HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 NMMGRVER

Using the Conversion Program


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You need to convert files if you open an existing configuration file while using NMMGR and receive this message:

Version mismatch found on specified subsystem. Please run NMMGRVER. (NMGRERR 53)

You also need to convert files if you are performing NETCONTROL and receive the following class 2 logging message at the console:

Bad CONFIG File Version

NMMGRVER will create backup copies of your configuration files for you, and will name them NMBACKA, NMBACKB, NMBACKC, and so on. Therefore, you can go back to a source file if necessary.

The following three subsections describe the different conversion scenarios, which are:

  • Converting a file from the previous version of MPE XL to the current version of MPE/iX.

  • Converting a file from MPE/V to the current version of MPE/iX.

  • Combining the above two conversions for the purpose of merging MPE/V X.25 (V-delta 3 or later) information with previous versions of MPE/iX for use with the current version of MPE/iX.

NOTE: If you are converting files from MPE/V to MPE/iX, you must first transport the files to a system running MPE/iX and this version of NMMGRVER.

Converting From the Previous MPE XL Version to the Current MPE/iX Version

  1. Execute NMMGRVER by entering:


    After displaying a banner, the system prompts you for the name of the configuration file to be converted.

    Fileset to be scanned?

  2. Enter one of the following filesets, or press the [RETURN] key to end the conversion program.


    file prefix@[.groupname[.acctname]]




    NOTE: When converting from an earlier release of MPE XL to the current version of MPE/iX, the configuration file can have any valid MPE file name. If you have used another name instead of NMCONFIG, NMMGRVER will use that name as the final name for your conversion file. For example, if your configuration file is called MYCONFIG, NMMGRVER will convert it and save it under the same name, overwriting the original MYCONFIG. When the conversion is finished, you must rename or purge the existing NMCONFIG and then rename MYCONFIG to NMCONFIG, replacing the old NMCONFIG.
  3. NMMGRVER searches for files of type NCONF in the specified fileset. For each file found, it asks:

    OK to convert filename.groupname.acctname?

    where filename.groupname.acctname is the name of a configuration file. Enter Y for yes or either N or [RETURN] for no.

  4. NMMGRVER checks the configuration file to determine whether it is an MPE/V or an MPE/iX configuration file. If it is an MPE/iX file the conversion proceeds without further user input.

    After each file is converted NMMGRVER will display the following message:

    Conversion Completed Successfully (NMMGRVERMSG 0)

  5. Continue to enter either Y, N, or [RETURN] until you have converted all files.

  6. Run NMMGR and modify any of the configuration files, as needed.

Converting From MPE/V to MPE/iX

  1. Follow the instructions in steps one through four of the "Converting From the Previous MPE XL Version to the Current MPE/iX Version" subsection, then continue below.

  2. If the file is an MPE/V file, NMMGRVER prompts you for the type of MPE/V file you are converting, as follows:

    What is the type of this file?



    3) skip this file

    Enter a value between 1 and 3.

  3. If you are converting only an NMCONFIG file, enter 2.

  4. If you are converting NS transport data as well as configuration data, enter 1. NMMGRVER will combine the MPE/V NSCONF file containing the transport data with the MPE/V NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS, convert the file and save it under the same name as the source NSCONF file.

    NOTE: The NSCONF file can have any valid MPE file name. If you have used another name instead of NSCONF, NMMGRVER will use that name as the final name for your conversion file. For example, if you have two files, MYCONF and NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS, NMMGRVER will combine the files into a file called MYCONF and then convert it, overwriting the original MYCONF. When the conversion is finished, you must rename or purge the existing NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS and then rename MYCONF to NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS replacing the old NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS.

    After each file is converted NMMGRVER will display the following message:

    Conversion Completed Successfully (NMMGRVERMSG 0)

  5. Continue to enter either Y, N, or [RETURN] until you have converted all files.

  6. Run NMMGR and modify any of the configuration files, as needed.

Merging MPE/V With MPE/iX

This conversion procedure is for networks running a combination of NS 3000/V X.25 (release V-delta 3 or later) and NS 3000/XL 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2. Only the X.25 configuration information from NS 3000/V will be merged. If you also had LAN or point-to-point information in the MPE/V configuration file, you will have to reconfigure this information on your iX machines after using NMMGRVER.

The basic steps for this merge procedure are given in this section, but you also must refer to the migration information in the HP 3000/iX network Planning and Configuration Guide. That manual describes the process in detail and includes all X.25-specific considerations you must know about.

NOTE: Restore the NS 3000/V NSCONF configuration file to the NS 3000/iX system. Name the NS 3000/V file with the same name it had on the NS 3000/V node. This procedure assumes that there already is an NS 3000/iX NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS vers. 1.x configuration on the NS 3000/iX node. Do not overwrite it with the NS 3000/V version.
  1. At the MPE/iX prompt, type RUN NMMGRVER.PUB.SYS.

  2. Merge your NS 3000/V file with the existing NS 3000/iX NMCONFIG file, and convert it for use with NS 3000/iX by entering the MPE/V NSCONF file name. Enter Y to proceed when prompted.

  3. Next, you receive this prompt:

    What is the type of this file?



    3) skip this file

    Enter a value between 1 and 3.

  4. Select type 1 for an NSCONF type file. NMMGRVER will merge the contents of the existing NMCONFIG file with the X.25 information in the NSCONF file you specified. It will be saved in the NSCONF file you specified.

  5. If you converted more than one NSCONF file, decide which one will be the network configuration you want on the NS 3000/iX system. Rename the file to NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS.

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