HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Using NMMGR Utility Screens

Output Configuration File Screen


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The Output Configuration File screen shown in Figure 4-2 “Output Configuration File Screen” allows you to list or print the configuration file tree structure, to print the NMMGR data screens associated with a configuration file, and to print a critical summary of the configuration file data. You reach this screen by pressing [Go To OUTPUT] at the Utility screen.

Figure 4-2 Output Configuration File Screen

[Output Configuration File Screen]

By default, the printed output for each of this screen's print functions is sent directly to the line printer. You may want to redirect the output by issuing a file equation for the output file FORMLIST (the formal file designator of the output file). You can do so by entering the file equation in the command window of the screen. For example, you could type the following:


and then press [ENTER]

If you then pressed [Print Data], the output would be sent to the device PP.

If you wanted to send the output to a disk file, you could enter:


If you then pressed [Print Data], the output would be stored on disk under the file name FORMLIST.

Display Tree

If you press the [Display Tree] key, NMMGR will display the tree structure of the configuration file at your terminal. Figure 4-3 “Display Tree Listing” shows a section of a listing obtained by pressing [Display Tree] at the Output Configuration File screen.

The tree structure shows the identifiers for each screen that contains configured data but does not show any of the actual data that is configured. The level of each screen (how far down it is in the tree structure) is printed on the left, in square brackets. The listing shows the names of the screens and items configured, indented according to their level in the tree structure.

This listing is useful for finding out which identifiers are already configured in a file. You can also refer to it for guidance in direct path branching.

To generate a printout of the actual data screens, use the [Print Data] or the [Print Summary] key to print just a listing of all the data. Both are described later in this chapter.

Figure 4-3 Display Tree Listing

[Display Tree Listing]

Print Tree

The [Print Tree] key generates a printed listing of the tree structure as displayed by the [Display Tree] key (Figure 4-3 “Display Tree Listing”). By default, output is sent to the device LP. You can redirect the output by using a file equation for the formal file designator FORMLIST.

Print Data

The [Print Data] key generates a printed copy of the data screens associated with the configuration file. By default, output is sent to the device LP. You can redirect the output by using a file equation for the formal file designator FORMLIST.

You can select the data screens you want to list by entering one or more selections in the print data subsystem selection fields on the Output Configuration File screen. These are four data entry fields that allow you to enter a number corresponding to the configurable subsystems, as listed on the screen (see Figure 4-2 “Output Configuration File Screen”).

For example, to obtain a printed listing of the configured screens for both logging and for NETXPORT configuration, enter a 2 (for logging) in one of the fields and a 3 (for NETXPORT) in another of the fields. If these are the only screens you want printed, leave the other two fields blank. When you have made your selections, press the [Print Data] key.

If you want all screens to print, enter a 0 in one of the selection fields (the default).

Figure 4-4 “Print Data Output Example” is an example of a data screen as printed by the [Print Data] key. Because data has been entered for this screen in the configuration file, the actual data is shown and the data flag is set to Y. If no data had been entered, the printout would show the default values and the data flag would be set to N.

Figure 4-4 Print Data Output Example

[Print Data Output Example]

Print Summary

The [Print Summary] key allows you to print all the configuration data for the chosen subsystem on the Output Configuration File menu. This is a listing of information that is contained in your configuration file. By default, output is sent to the device LP. You can redirect the output by using a file equation for the formal file designator FORMLIST.

To print a critical summary, choose the number corresponding to the subsystem for which you want the report. Enter the number in the field to the right of "Print Summary" and press the [Print Summary] key. (The numbers for the subsystems are the same as those that you would use to select subsystems for the [Print Data] key.)

The example shown in Figure 4-5 “Sample Page of Critical Summary Report” is the first part of a critical summary for a full-gateway node that has been configured with a point-to-point (router) network interface (NI) and a LAN NI.

Figure 4-5 Sample Page of Critical Summary Report

[Sample Page of Critical Summary Report]

Print Subtree

The [Print Subtree] key allows you to print the NMMGR data screens for a specified subtree. By default, output is sent to the device LP. You can redirect the output by using a file equation for the formal file designator FORMLIST.

To define the subset of screens that you want to print, enter the path name of the topmost screen of the subtree you are selecting in the field provided under "Print Subtree." Press the [Print Subtree] key.