1024 | USL | User Subprogram Library |
1025 | BASD | Basic Data |
1026 | BASP | Basic Program |
1027 | BASFP | Basic Fast Program |
1028 | RL | Compatibility Mode Relocatable Library |
1029 | PROG | Compatibility Mode Program File |
1031 | SL | Segmented Library |
1035 | VFORM | VPLUS Forms File |
1036 | VFAST | VPLUS Fast Forms File |
1037 | VREF | VPLUS Reformat File |
1040 | XLSAV | Cross Loader ASCII File (SAVE) |
1041 | XLBIN | Cross Loader Relocated Binary File |
1042 | XLDSP | Cross Loader ASCII File (DISPLAY) |
1050 | EDITQ | Edit Quick File |
1051 | EDTCQ | Edit KEEPQ File (COBOL) |
1052 | EDTCT | Edit TEXT File (COBOL) |
1054 | TDPDT | TDP Diary File |
1055 | TDPQM | TDP Proof Marked QMARKED |
1056 | TDPP | TDP Proof Marked non-COBOL File |
1057 | TDPCP | TDP Proof Marked COBOL File |
1058 | TDPQ | TDP Work File |
1059 | TDPXQ | TDP Work File (COBOL) |
1060 | RJEPN | RJE Punch File |
1070 | QPROC | QUERY Procedure File |
1080 | KSAMK | KSAM Key File |
1083 | GRAPH | GRAPH Specification File |
1084 | SD | Self-describing File |
1090 | LOG | User Logging Log File |
1100 | WDOC | HPWORD Document |
1101 | WDICT | HPWORD Hyphenation Dictionary |
1102 | WCONF | HPWORD Configuration File |
1103 | W2601 | HPWORD Attended Printer Environment |
1110 | PCELL | IFS/3000 Character Cell File |
1112 | PENV | IFS/3000 Environment File |
1113 | PCCMP | IFS/3000 Compiled Character Cell File |
1114 | RASTR | Graphics Image in RASTER Format |
1130 | OPTLF | OPT/3000 Log File |
1131 | TEPES | TEPE/3000 Script File |
1132 | TEPEL | TEPE/3000 Log File |
1133 | SAMPL | APS/3000 Log File |
1139 | MPEDL | MPEDCP/DRP Log File |
1140 | TSR | HPToolset Root File |
1141 | TSD | HPToolset Data File |
1145 | DRAW | Drawing File for HPDRAW |
1146 | FIG | Figure File for HPDRAW |
1147 | FONT | Reserved |
1148 | COLOR | Reserved |
1149 | D48 | Reserved |
1152 | SLATE | Compressed SLATE File |
1153 | SLATW | Expanded SLATE Work File |
1156 | DSTOR | RAPID/3000 DICTDBU Utility Store File |
1157 | TCODE | Code File for Transact/3000 Compiler |
1158 | RCODE | Code File for Report/3000 Compiler |
1159 | ICODE | Code File for Inform/3000 Compiler |
1166 | MDIST | HPDESK Distribution List |
1167 | MTEXT | HPDESK Text |
1168 | MARPA | ARPA Messages File |
1169 | MARPD | ARPA Distribution List |
1170 | MCMND | HPDESK Abbreviated Commands File |
1171 | MFRTM | HPDESK Diary Free Time List |
1172 | None | Reserved |
1173 | MEFT | HPDESK External File Transfer Messages File |
1174 | MCRPT | HPDESK Encrypted Item |
1175 | MSERL | HPDESK Serialized (Composite) Item |
1176 | VCSF | Version Control System File |
1177 | TTYPE | Terminal Type File |
1178 | TVFC | Terminal Vertical Format Control File |
1192 | NCONF | Network Configuration File |
1193 | NTRAC | Network Trace File |
1194 | NTLOG | Network Log File |
1195 | MIDAS | Reserved |
1211 | NDIR | Reserved |
1212 | INODE | Reserved |
1213 | INVRT | Reserved |
1214 | EXCEP | Reserved |
1215 | TAXON | Reserved |
1216 | QUERF | Reserved |
1217 | DOCDR | Reserved |
1226 | VC | VC File |
1227 | DIF | DIF File |
1228 | LANGD | Language Definition File |
1229 | CHARD | Character Set Definition File |
1230 | MGCAT | Formatted Application Message Catalog |
1236 | BMAP | Base Map Specification File |
1242 | BDATA | HP Business BASIC/V Data File |
1243 | BFORM | HP Business BASIC/V Field Order File for VPLUS |
1244 | BSAVE | HP Business BASIC/V SAVE Program File |
1245 | BCNFG | Configuration File for Default Options for HP Business BASIC Programs |
1246 | BKEY | Function Key Definition File for Terminal |
1258 | PFSTA | Pathflow STATIC File |
1259 | PFDYN | Pathflow Dynamic File |
1270 | RFDCA | Revisable Form DCA Data Stream |
1271 | FFDCA | Final Form DCA Data Stream |
1272 | DIU | Document Interchange Unit File |
1273 | PDOC | HPWORD/150 Document |
1275 | DFI | DISOSS Filing Information File |
1276 | SRI | Search Restart Information File |
1401 | CWPTX | Chinese Word Processor Text File |
1421 | MAP | HPMAP/3000 Map Specification File |
1422 | GAL | Reserved |
1425 | TTX | Reserved |
1428 | RDIL | HP Business Report Writer (BRW) Dictionary File CM |
1429 | RSPEC | BRW Specification File |
1430 | RSPCF | BRW Specification File |
1431 | REXCL | BRW Execution File |
1432 | RJOB | BRW Report 509 File |
1433 | ROUT1 | BRW Intermediate Report File |
1434 | ROUTD | BRW Dictionary Output |
1435 | PRINT | BRW Print File |
1436 | RCONF | BRW Configuration File |
1437 | RDICN | BRW NM Dictionary File |
1438 | REXNUM | BRW NM Execution File |
1441 | PIF | Reserved |
1476 | TIFF | Tag Image File Format |
1477 | RDF | Revisable Document Format |
1478 | SOF | Serial Object File |
1479 | GPF | Chart File for Charting Gallery Chart |
1480 | GPD | Data File for Charting Gallery Chart |
1483 | VCGPM | Virtuoso Core Generator Processed Macro File |
1484 | FRMAT | Formatter |
1485 | DUMP | Dump Files Created and Used by IDAT and DPAN |
1486 | NNMD0 | New Wave Mail Distribution List |
1491 | X4HDR | X.400 Header for HPDesk Manager |
1500 | WP1 | Reserved |
1501 | WP2 | Reserved |
1502 | LO123 | Lotus 123 Spread Sheet |
1514 | FPCF | Form Tester Command Spec File |
1515 | INSP | Spooler XL Input Spoolfile |
1516 | OUTSP | Spooler XL Output Spoolfile |
1517 | CHKSP | Spooler XL Checkpoint Spoolfile |
1521 | DSKIT | HPDesk Intrinsics Transaction File |
1526 | MSACK | Man Server Acknowledgement |
1527 | MSNON | Man Server Non-Delivery Notification |
1528 | MSTRC | Man Server Trace File |
3333 | | Reserved |