HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Chapter 8 NMMGRVER


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This chapter describes NMMGRVER, a conversion program that enables earlier versions of subsystems to be used with the current version of NMMGR.

This version of NMMGRVER will convert configuration files from MPE/V format and previous versions of MPE/iX to the current MPE/iX release format.

You can also perform the conversion procedure for a network running a combination of MPE/V X.25 (release V-delta 3 or later) and NS 3000/XL 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2. However, in this case, only the X.25 information from the NS 3000/V configuration file will be merged with the MPE/iX information. Therefore, if you also have LAN or point-to-point information in the MPE/V configuration file, this information would have to be reconfigured on your iX machines.

This chapter includes discussions of the following:

  • Using the NMMGRVER conversion program.

  • Converting configuration files from previous versions of MPE XL format to the current version of MPE/iX format.

  • Converting configuration files from MPE/V format to the current version of MPE/iX format.

  • Merging MPE/V configuration files with the current version of MPE/iX configuration files.

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