HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Using NMMGR in Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode Commands


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Table 5-1 “NMMGR Maintenance Mode Commands” lists the NMMGR maintenance mode commands and the actions they perform. Each of these commands is described in detail later in this chapter.

Table 5-1 NMMGR Maintenance Mode Commands

:MPECommandExecutes MPECommand. MPECommand must be a programmatically executable MPE command.
ADDCONFAdds subtree of empty records to the configuration file.
ADDLDEVAdds LDEVs to a DTC card.
ADDLUAdds LUs to the SNA node transport screen.
ADDNODEAdds or updates a node in the current network directory.
ADDVCAdds a virtual circuit address key to the network directory and to the configuration file.
CARDCONFSets the current DTC card number for the READALLCONF, READCONF, UPDATECONF, and WRITECONF commands.
COMPRESSCONFCompresses or expands the current configuration file.
CONTINUEPrevents NMMGR from terminating in a job because of a maintenance mode error
COPYCONFCopies a configuration subtree.
DELETECONFDeletes a subtree from the current configuration file.
DELETENODEDeletes an entry from the network directory.
EXITExits from maintenance mode.
EXITVALIDATEValidates a subsystem's configuration, if needed, when exiting from NMMGR.
EXITWARNWarns the user that a subsystem needs to be validated before exiting NMMGR.
EXPANDDIRIncreases the capacity of a network directory file.
HELPCalls up the help function.
LISTDIRLists the contents of a network directory.
LISTLDEVLists LDEVs for a DTC card in a format compatible with ADDLDEV.
LISTLULists LUs in a format compatible with ADDLU.
MAKESTREAMCreates a job stream used to perform network directory or configuration file updates on remote nodes.
MERGEDIRMerges entries from another network directory or configuration file into the current network directory.
NICONFSets up paths to add or update NETXPORT NI configurations.
OPENCONFOpens a nodal configuration file and makes it the current configuration file.
OPENDIROpens a network directory file and makes it the current directory.
PAGECONFSets the page number for multipage data screens.
PASSWORD Sets the password. Validates the NETXPORT subsystem configuration. Changes the password to allow write access on the OPEN screen.
PATHCONFSets the current path in the current configuration file.
PURGECONFDeletes the subtrees of records from the configuration file.
PURGELDEVPurges LDEVs from the DTC card.
PURGELUPurges LUs from the SNA node transport screen
PURGENIPurges a network interface from the configuration file and performs cleanup.
PURGEVCDeletes a virtual circuit address key from the network directory and the configuration file.
READALLCONFReads all data from the current configuration record.
READCONFReads selected data from the current configuration record.
SUMMARYCONFPrints a report for one or more communications subsystems.
UPDATECONFUpdates the current path in the configuration file.
VALIDATECONFValidates subsystem configuration.
VERSIONCONFChecks whether the specified version number matches NMMGR's current version number.
WRITECONFWrites data to individual fields of the current path in the configuration file.


NOTE: Subsystem break ([CTRL]Y) may be used to interrupt the operation of the COPYCONF, DELETENODE, HELP, LISTDIR, MAKESTREAM and MERGEDIR commands. The EXPANDDIR command cannot be interrupted.

The VERSIONCONF command must be used before the PATHCONF command, which must be used before the READCONF, READALLCONF, WRITECONF, and UPDATECONF commands to define the current path.

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