HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Using NMMGR Utility Screens

Validate Configuration File Screen


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The Validate Configuration File screen shown in Figure 4-7 “Validate Configuration File Screen” vallows you to test the validity of a specified subsystem configuration. (You can also use the VALIDATECONF maintenance mode command to perform this function. See Chapter 5 “Using NMMGR in Maintenance Mode” for more information on the maintenance mode commands.)

You reach this screen by pressing the [Go To VALIDATE] key at the Utility screen.

Figure 4-7 Validate Configuration File Screen

Validate Configuration File Screen

The purpose of the validation process is to ensure that your configuration data is syntactically and logically correct before you activate the node.

NOTE: The distributed terminal subsystem (DTS) cannot be brought up and configured unless validation is complete. The link configuration must be complete before you attempt to validate the network transport configuration. This is because the network transport validation process uses link configuration data.

To begin validation for a subsystem, press the function key that corresponds to the subsystem you wish to validate. For example, to validate your NS network transport configuration, press the [Validate NETXPORT] function key. After checking various aspects of your configuration, the validation process creates a listing of error messages to help you pinpoint invalid items. One possible message, for instance, states that a phone number has not been configured for a dial-type link in your NS configuration.

When you press one of the validation function keys, you enter character mode. Any validation error messages are listed at your terminal. If you want the error message listing to be sent to a device in addition to your terminal, enter a Y in the box next to "Output to line printer or FORMLIST in addition to terminal" on the Validate Configuration File screen. You can have the listing sent to disk or a printer by setting a file equation or you can have it routed to the default device, which is $STDLIST.

After viewing the validation messages, if any, press [RETURN] to return to the Validate Configuration File screen. The message in the message line of the screen tells you if the validation process completed and, if so, whether the configuration is valid. You must see the following message to be sure that your configuration file is valid:

Validation completed; configuration of the selected subsystem is valid.

When validated, the contents of the configuration are automatically copied to thge backup file specified on the open screen.

If a message other than the one above appears, refer to the MPE/iX Error Messages Manual (for DTS errors) or to the manual that contains error messages for the subsystem you are configuring or the Configuring Systems for Terminals, Printers and Other Serial Devices Manual for DTS errors. If you encounter errors that you cannot resolve, notify your HP representative.

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