HPlogo Getting Started as an MPE/iX Programmer Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 Computer MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Data Management



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QUERY/V is a database management subsystem used for retrieval and reporting of data. You can use it to retrieve, report on, update, add, and delete data in a database and display the database structure. It provides you with the ability to:

  • Inquire into a database without writing special programs

  • Make low-volume data modification and load new data

  • Generate reports comparable to those that many languages produce

  • Debug new application programs

The report generation capability of QUERY/V allows you to select data on a basis of compound logical comparison. Once selected, you can control which items are reported and how they are formatted on the report.

You can run QUERY/V by entering:


Frequently used QUERY/V commands are:

  • HELP, which explains QUERY/V commands

  • DEFINE, which prompts for needed environment information

  • FORM, which displays a database structure

  • LIST, which displays data in a data set

  • FIND, which searches a data set for data items

  • REPORT, which displays data in a data set located by the FIND command in the format you specify

  • XEQ, which executes QUERY/V commands stored in a text file

  • EXIT, which terminates QUERY/V execution

Table 7-3 “Data Management Considerations” shows a comparison of data management considerations to help you determine whether to set up a data base with TurboIMAGE/XL or KSAM.

The preferred choice of KSAM over TurboIMAGE/XL for generic key retrieval is based on the fact that KSAM automatically handles partial key searches. A TurboIMAGE/XL database requires defining an additional master set and detail set to handle the partial key search, as well as requiring some additional programming.

Table 7-3 Data Management Considerations

Heavy sequential processing no yes
Unanticipated inquiries yes use FCOPY
Program-data independence yes no
Easy conversion from ISAM no yes
Privacy and security yes file level only
Privileged files (protected) yes no
Variable-length records no yes
Field access by name yes no
Generic (partial) key retrieval no yes
Sorted retrieval by key yes yes


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