HPlogo FCOPY Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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This manual is designed to serve a wide variety of users, from the occasional MPE V/E or MPE XL user to the experienced system operator. Because FCOPY runs in almost exactly the same way on MPE V/E and MPE XL, this manual is used for both systems.

MPE V/E and XL systems both support a KSAM tofile that consists of a pair of key and data files. It is referred to on MPE V/E as KSAM V/E or KSAM/3000, and on MPE XL as CM KSAM. MPE XL also supports a single file format, called KSAM XL. This single file KSAM structure is available on MPE XL only. FCOPY access to both types of KSAM files is described in this manual.

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