HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Using NMMGR Utility Screens

Compress Screen


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The Compress screen shown in Figure 4-6 “Compress Screen” allows you to compress or expand the configuration file. To perform these functions, you must be the creator of the file. (You can also use the COMPRESSCONF maintenance mode command to perform these functions. See Chapter 5 “Using NMMGR in Maintenance Mode” for more information on maintenance mode commands.)

You reach this screen by pressing the [Go To Compress] key at the Utility screen.

Figure 4-6 Compress Screen

Compress Screen


As your configuration grows, you may find it necessary to compress or expand your configuration file.

Configuration files initially contain 2,048 32-byte records. As you configure items in a file, records are used sequentially from the beginning of the file. As the file size increases, the number of free records at the end of the file decreases.

If you delete items from a configuration file, the records are not immediately recovered, so the middle of your file may contain some unused records. Unused records in the middle of the file are not reflected in the number of free records count and are not available for reuse. By compressing the file, you cause all data to be stored in a contiguous block of records and all unused records to be located at the end of the file. Thus, compressing a file enables you to determine the actual number of free records in a file before adding or deleting records.

To compress a file, enter a 0 in the Number of Additional Records field and press [Compress File]

You can also use this function to add records to the file or to delete unused records from the file. To do so, enter a number in the Number of Additional Records field. A positive number causes records to be added (up to the file size limit of 65,535 records). A negative number causes that number of free records to be deleted from the file. After you have entered the number of records to be added or deleted, press the [Compress File] key.

When you press [Compress File], NMMGR begins compressing the file immediately. The terminal is locked to indicate that NMMGR is not available until finished. When the compression is completed, NMMGR prints the following message in the message field:

Configuration file compressed.

NOTE: Compress time depends on the number of entries in the file. For a file that contains a small amount of data, compression usually takes fewer than 30 seconds. However, compressing a file that contains a lot of data can take several minutes.


Current File Size

(Display only.) Size of the file, in 32-byte records.

Number of Free Records

(Display only.) Number of free records at the end of the configuration file.

Number of Additional Records

Enter the number of records that you want to add to the file (positive integer) or the number of unused records that you want to delete from the file (negative integer). To simply compress the file, enter 0 (zero). If you are adding records, the file cannot end up containing more than 65,535 records.




-32768 to 32767

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