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NSINFO Intrinsic


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This intrinsic is used to programmatically obtain information about NS environments that have been created in your session. These are environments created by either a DSLINE envID, or a REMOTE HELLO...;DSLINE=envID command. This intrinsic also allows you to obtain some information about your local node (such as the local node name).


            BA       I              I        I        (IV)      (BA)
  NSINFO ( [envID], [envIDlength], [envnum], status [,itemnum1, item1]
                                                    [,itemnum2, item2]
                                                    [,itemnum3, item3]
                                                    [,itemnum4, item4]
                                                    [,itemnum5, item5])
  where: BA    = Byte array
          I    = Integer
         IV    = Integer value



52-byte character array. Specifies environment with matching environment identifier. See the discussion for an explanation of the use of envID, envIDlength, and envnum.

envIDlength (input/output)

16-bit integer, by reference. Length of environment ID in bytes. See the discussion for an explanation of the use of envID, envIDlength, and envnum.

envnum (input/output)

16-bit integer, by reference. Specifies environment by environment number. See the discussion for an explanation of the use of envID, envIDlength, and envnum.

status (output)

16-bit integer, by reference. If the intrinsic call was successful, 0 is returned. Otherwise, an environment error number is returned.

NOTE: The following parameters appear in pairs to identify an item of data. One to five item pairs may be specified in the call. For brevity, all five item pairs will be described as itemnum i and item i, where i is 1, 2, ... 5.
inemnum i (input)

16-bit integer, by value. Item number identifying the item i service to be performed.

item i (output)

Data type varies. By reference. Value of the item specified by the corresponding itemnum i; the data type of the item value depends on the item itself.

Valid itemnums and the corresponding items are:

1. node length

16-bit integer. Length of the following node name item, in bytes. This item must precede item 2.

2. node

52-byte character array. Name of the node where the environment is located. This item must be preceded by item 1.

3. logon length

16-bit integer. Length of the following logon length item, in bytes. This item must precede item 4.

4. logon

54-byte character array. Logon string (for example, user.acct,group) used to log on environment session. This item must be preceded by item 3.

5. trace information

Array of 25 16-bit integers. Information about tracing of one service's NetIPC messages to the remote environment. In an NSINFO call using this item, the first word of the array must be set to the service for which the trace information is to be retrieved. The remainder of the fields will be filled in with the data by NSINFO. The array has the format shown in Figure 6-1 “NSINFO Trace Information Data Structure”.

Figure 6-1 NSINFO Trace Information Data Structure

[NSINFO Trace Information Data Structure]

Service number

Number identifying what service this trace information on record pertains to.

0 = All services

1 = VT

2 = NFT

3 = RFA

4 = RDBA

5 = RPM


If the service is being traced, this value is 1; otherwise, this value is 0.


If the transport is being traced, its value is 1; otherwise, its value is 0.

6. establishment event

16-bit integer. Event (that is, command) that set up the environment. Values are:

0 = Environment created by a DSLINE command

1 = Environment created by a REMOTE command.

7. compression

16-bit logical. If true (odd), data compression will be used when data is transmitted on the service's connection. Currently, NFT and RFA allow data compression. All other services will ignore the compression setting.

8. NFT service

16-bit logical. If true (odd), a process in this job or session has requested NFT service on some environment. This item is independent of the environment specified by envID or envnum.

9. prompt length

16-bit integer. Length of the following prompt string, in bytes. This item must precede item 10.

10. prompt

8-byte character array. String to be used as the REMOTE mode prompt. Item 9 must precede this item.

11. VT service

16-bit logical. If true (odd), then VT service has been established on the environment. If false (even), there is no VT service for the environment.

12. RFA service

16-bit logical. If true (odd), then RFA service has been established on the remote environment. If false (even), there is no RFA service for the environment.

13. node envnums length

16-bit integer. Contains the number of envnums entered into the array supplied by item 14. If 0 is returned, then no environments are defined on the node specified in envID. This item must precede item 14.

14. node envnums

Array of 100 16-bit integers. Will be filled with the envnums of environments defined on the node whose name is specified in envID. Must be preceded by item 13.

16. logged on

16-bit logical. If true (odd), a remote session has been logged on for the environment. If false (even), there is no remote session for the environment.

18. local node length

16-bit integer. The length, in bytes, of the name of the local node. This item is independent of the environment specified by envID or envnum. It must precede item 19. The NS transport must have been started for this to succeed

19. local node name

52-byte character array. The name of the local node. This item must be preceded by item 18. The NS transport must have been started for this to succeed.

21. service use count

16-bit integer. Count of the number of services currently sharing the environment.

25. RPM son

16-byte integer. If true (odd), the remote environment contains an RPM son process. If false (even), the RPM service is not active for the environment.

26. list environments length

16-bit integer. Contains the number of envnums entered into the array supplied in item 27. If 0 is returned then no environments matched generic environment ID. This item must precede item 27.

27. list environments

Array of 100 16-bit integers. Will be filled with envnums whose envID matches the generic environment ID input as the envID parameter. Must be preceded by item 26.

36. local node ARPA domain name length

16-bit integer. The length, in bytes, of the local node's ARPA domain name. This item is independent of the environment specified by envID or envnum. It must precede item 37. The NS transport must have been started for this to succeed.

37. local node ARPA domain name

255-byte character array. The name of the local node's ARPA domain name. The NS transport must have been started for this to succeed.

38. IP address

32-bit integer. The IP address (4 bytes) of the node in the given environment. Currently, this option works only for $BACK environments. The value zero will be returned for all other environments.


The NSINFO intrinsic is used to obtain information associated with environments defined in a job or session. There are two different ways that this intrinsic may be called. In the first method, envID/envnum define the specific environment or generic environment for which information is desired. In the second method, envID specifies the node name for which node-specific information is desired.

Selection of the environment may be done by environment ID string or by environment number. The presence and value of the envID, envIDlength, and envnum parameters determine which mode is used. Also, these parameters are both input and output; the selected environment's ID or number can be retrieved through them. The rules for using the envID, envIDlength, and envnum are:

  • If envID and envIDlength are specified, and envIDlength is greater than 0, the environment will be determined by the environment ID in envID. If envnum is specified and its value is 0, the environment number will be determined by the environment specified in envID.

  • If envID and envIDlength are omitted, or if envIDlength is 0, the environment will be selected by the environment number in envnum. If envID and envIDlength are specified, and envIDlength is 0, they will be set to the environment ID string and its length.

  • If envID and envIDlength are omitted or envIDlength is 0, and envnum is 0, the default environment for the calling process will be selected. The default environment number will be returned in envnum, and its environment ID string and length will be returned in envID and envIDlength respectively, if specified. Note: The default environment is defined per process not per job or session.

  • Some services interpret envID as either a node name or a generic environment ID (such as items 26, 27 and 13, 14). In calls that use an item number such as this, envID and envIDlength are required parameters.

  • For services that are not dependent on any environment specification (such as items 8 or 18, 19), envID, envIDlength, and envnum are not required parameters.

Items that flag a certain condition, such as item 16 (logged on status) or 12 (RFA service established), will return either an odd (TRUE) or an even (FALSE) value.

This intrinsic may not be called in split stack mode.


Table 6-1 “NSINFO Errors” lists the errors that are returned in status upon completion of an NSINFO call. If an error is returned, all data returned from the call should be disregarded.

Table 6-1 NSINFO Errors

Error NumberMeaning
0No error. Successful return from NSINFO.
1Required parameter missing. Either the envID and envIDlength or the envnum;status must be specified.
2Invalid itemnum value.
3item parameter without a corresponding itemnum parameter.
4itemnum parameter without a corresponding item parameter.
5Invalid envID syntax. The correct syntax is envID.domain.organization.
10Invalid service in trace information array. Must be between 0 and 6.
20No environment entry exists for the selected environment.
23The call selected the default environment but none was set by a prior :DSLINE or :REMOTE command.
24The value in envnum does not correspond to an existing environment.
31Total length of a node name or envID is invalid. Must be 1 to 50 characters.
32First part (node or envID) of a node name or envID does not begin with an alphabetic character.
33First part (node or envID) of a node name or envID is longer than 16 characters
34First part (node or envID) of a node name or envID contains a non-alphanumeric character.
35The domain part of a node name or envID is missing.
36The domain part of a nodename or envID does not begin with an alphabetic character.
37The domain part of a nodename or envID is longer than 16 characters.
38The domain part of a node name or envID contains a non-alphanumeric character.
39The organization part in a node name or envID is missing.
40The organization part in a node name or envID does not begin with an alphabetic character.
41The organization part in a node name or envID is longer than 16 characters.
42The organization part in a node name or envID contains a non-alphanumeric character
44NS transport not started. To start NS transport execute the NETCONTROL START command.
45Unknown node
48A specified item requires another item
96DB is not pointing to the caller's stack
97An item parameter was passed by reference to NSINFO which was outside of the caller's legal stack space.
98Insufficient stack space for execution of procedure.