In this example, TDP is the root CI (it became the root CI when the first NEWCI command was issued).

  :hello mgr.paryoll
  :newci tdp.pub.sys
  TDP/V (A.05.05)  HP36578 Editor (c) COPYRIGHT
    Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993
  /:newci payroll.pub.payroll
  CORPORATE PAYROLL (Version A.00.00)

NOTE: In the above example the ":newci payroll.pub.payroll" command would not be allowed if the RUN command had been used in place of the NEWCI command to load TDP.


The NEWCI command can be used to replace the current CI process with the standard Hewlett- Packard Command Interpreter (CI.PUB.SYS). When CI.PUB.SYS is executed using the NEWCI command it functions exactly the same as it does at logon time (see table above).

  :hello mgr.paryoll
  HP3000  Release: X.60.16   User Version: X.60.16
    WED, JUL 14, 1999,  9:21 PM
  MPE/iX  HP31900 C.16.01  Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987.
    All rights reserved.
  ** System Welcome Message...
  :newci payroll.pub.payroll
  CORPORATE PAYROLL (Version A.00.00)
  CMD> :newci ci.pub.sys
  ** System Welcome Message...

NOTE: This example assumes that the application program payroll.pub.payroll allows the user to enter CI commands interactively (prefixed with a :). This is a common feature in MPE application programs - but it does vary from program to program. In this example the command "newci ci.pub.sys" could be executed by either the COMMAND or HPCICOMMAND intrinsic.

Related Information






Creates a directory. (Native Mode)


  NEWDIR [DIR=] dir_name [;SHOW | NOSHOW]



The name of the directory that you are creating (required). The dir_name is assumed to be an MPE name unless it begins with a a dot (.) or a slash (/), which indicates an HFS directory.

The dir_name may not end in a slash, have wildcard characters, or reference a file equation.


Echoes the absolute pathname of the newly created directory to $STDLIST. SHOW is the default.


Suppresses the display of the absolute directory name.


The NEWDIR command creates a directory named dir_name. All parent directories must already exist. The new directory inherits the group ID (GID) from its parent directory and the user ID (UID) from the user creating the directory. The special directory entries dot (.) and dot-dot (..) are automatically created under dir_name.

By default NEWDIR creates an MPE-named directory, which means that dir_name must follow all MPE naming rules. Since the MPE name syntax defines three levels, fully (or partially) qualified MPE-named directories can only be created under MPE groups. Unqualified MPE-named directories are created relative to the CWD.

If dir_name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), then HFS naming rules are enforced.

Directories do not support lockwords, file equations, or system defined file names (for example, $NEWPASS).

You must have create directory entries (CD) permission for the parent directory and save files (SF) capability. Furthermore, traverse directory entries (TD) access is required for each directory component named in dir_name. (Refer to the ALTSEC command in this chapter for further information on directory permissions.)


The NEWDIR command may be invoked from a job, a session, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


In the following two examples, a user creates a directory called DIR1. In the first example, the full pathname of the directory is specified in all uppercase since HFS syntax is case-sensitive. In the second example, the user enters the information in lower case using the MPE syntax dir_name.groupname.acctname. (Any case-lower-, mixed-, or uppercase could be used since the CI will automatically shift pathnames entered in MPE syntax to uppercase.)

  NEWDIR dir1.mygroup.myacct

The following example creates an HFS-named directory called john by specifying the full pathname of the directory. Since the directory will reside in the MPE/iX account MYACCT, and since HFS syntax is case-sensitive, the user enters "MYACCT" in uppercase.

  NEWDIR /MYACCT/jones/cmdf/john

The following example creates an MPE-named directory called DIR1 in the current working directory (CWD). Note that the dir_name is shifted to uppercase.

  NEWDIR dir1

The following example creates an HFS-named directory called dir1 in the current working directory (CWD). Note that in this example, the dir_name is not shifted to uppercase.

  NEWDIR ./dir1

The following example creates an HFS-named directory called dir2 by specifying POSIX syntax:

  NEWDIR ./dir2

The next example creates an MPE-named directory called A.group.logon_acct.

  NEWDIR a.group

Related Information




Performing System Management Tasks


Creates a new group within an account.


  NEWGROUP groupname [.acctname] [;PASS=[password]]
    [;FILES=[filespace]] [;CPU=[cpu]] [;CONNECT=[connect]]
    [;CAP=[capabilitylist]] [;ACCESS=[(fileaccess)]]
    [;ONVS=volumesetname] [;HOMEVS=volumesetname]



The name of the new group, which must consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.


The account in which the group is to reside. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this parameter.


Group password, used for verifying logon access only. Default is that no password is assigned.


A list of capability-class attributes, consisting of any or all of the following: IA, BA, PM, MR, DS, or PH, where:

  Process Handling    = PH
  Extra Data Segments = DS
  Multiple RINS       = MR
  Privileged Mode     = PM
  Interactive Access  = IA
  Local Batch Access  = BA

This list imposes a limit on program files belonging to the group. A capability cannot be assigned to the group if it has not been defined for the account in which the group resides. Default is IA, BA.


Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the group. You cannot specify a filespace for a group that is greater than the limits currently defined for the group's account. Default is a storage limit equivalent to the account's filespace.


The limit on the total cumulative CPU-time, in seconds, for the group. This limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated; the limit never causes a job/session to abort. The maximum value you may specify with this command is 2,147,483,647 seconds. If the limit is exceeded, users with account manager capability are warned when logging on; other users are denied access.

The CPU limit for a group cannot be set to a value greater than the corresponding limit currently defined for the account in which that group resides. Default is unlimited CPU-time. The counter may be set to zero with the RESETACCT command.


The limit on the total cumulative session connect-time, in minutes, that the group is allowed. This limit is checked at logon and whenever the session initiates a new process. The maximum value you may specify with this command is 2,147,483,647 minutes. Default is the account connect limit.

A group's connect limit cannot be specified as greater than the corresponding limit currently designed for the account in which the group resides. Default is unlimited connect-time. The counter may be set to zero with the RESETACCT command.


The restriction on file access pertinent to this group. Default is R,X:ANY; A,W,L,S:AL,GU for the public group (PUB); and R,A,W,L,X,S:GU for all other groups.

  { R  L  A  W  X } [,...]  :  { ANY  AC  GU  AL  GL } [,...]
where R, L, A, W, X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY, AC, GU, AL, GL) as follows:

  R  =  Read
  L  =  Lock (exclusive file access)
  A  =  Append (implies L)
  W  =  Write (implies A and L)
  X  =  Execute
  S  =  Save

The user types are specified as follows:

  ANY =  Any user
  AC  =  Member of this account only
  GU  =  Member of this group only
  AL  =  Account librarian user only
  GL  =  Group librarian user only

Two or more user or access types may be specified if they are separated by commas.


Specifies a particular volume set on which the group is to be built. The volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system. The NEWGROUP command must be specified twice before files can be created in this group on a mountable volume set. The first NEWGROUP builds the group on the system volume set (from which the account is accessed). The second NEWGROUP then builds the account on the mountable volume set. Create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this parameter.


Sets the home volume set to the set specified by volumesetname. Create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this parameter.

volume- setname

Volume set names consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, and periods.

If you specify a volumesetname, you must specify the full name of the volume set.

Refer to the VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter.

Operation Notes

Account managers use the NEWGROUP command to create groups within their accounts and assign attributes to each. The attributes assigned to the group may not exceed those permitted the accounts themselves (defined when the system manager created the accounts). However, within account limits, the account manager may redefine the group and user attributes and capabilities, as well as those of the PUB group.

The PUB group is initially assigned and the same capability class attributes, permanent file space limit, and CPU-time limit as the account but no password. Its initial security grants READ (R) and EXECUTE (X) access to all users (ANY) who successfully log on to the account. APPEND (A), WRITE (W), LOCK (L), and SAVE (S) access is assigned to the account librarian (AL) and group users (GU) only.

When a keyword parameter (such as PASS=) or keyword parameter group (such as PASS=password) is omitted from the NEWGROUP command, the default value corresponding to that parameter is assigned.

NOTE: If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) capability is required to use this command.


To create a new group named GROUP1 (on the system volume set), which will be assigned all default capabilities, enter:


To create a new group named G2 in the account GRIMSBY (on the system volume set) and give it process handling (PH) and multiple RINs (MR) capabilities, enter:


To create the group LEELA on the nonsystem volume set TIME_LORD, you must use two parallel commands, as follows:


The first command creates the group on the system volume set, but also informs the system that the files are to reside on another volume set that will be the home volume set for the files.

The second command builds the group on the volume set TIME_LORD.

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Performing System Management Tasks


The NEWJOBQ command creates a new job queue.


  NEWJOBQ qname [;limit=n]



Name of the queue to be created. If a queue of this name already exists, an error is indicated.


Maximum number of jobs that can be allowed in this queue. The limit value can be changed using the :limit [+-]n;jobq= command. If omitted, a value of zero is assumed.

Operation Notes

Limit is the only queue controlling property. The jobs in the queue are sorted by their INPRI. In case of a tie for INPRI, jobs are sorted by their INTRO time. The global limit takes precedence over individual queue limits. That is, even if a jobqueue has a slot available, if the overall limit has been reached, jobs have to wait till one of the jobs finish or the global limit is increased. When a global slot becomes available, the next job is picked from among the eligible jobqueues (those which haven't yet reached their individual limits).The job queues persist across reboots, provided a START RECOVERY is done. Any other system starts will cause the job queues to be deleted and they will have to be created again.This command is available in a session, job, or in BREAK. Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command. This command is not allowed in the SYSSTART file.

SM/OP capability is required to execute this command.


  :NEWJOBQ MYJOBQ;limit=100

Related Information






Creates a link to a file, group, account, or directory. (Native Mode)


  NEWLINK [LINK=] linkname [;TO=] sourceobject [{;SYMBOLIC}]



The pathname that points to the file, that when created, will contain the link. linkname must resolve to a unique name. It may not be the name of an existing symbolic link, even if that link resolves to the name of a file or directory object that does not exist.

This is a required parameter. When specifying linkname, you may not use wildcard characters, file equations, or name a system defined file (such as $NULL).


The path name to which a link is to be created. The sourceobject does not need to exist when creating symbolic links. This path must resolve to either a file, group, account, or directory name.

Security provisions of sourceobject do not affect the creation of symbolic link(s) to sourceobject.

This is a required parameter. When specifying sourceobject, you may not use wildcard characters, file equations, or name a system defined file (such as $NULL).


Specifies that the link to be created is a symbolic link. This is the default.

Operation Notes

You can use the NEWLINK command to create a link to a file, group, account, or directory.

When newlink represents a path to a symbolic link, the target of that symbolic link is used as the name of the new link that is being created. The NEWLINK command fails if the path represented by linkname points to a file or directory that already exists.

The following table lists all the CI commands that operate on files, groups, accounts, or directories and are affected by symbolic linking. Keep in mind the following data points when using Table 9-3 "CI Commands Affected by Symbolic Links" below:
  • Typically, a symbolic link always resolves to its target name.

  • The Follow Link column applies to the filename portion (last component) of an HFS path.

Table 9-3 CI Commands Affected by Symbolic Links

Command Name Follow Link Notes
DISKUSEYes/No Link is resolved before the operation is performed. If a symbolic link exists under the account that link is not resolved. Therefore disk space usage of its target is not included in the calculations.
LISTFILENo Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the name specified. LISTFILE formats 5 and 7 may be used to determine the im mediate target of a symbolic link.
NEWLINKNo The LINK parameter may not name a symbolic name. The TO parameter is not checked at all.
PURGEYes This behaves differently than the UNIX rm command.
PURGEACCTNo/No Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the specified name. If a symbolic link exists under the account, that link is not resolved and its target is not removed.
PURGEDIRYes/No Link is resolved before the operation is performed. If a symbolic link exists under the directory, that link is not resolved before it is removed. Therefore, its target is not affected.
PURGEGROUPNo/No Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the specified name. If a symbolic link exists under the account that link is not resolved and its target is not removed.
REPORTNo Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the name specified. Note that REPORT treats its first parameter as a group name. Therefore, if a link name is specified, that name is treated as a group name regardless of the type of its target.
RESTORENo Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the name specified.
STORENo Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the name specified.

You can issue the NEWLINK command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. NEWLINK requires Save Files (SF) capability, Create Directory entry (CD) and Traverse Directory (TD) permissions.


The following tree structure will be used to construct the examples that follow it. Assume that the CWD is /ACCT1/PUB.

            |          |             |
           ACCT1      dir         SOFTWARE
            |         / \            |
        /---+----\   f1 f2      /----+-----\
        |        |              |          |
        PUB      dir1          PUB        CODE
        |        /  \                      |
     /--+---\ file1 file2  /-----+------+--------+---------\
     |      |              |     |      |        |         |
                                               / | \
                                              f1 f2 dir3

To create a symbolic link named PAYCODE to the file PAYROLL.CODE.SOFTWARE, enter the following command:


Or, optionally use the positional parameters and enter:


You now can access PAYROLL.CODE.SOFTWARE through PAYCODE. For example, if you have read access to the file PAYROLL.CODE.SOFTWARE, you may enter the following command to print the contents of the file:


To create a symbolic link named FARFILE in PUB.ACCT1 that references /SOFTWARE/CODE/dir2/f1, enter the following command:


Suppose that file COMMON.CODE.SOFTWARE contains information that is used frequently. To display the contents of the file the following command has been used:


By creating a symbolic link to the file, you can simplify what users need to type to print it. For example:


Suppose that a user is currently logged on as USER1 in the group PUB.SOFTWARE. To access the files in /ACCT1/dir1 directory without entering the full path name each time, USER1 may establish a link named "morecode" to that directory as follows:

  :NEWLINK LINK=./morecode; TO=/ACCT1/dir1

Then, to get a list of the files under /ACCT1/dir1/, the user enters:

  :LISTFILE ./morecode/

Absolute symbolic links

The following command creates FILE3 as a symbolic link to the nonexistent file SOURCE1.CODE.SOFTWARE.


The following command creates a symbolic link FILE4 as a link to an existing file.


The following command creates /ACCT1/PUB/softPUB which points to /SOFTWARE/PUB, which is the group PUB in SOFTWARE account:


The following command creates the symbolic link FILE9 as a link to the root directory:


Relative symbolic links

The following examples show how to create symbolic links that are relative to the current working directory (CWD). For these examples assume that CWD is /SOFTWARE/CODE/dir2.

The following command creates a symbolic link /SOFTWARE/CODE/F1 which points to the file ./f1:

  :NEWLINK LINK=../F1; TO=./f1

The following command creates a symbolic link /SOFTWARE/CODE/F2 which points to the file ./f2:


The following command creates the link /SOFTWARE/CODE/dir2/dir which points to the directory ../../../dir:

  :NEWLINK LINK=./dir; TO=../../../dir

If you enter the following command, you will get an error message:

  Duplicate name in directory. (CIERR 906)

Similarly, the following command also generates an error message:

  Duplicate name in directory. (CIERR 906)

Related Information






Creates a new user.


  NEWUSER username [.acctname] [;PASS=[password]]
    [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]] [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]]
    [;HOME=[homegroupname]] [;UID=[uid]]
    [;USERPASS=[{ REQ | OPT }] [Expired]]

The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.



The name of the user. The name must consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.


The account in which the user is to reside. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this parameter.


User password, used for verifying logon access only. The password must consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. Default is that no password is assigned.


The list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted to this user. Each capability is denoted by a two letter mnemonic, as shown in Table 9-4 "User Capabilities".

Capabilities assigned to the user with the CAP= parameter cannot exceed those assigned the account. If the account's capabilities are altered, any capabilities removed from the account are denied to the user. The user's capabilities are always verified to be a subset of the account's capabilities at logon. This prevents a user from being granted a capability not assigned the account. Note that CV capability, which allows users to define mountable non-system volumes, also gives the user UV capability, so that they may use mountable, non-system volumes. Default is IA, BA, ND, and SF.


The name of the highest-priority subqueue that any job or session in the account can request for executing processes. The subqueuename may be either AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES. The priority specified for the user in NEWUSER cannot be greater than that specified for the account.

The subqueuename defined for the user is checked against the subqueuename defined for the user's account at logon. The lower priority of the two is used as the maximum priority and restricts all processes of the job/session. Also, the priority requested by the user at logon is checked against the subqueuename defined for that user, and the lower of these two values is granted. Default is CS.

CAUTION: Processes capable of executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. Assigning nonpriority system and user processes to these subqueues can prevent the execution of critical system processes. Exercise extreme caution in assigning processes to these subqueues.


The local attribute of the user, as defined at the installation site. This is a double-word bit map of arbitrary meaning that can be used to further classify users. While it is not involved in standard MPE/iX security provisions, it is available to processes through the WHO intrinsic for use in the programmer's own security provisions. The NEWUSER command checks the local attributes of the user with those of the account. Default is double word 0 (null).


The name of an existing group to be assigned as the user's home group. If none is assigned, the user must always specify a group when logging on. Default is that no home group is assigned.


User ID to be created for the account manager in the user database. The uid parameter must be an unique positive (non zero) 32-bit integer. Default is for MPE to create a value. Duplicate id numbers are not be allowed. The uid parameter provides file owner class security for MPE/iX.


Specifies that the user must have a non-blank password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.


Specifies that a user password is optional. This is the default. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.


The password expires immediately. The user cannot logon without selecting a new password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.

Operation Notes

The account manager uses the NEWUSER command to define an account member. When the user is defined, the account manager may also assign the user a password, a user ID, capabilities, and may limit the user's use of system resources. Parameters defining these values may also be omitted from the command line; in this case, the defaults are assigned the user.

Table 9-4 User Capabilities

Capability Mnenonic
System Manager SM
Account Manager AM
Account Librarian AL
Group Librarian GL
Diagnostician DI
System Supervisor OP
Network AdministratorNA
Node Manager NM
Save Files SF
Access to Nonshareable I/O DevicesND
Use Volumes UV
Create Volumes CV
Use Communication SubsystemCS
Programmatic SessionsPS
User Logging LG
Process Handling PH
Extra Data Segments DS
Multiple RINs MR
Privileged Mode PM
Interactive Access IA
Batch Access BA


This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability is required to execute this command.


To define a new user named LHSMITH, assign a password of SMITTY and a home group of HOMEGPX, with the next available UID, enter:


To define a new user named LHSMITH, assign a password of SMITTY, a home group of HOMEGPX, and assign a UID of 120, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Management Tasks


Controls the Network Service subsystem.


    [START   [=service [,service ...]] ]
    [STOP    [=service [,service ...]] ]
    [KILLSESS #Snnn]
    [AUTOLOGON [= {ON | OFF} [, {ALL | service [,service ...] }] ]]
    [LOG    = {ON | OFF} [, {ALL | RPM | ENV | DSDAD | DSSERVER |
      VTSERVER} [,{ LOW | HIGH }]] ]
    [SERVER = { servername | ALL } [,minservers [,maxservers]] ]
      ALL} [, ...]] ]
    [VERSION [=MOD]]


START [=service [,service ...]]

Starts Network Services that are installed on your system. By default, all installed services are started. Optionally you may specify one or more specific services to be started. Possible specific services include:


Enables remote users to run loopback diagnostic programs that connect to the local node.

The following services are available if you have the NS/3000 product installed:


Enables remote users to transfer files to or from the local node using the DSCOPY command and intrinsic.


Enables local users to transfer files to or from remote nodes using the DSCOPY command and intrinsic.


Enables remote users to use the NSSTATUS intrinsic and DSLINE;SERVICES command to retrieve NS information from the local node.


Enables local users to use the NSSTATUS intrinsic and DSLINE;SERVICES command to retrieve NS information from the local and remote nodes.


Enables remote users to create and communicate with PTOP slave processes on the local node. The VT service must also be started. PTOP can be used only by HPDESK.


Enables local users to create and communicate with PTOP slave processes on remote nodes. The VTL service must also be started. PTOPL can be used only by HPDESK.


Enables remote users to access files and data bases on the local node.


Enables local users to access files and data bases on remote nodes.


Enables remote users to create and kill processes on the local node using the Remote Process Management (RPM) service.


Enables local users to create and kill processes on the local and remote nodes using the Remote Process Management (RPM) service.


Enables remote users to logon to the local node using HP's TCP message mode.


Enables remote users to logon to the local node using TCP stream mode.


Enables local users to log onto remote nodes using the REMOTE HELLO command.


Enables remote users to access local terminals using the Virtual Terminal service.


Enables local users to access terminals on remote nodes using the Virtual Terminal service.

There may be additional services that can be enabled if other network products, such as Personal Productivity Center, are installed. Refer to that network product's documentation to obtain the appropriate service names.

STOP [=service [,service ...]]

Stops Network Services, although existing users of the service(s) can continue until they terminate their use. By default, all installed services are stopped. Optionally you may specify one or more specific services to be stopped. Possible services include any of the same service names that you are allowed to specify for the START parameter described above.


Immediately terminates all the servers and services.


Enables or disables the autologon feature of the NFT, RFA and/or RPM services. Default: ON,ALL.

AUTOLOGON= [{ON | OFF}] [{ ,ALL [,service [,service]] }]


Loads the Network Service command keywords while NS/3000 is active.


[, {LOW | HIGH}]]


Enables detailed event logging of the specified module.


Disables detailed event logging of the specified module.

For each Network Service software module, two levels of event logging are provided. These are HIGH, which logs all events, and LOW, the default, which logs a subset of the events, as specified below.


Logs LOW events for all modules. HIGH Logs HIGH events for all modules.


Logs RPMCREATE and RPMKILL requests. HIGH Same as LOW.


Logs environment information from DSLINE and REMOTE HELLO commands.


Same as LOW, plus environment table locking and use counts.


Logs creation and deletion of sockets, ports, and server processes.


Same as LOW, plus all received service requests and internal messages between DSDAD and server processes.


Logs internal initialization messages between DSDAD and DSSERVER processes.


Same as LOW, plus all received messages from other processes.


Logs internal initialization messages between DSDAD and VTSERVER processes.


Same as LOW, plus all received messages from other processes.

SERVER= { servername | ALL } [,minservers [,maxservers]]

Dynamically alters the minimum or maximum number of servers. By default applies to all servers. Optionally you may specify one or more specific servernames. Possible servernames and their default minserver and maxserver values are:


For the Loopback Service. Default minserver,maxserver values are 0,300.


For the NSSTAT service (NSSTATUS intrinsic and DSLINE; SERVICES command). Default minserver, maxserver values are 0,300.


For VT and Reverse VT. Default minserver,maxserver values are 0,300.

The following servers are available if you have the NS/3000 product installed:


For NFT (DSCOPY). Default minserver,maxserver values are 0,300.


For RFA, RDBA, PTOP and RPM. Default minserver, maxserver values are 0,300.

There may be additional servers to control if other network products, such as Personal Productivity Center, are installed. Refer to that network product's documentation to obtain the appropriate server names.


The minimum number of servers which must be available at all times. Available servers which are not in active use are kept in reserve until a service request is received. If necessary, additional servers are created immediately to fit the new minimum specified. Valid range: 0..1250; however, see note below. Default for all current servers is 0.


The maximum number of servers of this type allowed to be active at one time. If necessary, reserved servers are terminated to fit the new maximum. Valid range: 0..32767; however, see note below. Default varies by server.

NOTE: The total number of all active servers may not exceed 1250. The sum of all minservers must always be 1250 or less. You may specify a number greater than 1250 as one or more maxservers values, but there will never be more than a total of 1250 servers of all kinds at any one time.


Displays current status information about NS3000/XL Services.

    [, ...]]

The STATUS parameter can be unqualified, or can be keyword equated to one or more of the following values:


Display the jobs and sessions on this node that are using Network Services.


Display information about the services.


Display information about the servers.


Display a summary of information about services, servers, and users.


Same as specifying SERVICES, SERVERS and USERS.(DEFAULT)


Displays the overall version of the NS/3000 software. If qualified with the MOD keyword, also displays the version of each of the Network Services software modules.


Operation Notes

NSCONTROL START Starts the Network Services subsystem.

NSCONTROL STOP Stops the Network Services subsystem. STOP executes a shutdown of Network Services. Existing users may continue using the Network Services until they complete their NS activity, but new users are prevented from using the services. When all users have finished using the NS subsystem, the subsystem will stop entirely.

NSCONTROL ABORT Immediately terminates all the servers and services of the Network Services. Note that STOP is the normal way to shutdown Network Services. The ABORT function should only be used in abnormal situations.

NSCONTROL AUTOLOGON Enables or disables the autologon feature of the NFT, RFA and RPM services. When disabled, remote users are required to establish a regular session via VT and :REMOTE HELLO before they can use NFT, RFA or RPM on this system. This is useful if you wish to force all remote users to execute a logon security UDC before they access anything on this system. When NS is first started, this feature is ENABLED.

NSCONTROL LOADKEYS Loads the Network Services command keywords from the ASCAT.NET.SYS catalog. You need to use this command only if the catalog is modified, such as for localization.

NSCONTROL LOG Enables or disables detailed event logging for the Network Service.

NSCONTROL SERVER Alters the characteristics of the Network Service processes.

NSCONTROL STATUS Displays information about the Network Services.

NSCONTROL VERSION Displays the overall version of the Network Services subsystem, and optionally the version of each of its modules.


Start the transport subsystem on the "LAN1" and "WIDE" networks, then start all of the NS network services:


Stop all Network Services, while letting existing users continue their work:


Stop the VT and Reverse VT services only. Let all other started services remain available:


Enable logging of information from DSLINE and REMOTE HELLO commands, and service requests received by the DSDAD process:


Set the minimum number of running DSSERVER processes to 2 and the maximum to 10:


Show the status of Network Services:


Display the overall version and product number of the Network Services subsystem:


  Network Services overall subsystem version:  B.00.10
  NS3000/XL SERVICES:  36920B     

Related Information




Migration Process Guide


Converts a compiled MPE V/E program into native mode (NM) code for the HP 3000 Series 900. (Native Mode)

CAUTION: Before using this command be sure your logon group and account does not contain files of the form Yn, Ynn or Ynnn where n is any alphanumeric character. OCTCO
may create temporary files named in this format and similarly named permane nt files may cause an error condition.


  OCTCOMP [input] [,[targetfile] [,[list]]] [;INFO=quotedstring]
  OCTCOMP [input] [,[targetfile] [,[list] [,[INFO=]quotedstring]]] *

* Refer to the help option of the INFO=quotedstring

NOTE: This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.



If no parameters are specified OCTCOMP returns a command usage message and then exits.


Name of the valid input program or SL file to be translated. A valid program is a CM PROG or SL file that can be loaded by the CM loader.


Name of the file to hold the translated output. (Refer to "Operation Notes" for a description of the default for this parameter.) If targetfile does not exist, it is created. If it already exists, it is purged and a new file is created.


Name of the file to which object code translator writes listing and error messages. If you omit this parameter, the messages are sent to $STDLIST. All parameter parsing errors are written to $STDLIST.

INFO= quotedstring

A list of parameters to define format and content of translated output. This parameter list must be surrounded with double or single quotation marks (" or '), and each parameter set in the list must be delimited with a semicolon if more than one set is given in command string.


Print detailed description of OCTCOMP parameters. This is the only option that does not require a source. OCTCOMP;INFO="HELP" is valid; so is OCTCOMP ,,,"HELP".

add=seglist [;]

Add translated segments to the file named in the command string. Note that the named file may already contain translated code. When you specify this option, OCTCOMP replaces already translated segments.

If you use the add option, the targetfile, ignore, and trans parameters are not permitted. This option works only for SL files.

errors [=count][;]

Specify maximum number of errors to be reported before OCTCOMP terminates. The count value must be greater than zero. Errors are sent to named list file or, by default, to $STDLIST. If this parameter is given without the optional =count, all errors are reported. If you omit this parameter, OCTCOMP reports the first error, then terminates.

ignore= seglist[;]

Do not translate specified segments. If seglist is omitted, an error is issued. If you enter the ignore parameter, you cannot use the add or trans parameters.

map [=seglist][;]

Generate PMAP listing for specified segments. If seglist is omitted, PMAP listing is generated for all segments.

noovf [=seglist][;]

Selectively ignore overflow traps in translating code. If seglist is omitted, noovf action is assumed for all segments. Specifying this option gives OCTCOMP permission to decide whether or not to catch overflow. The default is that OCTCOMP follows the behavior of the emulator.

Specifying this option improves the performance of integer arithmetic functions.


Inform the OCT utility that the user intends to make the file SL.PUB.SYS. This option is for users creating new systems. Several SL.PUB.SYS and system-dependent code improvements are performed when this option is specified.

trans= seglist[;]

Translate only specified segments. If the named file contains translated code segments that are not listed, these segments will be set emulated and the translated code removed.



= segnum[...,segnum].



= 0 .. 9 - Decimal (default)

or 0 .. 7 - Octal

or $0 .. F - Hexadecimal

or A[..] .. Z[..] - Alpha (SL only) *

or ^filename (an indirect file) **

* In this form, a segnum identifier may consist of as many as 16 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.

** You must number indirect files, and you cannot nest them. If you enter the trans parameter, you may not use the add or ignore parameters.

Operation Notes

The OCTCOMP command translates MPE V/E instructions into native mode instructions. If you specify targetfile, a new file is created. If you do not specify targetfile, OCTCOMP attempts to append the translated instructions to input file. The append fails and an error message is displayed if the input file is too small to qualify as an output file. In such a case, the solution is to specify targetfile.

User-defined labels are stripped from the input file, and they may not be added to a translated file.

After a new master installation tape is loaded, you must retranslate the file on which you used the systemsl option (to create SL.PUB.SYS). Otherwise, it runs in emulator mode.

The noovf parameter can improve the code generated. However, the user must ensure that the necessary conditions hold for code translated using this parameter. For the noovf parameter, the input code must not use the overflow trap mechanism.

The OCTCOMP command does not support the following:
  • File equations involving the input, targetfile, or list files (backreferencing is not supported).

  • $NULL, $STDIN, $STDLIST, or $NEWPASS for input, targetfile, or list; $OLDPASS for targetfile or list; but $OLDPASS is supported for input.

  • Using an explicit or implicit RUN command to execute the OCTCOMP command.


This command is available in a session, job, or program. It is not available in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.


The following set of examples illustrates the use of the add=, ignore=, and trans= parameters and the effect each of them has on the content of the translated code output file with each succeeding invocation of OCTCOMP. In each example, the input file is assumed to consist of seven segments, 0 through 6.

In the following example, the translated output file, OCTOUT, consists of the SL file SOURCEIN and translated segments 1, 2, 3, and 4 only.


In the following example, the output in OCTOUT consists of the existing SOURCEIN object code image, existing translated segments 1, 2, 3, and 4, with translated segments 0, 5, and 6 appended to the file. Segment 5 does not have overflow detection.


In the following example, the output in OCTOUT2 consists of the object code image from the existing file OCTOUT, with translated segments 0, 3, 5, and 6 only. This time segment 5 has overflow detection in OCTOUT2.


This output would be the same if the call to OCTCOMP were given using the original object code input file SOURCEIN, as:


Using an indirect file:

  OCTCOMP INSL;INFO="add=^adlist"

Here adlist is an unnumbered file in which segments (names or numbers) are separated by a blank, a comma, or a new line:


In this case, add is applied to all of the segments specified in the indirect file (^adlist).

Related Information




Migration Process Guide


Opens the spool queue(s) for a specified logical device, or device name or all device members of a device class. (Native Mode)


  OPENQ { ldev [;SHOW] devclass [;SHOW] devname [;SHOW] @ }



The logical device number of the device.


The device class name of the devices. The devclass parameter must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters.


The device name of the device. The devname parameter must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Note that it is not possible to have a device class name and a device that are the same. If you enter an alphanumeric character string, the command searches the device class list first, and then the device name list.


The SHOW parameter displays the current state (enabled or disabled) of the devices specified with the OPENQ command.


The @ parameter globally reenables all currently open spooling queues that were disabled because the system ran out of system domain disk space, a file limit was encountered on the HPSPOOL account or its groups, or the SHUTQ @ command was entered.

If the spooling queues are disabled globally because the system is out of disk space or a file limit is encountered on the HPSPOOL account or its groups, the problem should be resolved before globally enabling spooling queues with the OPENQ @ command.

Refer to the Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual(32650-90166) for more discussion on globally enabling and disabling spooling queues.

Use the @ option without any other parameter. The SHOW option entered with the @ option returns an error.

Operation Notes

The OPENQ command enables the operator to control the spool queue of a specified device or all devices of a device class without affecting the operation of spooler processes. It also gives the operator access to spool queues for which no spooler or physical device exists.

Spoolfiles can be created faster than they are processed. You may want to issue a SHUTQ command, to clear the backlog of files in the queue, and then reopen it with an OPENQ command when the queue is clear.

The OPENQ command also serves as an option to the STOPSPOOL and SPOOLER commands.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be executed only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


To open the spool queue for logical device 6, enter:


To show the state of queues and other information about the specified device, enter:


NOTE: Classes are collections of devices, so operations (such as OPENQ) on a device class are applied to all devices in the class. Thus, if class LP consists of LDEVs 6, 11, and 19:

  OPENQ 6  opens spool queues for LDEV 6
  OPENQ LP opens spool queues for LDEVs 6, 11, and 19

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Modifies the runtime environment of user-defined commands and command files. It is used within the body of a user command to set up and change the environment dynamically. (Native Mode)

NOTE: Be sure to distinguish between the OPTION command and OPTION used in the header of a user command.

The OPTION command (described here) accepts only the LIST/NOLIST and RECURSION/NORECURSION parameters. OPTION used in the header of a UDC or a command file accepts the HELP/NOHELP, LOGON/NOLOGON, BREAK/NO BREAK, and PROGRAM/NOPROGRAM parameters, in addition to the LIST/NOLIST and RECURSION/NORECURSION parameters.





Displays the command lines in a user command (UDC or command file) before each command in the user command is executed.


Suppresses the display of the command lines in a user command when it is executed. NOLIST is the default.


Begins the search for UDCs at the beginning of the cataloged commands list. RECURSION and NORECURSION do not have any meaning in a command file, because command files are not cataloged.


Begins the UDC search at the command currently executing and continues, in order, through the UDC catalog, as in MPE V/E. Default. RECURSION and NORECURSION do not have any meaning in a command file, because command files are not cataloged.

NOTE: OPTION values are set to defaults whenever a command file or UDC is executed. If OPTION is specified as part of the user command definition then OPTION will be reset to this value if another UDC or command file is called from the user command. If OPTION is not set in the header of a UDC or command file then it's value will not be retained across calls to other UDC/command files.

Operation Notes

The OPTION command modifies the environment of user-defined commands (UDCs) and command files, giving users more flexibility in modifying the user command environment. When OPTION appears in a user command header, it is static and affects the entire command.

The LIST/NOLIST option specifies whether command lines in a UDC are printed before execution of each command. RECURSION/ NORECURSION determines the search order for commands cataloged.

RECURSION starts the UDC search at the beginning of the cataloged commands. NORECURSION, the default setting, starts the search at the command currently executing. RECURSION and NORECURSION do not have any meaning in a command file, because command files are not cataloged. The default is NORECURSION.

Nesting of IF and WHILE blocks in UDC's is limited to a combined total of 30 levels. Each IF or WHILE block read by the Command Interpreter increments the nesting count even if it resides within a different UDC. It is especially important to remember this when using the recursion option which may make it easy to increment the nesting count beyond 30.


This command is available in a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To send a line-by-line listing of the command file to $STDLIST as it executes, within the command file, enter:


Related Information


SETCATALOG, SHOWCATALOG, UDC header for static options




Defines the minimum priority that an output spoolfile needs in order to be printed. (Native Mode)


  OUTFENCE outputpriority [;LDEV=ldev]
    [;DEV= { ldev devclass devname }]



A number between 1 and 14, inclusive. A larger number is more limiting.


The logical device number of an output device.


A device class containing at least one output spoolable device. The devclass parameter must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters.


The name of the spooled device. The devname parameter must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Note that it is not possible to have a device class name and a device name that are the same. If you enter an alphanumeric character string, the command searches the device class list first, and then the device name list.

Operation Notes

This command controls the processing of all output spoolfiles by establishing a numerical limit (or fence) that, along with each spoolfile's outputpriority, determines whether a file is printed or not. Individual output spoolfiles that are in the READY state are printed only if their outputpriority is higher than the current outfence. To prevent any spoolfiles from being printed, set the outfence to 14. To prevent a subset of spoolfiles from printing, set the outfence higher than the outputpriority of any spoolfile in the group.

To alter the printing priority of a single file without affecting the entire system, change the output priority of the specific spoolfile(s) with the ALTSPOOLFILE or SPOOLF command.

Notice that a device-specific outfence takes precedence over the system-wide (global) outfence, as seen in the example below.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It is executable only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To defer all output spoolfiles except those waiting to be printed by LDEV 6, which is usually configured as the system line printer, set the global outfence to 14 and the outfence of LDEV 6 to 7, as shown below:


To display the new global outputpriority and the outputpriority of logical device 6, execute the LISTSPF or SHOWOUT command, as in the example below. Note that the summary statistics at the bottom of the listing immediately reflects the new outfence. Once any currently ACTIVE spoolfile is finished, no files directed toward a device other than LDEV 6 can become ACTIVE.

  6        #O999  #J19   $STDLIST OPENED        512        8
  6        #O1030 #S77   EDLIST   OPENED        512        8
  SLOWLP   #O1029 #S71   OUT      READY         232     D  7
  LP       #O1001 #J60   $STDLIST OPENED
  11       #O1022 #S33   GALLIST  READY         768     D  7
  5 FILES:
    0 ACTIVE

To reset the outfence for all output spoolfiles, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks

Chapter 9 Command List VII

Chapter 10 Command List VIII