HPlogo Using NS 3000/iX Network Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Network File Transfer



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Transfers or copies a disc file from one node to another (or within a single node).


                 [sourcefile [sfileloc] [to [targetfile] [tfileloc][;opt]]]
DSCOPY [+[sfileloc] [to [tfileloc][;opt]. . .]


Available          In Session?          Yes
                   In Job?              Yes
                   In Break?            No
                   Programmatically?    No
Breakable?                              No
Capabilities?                           None



The name of the file to be transferred, optionally including qualifiers.

Specify HP 3000 source files as follows:


The sourcefile may be a formal designator defined in a prior file equation. If the sourcefile is a formal designator defined in a prior file equation, then the sourcefile must be preceded by an asterisk.

The sourcefile parameter may also specify a generic file set, via MPE/iX "wildcard" characters "@", "#", or "?". See "Multiple Transfer" later in this chapter for more information on generic file sets.


A node specification for the source file, in the form:

[delim [location]] [[[logon]]]

where delim is either a colon (:) or a comma (,).

The location parameter is either a node name or a previously defined environment ID. Logon must be a valid logon sequence for the node in question, including all necessary passwords. If specified, the logon is used to create a temporary remote session on the node. Note that brackets are required around the logon sequence.

Here are some syntactically correct examples of HP 3000 source file location specifications:

:ENV1 []

If delim and location are omitted, then the default is the global source file location specification or, if there is no global specification currently in effect, the local node name. (For an explanation of global specifications, see "Using Global Specifications" later in this chapter.) If delim appears without a location, the local node name is used whether or not there is a global specification.

If you specify an individual or global logon, it will be used to create a new session even if a session already exists on the node in question (in the specified remote environment). If the logon parameter and its surrounding brackets are omitted, the default is the global logon sequence. Or, if there is no global logon currently in effect, and there is no current remote session, the default is the logon sequence specified in a prior DSLINE command for this remote environment (in the LOGON= option). If you include the brackets, but omit the logon, then a global logon specification is ignored and the DSLINE logon specification (or existing session if there is one) is used. The order of priority (from high to low) is: logon specified here; global logon; existing session; DSLINE logon.

In short, if you want to use an existing session or a DSLINE logon, you should not include a logon in the transfer specification. You should also clear any global logon in effect or use empty brackets to cause the global logon to be ignored. If you want a new (temporary) session to be created for the transfer, regardless of whether a session already exists, you should include a valid logon in the transfer specification or in a global specification.


Either the word TO or a semicolon (;). If sfileloc ends with a colon (:, not followed by a node name or environment ID), you must use the semicolon (;) form.


The name of the file into which the source file will be copied. For files being copied to an HP 3000 system, specify the target file as follows:


The targetfile may also be a formal file designator defined in a prior file equation. If the targetfile is referenced by a formal designator, the targetfile must be preceded by an asterisk.

A file equation can also redirect the targetfile to the temporary domain by specifying the disposition directive ";TEMP" in the file equation. The default disposition for the targetfile is the permanent domain.

NOTE: If a file equation is used, it cannot reference the ";DEL" option in the disposition directive, or reference either the ";OLD", ";OLDTEMP", or ";NEW" file domain options in the file equation. Use of these options will result in an error.

A new HP 3000 target file is given a lockword if you supply one in the targetfile parameter. For more information on using lockwords, refer to the paragraph on lockwords in the section called "Using DSCOPY" later in this chapter.

If the source file uses special MPE/iX "wildcard" characters to specify a generic file set, then the targetfile parameter must be either omitted or included in the following form:


Refer to "Multiple Transfer" later in this chapter for details on using wildcard characters.

You can specify a KSAM file pair in the targetfile parameter by enclosing the pair of names (separated by a comma) in quotation marks.

Default: If the file name is omitted, the corresponding sourcefile name and lockword is assumed. If group and/or account names are omitted, corresponding portions of the target node session are assumed. If the specified target file name is the name of an already existing file, DSCOPY asks you if you want to purge the existing file. If you respond by typing N, DSCOPY prompts you for an alternative target file name.


A node specification for the target file, with the same syntax and defaults as the sfileloc.


Any of the options described below can be used to transfer files between HP 3000s on the same LAN.

NOTE: The descriptions of the options listed below assume that the transfers are between two HP 3000s (producer and consumer nodes) only. To learn what defaults, options, and syntax to use to transfer files between PCs and HP 3000s, refer to the User Guide for HP PC Network Services.

There is no limit to the number of options that you can specify for a single DSCOPY request. Each option must be separated by a semicolon. Some options conflict with each other. In Table 5-1 “Conflicting DSCOPY Options”, options grouped together conflict. If you specify conflicting options in the same invocation of the DSCOPY command, only the last option specified will take precedence. For example, if you specify the ASC and BIN options in the same file transfer request, only the option specified rightmost in the command line will take effect.

Table 5-1 Conflicting DSCOPY Options



APP (append)

Appends the source file to an existing target file. An error condition will occur if there is not enough file space allocated to hold both the original and appended files, source file type attributes do not match target file attributes, or the specified target file does not exist. If not enough space exists to hold both files, as much of the source file as will fit will be appended to the target file before an error message is issued.


Specifies that records contain ASCII characters and that ASCII spaces (octal 020000 000040) will be used as padding for fixed-length records. transfers files using Interchange Format. If the STRIP option is specified when the ASC option is in effect, DSCOPY will remove extra spaces from the ends of records.

If you do not specify this option, and if the HP 3000 source file is ASCII, then the HP 3000 target file will be ASCII.

BIN (binary)

Specifies that records contain binary information and that ASCII null characters (all zeros) will be used as padding when fixed-length records are created.

BIN transfers files using Interchange Format. BIN can be used with the STRIP option to remove null padding from the ends of records.

If you do not specify this option, and if the HP 3000 source file is binary, then the HP 3000 target file will be binary.

CHECKPT= checkpt spec

CHECKPT (along with RESTART) is used to recover file transfers that have prematurely aborted due to a transient problem such as a link failure.

checkpt spec = [checkpoint interval]
[,[restart ID file]
[,[restart record]]]

The checkpoint interval is the time in seconds between handshake sequences from producer to consumer and back. This is the maximum time that will be lost if a transfer failure occurs and a restart becomes necessary. The default checkpoint interval is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

The restart ID file is the file in your local group and account where the restart ID will be written by NFT. The file must have fixed-length records. If you specify a restart ID file that does not already exist, NFT will create it. The restart ID is an ASCII number that uniquely identifies the file transfer. It must be passed back to NFT with the RESTART keyword to initiate a restart. If you do not specify a restart ID file, then the restart ID will only be written to $STDLIST and will not be written to a file.

The restart record is the record in the restart ID file to which the restart ID will be written. Note that this record will be overwritten by NFT. The restart ID will be the first 1 or 2 characters in the record. The default is 0, the first record in the file.


Clears all global specifications previously issued in the current interactive DSCOPY session.

If you do not specify this option, global specifications will remain in effect until a conflicting option is specified globally or CLEAR is specified. A previously issued global specification can also be overridden by a conflicting option for a single file transfer.

COMP (compress)

Compresses contents of target file during transmission. Compression minimizes the space required to represent sequences of repeated characters. The data are decompressed before they are written to the target file. Note: COMP cannot be used for local transfers, that is, to a target file on the same node as the source file.

If you do not specify this option, NFT will check to see if COMP has been specified in a previous DSLINE command for the target environment. If not, copied files will not be compressed.

DIR (direct)

Specifies that the target file will be organized to allow direct access. Each record in the source file will have its logical record number sent along with it so that target file records can be accessed in the correct sequence. DIR causes files to be copied using Interchange Format.

NOTE: Do not use DIR if the HP 3000 target file is to be variable (either because VAR is in effect or because the source file records are variable length and the FIX option is not in effect); this will cause an error to occur.

If you do not specify this option, and if the source file is a direct access file (such as an RIO file), then the target file will be a direct access file.

FCODE= sourcefilecode

Gives the file code for the source file. In order to copy a privileged file (for example, a TurboIMAGE data base), you need to supply the appropriate negative file code in this option. The resulting target file will be given the same file code. If a privileged file is being copied, System Manager or Privileged Mode capability is required for the producer environment unless the logon used for the producer environment is the same as the logon used when the file was created.

FIX (fixed)

Specifies that the target file will be composed of fixed-length records. Record size can be specified using the RSIZE option. If RSIZE is not specified, target file records are the same length as the maximum length record in the source file. If the source file is binary or the BIN option is in effect, variable length records that are less than the target record length will be padded with ASCII nulls (zeros). If the source file is ASCII or the ASC option is in effect, variable length records that are less than the target record length will be padded with ASCII spaces (octal 020000 000040). FIX causes files to be copied using Interchange Format.

If you do not specify this option, and if the source file contains fixed-length records, then the target files will contain fixed-length records.

FSIZE= filesize

Specifies the amount of space, in records, to allocate for the target file. If the target file is to have variable length records, filesize is the number of maximum size records to allocate. (Record size or maximum record size can be specified using the RSIZE option.) FSIZE causes files to be copied using Interchange Format.

If you do not specify this option, then the target file length will be the same as the source file length.

INT (Interchange)

Causes file or files to be copied using Interchange Format. Files are automatically copied using Interchange Format if the producer and consumer nodes are different kinds of computer systems or if the APP, ASC, BIN, DIR, FIX, FSIZE, RSIZE, SEQ, STRIP, or VAR options are specified.

If you do not specify this option, files will be copied using Transparent Format.


Causes the source file to be purged after a successful transfer. If you do not specify this option, source files remain intact at the source node.

OVER (overwrite)

Causes a copy of the source file to overwrite an existing target file, beginning with the first record. If the source file is larger than the existing target file, NFT will copy as much of the source file as will fit in the existing file space and will then return an error. If the source file is smaller than the target file, then the contents of the existing file that extend beyond the end of the copied source file will remain in the target file. If the target file does not exist, a new file will be created. The attributes of the source and target files must match, or DSCOPY will return an error message.

If you do not specify this option, existing target files will not be overwritten.


Suppresses all display output about file transfers except error messages.

If you do not specify this option, DSCOPY will display information about the success of the file transfer, such as source and target file names and target file lengths.

REP (replace)

Causes an existing target file to be purged and replaced by a copy of the source file. If the target file does not exist, a new file will be created.

If you do not specify this option, existing target files will not be replaced.

RESTART= restart spec

When used after a prior CHECKPT option, RESTART initiates the restart of a transfer. You must be logged on to the same environment where you first specified CHECKPT. You can only use RESTART if both the source and target nodes are HP 3000s that support CHECKPT/RESTART. If this option is not specified, a restart will not be attempted.

Restart spec = restart ID or
restart ID file
[,[restart record]]

The restart ID is an ASCII number that uniquely identifies a checkpointed transfer. The restart ID is returned to you when you first specify CHECKPT.

The restart ID file is a file in your local group and account where the restart ID was written by NFT when you specified CHECKPT.

The restart record is the record in the restart ID file where the restart ID was written when you specified CHECKPT. The default is 0, the first record in the file.

RSIZE= recordsize

Specifies the length of target file records (recordsize) in bytes. If the target file is to consist of fixed-length records, recordsize is the size of each record. If the target file is to consist of variable length records, recordsize specifies the maximum size record allowed in the file. If DSCOPY must truncate records to adhere to the specified recordsize, it will issue a warning. RSIZE causes files to be copied using Interchange Format.

If you do not specify this option, then target-file records will be the same length as source-file records.

SDEV= source_device

Names the disc device on the source node from which the source file should be obtained.

If you do not specify this option, the disc device will be given the device class name DISC in the source system's device I/O configuration file.

SEQ (sequential)

Causes the target file to be organized to allow sequential access. Records in the source file will be sent to the target node contiguously. SEQ causes files to be copied using Interchange Format.

If you do not specify this option, and if the source file is a sequential access file, then the target file will be a sequential access file.


Displays global specifications currently in effect (not including specifications specified after SHOW on the same line).


Removes padding (extra bytes used to create records of all the same length) from the ends of records when creating the target file.

You can use STRIP to create variable length records from fixed-length records. If the source file is a fixed ASCII file, spaces are removed. If the source file is a fixed binary file, nulls are removed. STRIP is invalid when used with a source file that has variable records. If you do not specify this option, then any padding that exists in the source file is copied as is to the target file.

TDEV= target_device

Names the disc device on the target node to which the target file should be written. You can specify alternate disc devices for a KSAM file pair in the TDEV= option by enclosing a pair of device names, separated by a comma, in quotation marks. If you do not specify this option, then the disc device will be given the device class name DISC in the target system's device I/O configuration file.

VAR (variable)

Specifies that target file records will be of variable length. You can specify the maximum record size allowed in the target file with the RSIZE option. VAR causes files to be copied using Interchange Format.

NOTE: Do not use VAR in conjunction with the DIR option if the target node is an HP 3000; this will cause an error to occur. If you do not specify this option, and the source file records are of variable length, then the target file records will be of variable length.

Indicates that the following opt specifications are global. All specifications except file names may be made global. These remain in effect until a new, conflicting global specification is issued or the CLEAR option is used. Individual, non-global specifications override global specs for one transfer only. Global specifications are cleared when the DSCOPY subsystem terminates.

NOTE: If you specify an invalid or unsupported keyword as a global option, NFT ignores any options that follow.
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