HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 NMDUMP

Formatting Options


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NMDUMP allows you to modify formatting options for specified subsystem IDs. There are three ways to change the formatting menu options.

  • Most options toggle between two possible values, like YES or NO and ON or OFF.

  • Some require you to enter an option number which then displays an additional menu and prompt.

  • Several options prompt you to enter the numbers of certain items.

The following tables show the options for logging and tracing. Some logging and tracing options also have filters you can specify. Table 7-5 “Filter Sets” shows these filters.

You may type // at any of the main NMDUMP prompts to exit the program. If NMDUMP is displaying a subsystem menu, you must press [RETURN] to exit the menu and return to the main NMDUMP prompt before typing // to exit the program.

You may also type "Help" at any of the main NMDUMP prompts for help text.

See Table 7-1 “General Options” for a description of general options.

Table 7-1 General Options

802.3, 802.5, SDLC, LAP-B, RJE/BSC, FDDI. 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T, X25?Redisplay OptionsDisplays current options. Additional input OK.
0Set DefaultsSet all options back to default values.
NETXPORT, NetIPC, Network Services1ASCII ON or OFFON = ASCII representation of data (OCTAL). OFF = Hexadecimal representation. Default = ON.
2Output FormatAutomatically changes output format to HEX if currently in OCTAL or OCTAL if currently in HEX.
3Maximum NumberAllows a limit to the amount of data printed in the information and data sections by reducing the number of bytes per record to output.
4VerbosityLOW = Summary, gives the formatted header and raw messages only. HIGH = Detail. Automatically changes LOW to HIGH or HIGH to LOW.


See Table 7-2 “Log Options” for a description of logging options.

Table 7-2 Log Options

802.3, 802.5, FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T1LinknamesSelect logging options by Linknames. @ = ALL
2Excluded LinknamesSelect Linkname to be excluded from logging.
3Log ClassesError message options (ERRORS, WARNINGS, INFO, ALL)
4Set Output LevelToggle between Terse and Verbose. Verbose = Detail report, Terse = Summary.
SDLC, LAP-B, RJE/BSC1LinknamesSelect logging options by Linknames. @ = ALL
2Class Selection10 = Errors, 12 = Informational, 99 = ALL
NetIPC, Network Services,NETXPORT5Class SelectionShow LOG formatter memo with LOG classes configured within NMMGR.
6Entity or ModuleSelect specific entities (NETXPORT) or modules (NS) to format for logging.
7Event or PINSelect event (NETXPORT) or PIN (NetIPC, NS) where error occurred.
NETXPORT Only8Port ID or PINSelect a Port ID or PIN in hexadecimal format. Default = OFF.
 9Display Summary OutputAllows a summary report of log entries either in additions to or instead of the normal formatting of log entries. Default = OFF.
10Save or Use Filter FileAllows saving of the filter option definitions to a file for later use or using previously saved filter file. 1= Use filter file, 2= Save filter file.
Link No options 


See Table 7-3 “X.25 Trace Formatter” for information on the trace formatter options.

Table 7-3 X.25 Trace Formatter

OptionsActual Settings
 0-Set Default Values 
 3-Display ModeTerse or Lab
 4-LayerLevel2_3 or Level 2 or Level 3
 5-Dump PacketNo or Yes
Level 2: 
 6-Full or HeaderHeader Only or Full Packet with Data
 8-Packet TypeAll, or Select Combination of 9 Level or Packet Types
Level 3: 
 9-Full or HeaderHeader or Full Packet with Data
 10-Display LengthAmount of Data to Display
 11-Q bitBoth, or Value of Q-bit 0, 1, or Both
 12-VC NumberAll, or Select Virtual Circuit Number
 13-Packet TypeAll, o Select From 17 Level 3 Packet Types in any Combination
Enter the number or <CR> to select the current option: packet types in any combination.


See Table 7-4 “Trace Options” for a description of trace options.

Table 7-4 Trace Options

802.3, 802.5, FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T1Change FiltersAllows definition of what characters each packet must match before it will be formatted.
2Change Output FlagsAllows reduction of output by selecting which parts of filtered packets to format
NETXPORT, NetIPC, Network Services5Type or DescriptorFormat events for a particular type (NETXPORT) or descriptor number (NetIPC, NS).
6Entity or ServiceFormat events for a particular entity (NETXPORT) or service (NS).
7Event or PINFormat events for a particular event (NETXPORT) or PIN (NetIPC, NS). Call for network services displayed.
8Port ID or PINSelect a Port ID or PIN in hexadecimal format. Default = OFF.
9Display Summary OutputAllows a summary report of log entries either in additions to or instead of the normal formatting of log entries. Default = OFF.
10Save or Use Filter FileAllows saving of the filter option definitions to a file for later use or using previously saved filter file. 1= Use filter file, 2= Save filter file.
11Source IP AddressAllows specification of a source IP address for header trace messages. Default = OFF.
12Destination IP AddressAllows specification of a destination IP address for header trace messages.
13Source TCP PortAllows specification of a source TCP address for header trace messages.
14Destination IPC Port NS MessagesAllows specification of a destination TCP address for header trace messages. ON = NS messages displayed. OFF = NetIPC intrinsic calls for Network services displayed.
Network Services Only8Format NS Messages OnlyToggle ON and OFF. ON = Only Disply NS Protocols, (VT, NFT, RFA, PTOP) OFF = Also Display NetIPC Intrinsic Level Activity
SDLC, LAP-B, RJE/BSC 802.3, 802.5, FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T1Output LimitAllow input of maximum bytes in line-data frames to reduce the amount of formatted data. Affects only line-data-frames.
2Filter SetsAllows selection of filters for output data. All filter sets are displayed when selected.
3Show Raw DataAllows printing of unformatted trace data along with the same data in decoded form. Default = YES.
4Show Decoded DataUsed with option 3, will disable printing of decoded data. (Prints only raw data.) Default = YES.
LAP-B, SDLC7Data RepresentationTells formatter what type of bit encoding is used. (ASCII or EBCDIC)
LAP-B Only8MODOLO CountTells formatter whether frame data in trace file was a modolo-128 format rather than default modolo-8 format.
802.3, 802.55Select Linknames 
FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T6Exclude Linknames 
7Select Character RepresentationToggle between ASCII and EBCDIC representation.
802.3, 802.5, FDDI9Filter ON Station AddressSelect MAC or station address for filtering Source and Destination.
10Filter ON SAPSelect filtering for both SSAP and BSAP.
11Generate HP-UX Trace SiteCreate trace output file or format, that 8.0 HP-UX formatter can use.
100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T8Filter ON Station AddressSelect MAC or station address for filtering Source and Destination.
9Filter ON SAPSelect filtering for both SSAP and BSAP.


See Table 7-5 “Filter Sets” for a description of filter sets.

Table 7-5 Filter Sets

SDLC1Data frames sent/rcvdEnables printing of frames sent and frames received on the datacomm link.
2Driver message sent/rcvdEnables printing of all port messages sent to the driver by SNA Transport and other entities, or sent to them by the driver.
3Driver state-changesEnables printing of changes in internal state within the SDLC driver modules.
4Driver intervalsEnables printing of details related to internal processing of internal driver requests, mainly those related to utility functions (not datacomm I/O).
55Card footprintEnables printing of large blocks of footprint information from the downloaded SDLC firmware.
99ALLProduces a full trace.
0Errors OnlyDisables all filter sets and produces a listing of error only.
X250Set DefaultsSet all options bact to default.
1VC NumberSelect Virtual Circuit numbers
2Packet TypeSelect Packet types.
3Q-BitToggles between ON and OFF selection of Q-bit (Control bit)
LAP-B2Driver messages sent/rcvdEnables printing of all port messages sent to the driver by NS Transport and other entities, or sent to them by the driver.
3Driver state-changesEnables printing of changes in internals state within the LAP-B driver modules.
4Driver internalsEnables printing of details related to internal processing of internal driver requests, mainly those related to utility functions (not datacomm I/O).
51Card frames sent/rcvdEnables printing of frames sent and frames received on the datacomm link.
53Card state-changesEnables printing of the individual state changes traced by the downloaded LAP-B firmware.
99ALLProduces a full trace.
0ErrorsDisables all filter sets and produces a listing of error only.
RJE1 Enables printing of frames sent and frames received on the datacomm line.
2 Enables printing of all port messages sent to the driver by the RJERCS intrinsics and other entities, or sent to them by the driver.
3 Enables printing of changes in internal state within the RJE driver modules.
4 Enables printing of details related to internal processing of internal driver requests, mainly those related to utility functions (not datacomm I/O).
5 Enables printing of all calls to all RJERCS intrinsics (such as ROPEN) and all buffer data written to or read from the RJE driver.
51 Enables printing of frames sent and frames received on the datacomm link.
52 Enables printing of all state changes not already shown under set 51, and any other information traced by the downloaded Bisync firmware.
99 Produces a full trace.
0 Disables all filter sets and produces a listing of error only.


Link Subsystem Formatting

The link manager subsystem does not call any menus. NMDUMP formats logging messages only. The first line labels the error as a link manager error, and shows whether it is fatal or non-fatal. The next line contains the time and date of the event. This line is followed by the log message, the requestor ID, the link name, and the logical device (LDEV) of the link.

The requestor ID is for internal use only. Any underlying errors are reported below the LDEV field. Many messages correspond to NMERR messages that are documented in Appendix A “NMS Error Messages” of this manual.

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