HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using NMMGR in Screen Mode

Opening a Configuration or Directory File


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The Open Configuration/Directory File screen shown in Figure 3-1 “Open Configuration/Directory File Screen” is the first screen you see when you start NMMGR in screen mode.

Figure 3-1 Open Configuration/Directory File Screen

Open Configuration/Directory File Screen

From this screen you can:

  • create a new configuration file

  • open an existing configuration file

  • create a new network directory file

  • open an existing network directory file

  • specify a name for the backup configuration file

The instructions that follow describe how to do each of these tasks. See Chapter 1 “Introduction” for more information about configuration files and network directory files.

Creating a New Configuration File

If you want to create a new configuration file (one that does not exist), follow these steps. At the Open Configuration/Directory File screen:

  1. Enter the name of the file you want to create in the Configuration file name field.

    The name must be a valid MPE file name. If you do not specify a group or account, NMMGR will qualify the file name with your logon group and account.

    The default file name is NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. You may use the default if no NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS file currently exists.

  2. If a write access password has been assigned, you must enter the password in the Write access password field in order to create a new file. If no write access password has been enabled, leave this field blank.

  3. Press the [Open Config] key. NMMGR will ask you to press the key again to verify that you want to create a new file. Press the key again. The Main screen will appear and you can proceed with subsystem configuration.

    NOTE: Instead of creating a new, and therefore empty, configuration file, you may want to use the sample configuration file provided by Hewlett-Packard for use as a configuration template. To do so, see the instructions that follow for "Copying a Configuration File".

Copying a Configuration Files

Most new configuration files are created from existing ones, rather than from scratch. You can copy an existing file from the same system or from a different system on your network. Note that if you are copying the file to NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS there are certain rules which must be followed or the new file may not be found or run when the system is booted.

The steps that follow show how to copy the sample configuration file provided by Hewlett-Packard, NMSAMP1.PUB.SYS, to NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. The sample file is provided for use as a template when you are configuring a system with no existing configuration.

  1. Purge or rename any existing NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. (Take care when doing this that you do not destroy useful configuration information.)

  2. Create a file equation similar to the following example:


    The configuration file must reside on LDEV1, because the system does not have access to other LDEVs at startup and the configuration file is needed at that time. Only one file extent is allowed.

  3. Copy the appropriate sample file into the empty CONFIG file. The following is a sample "copy" command:

  4. When you are ready to proceed with configuration, run NMMGR and open the configuration file you just created. See the instructions that follow for "Opening a Configuration File."

You may choose to copy your source file to a name other than NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS first, modify that file using NMMGR, then rename the file as NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS when you are ready for it to be used by the system.

Changing the Backup File Name

NMMGR automatically generates a backup configuration file that is updated each time the configuration is successfully validated. By default, the backup file name is NMCBACK.group.account. You can change the name that will be used for the backup file by typing a new name in the Backup configuration file name field on the Open Configuration/Directory File screen.

The file name you enter must be a valid MPE file name. If you do not enter a group or account name, NMMGR will qualify the file name with your logon group and account.

It is a good idea to change the name that will be used for the backup file if you are modifying an alternate configuration or one that will be used on a different system. By changing the backup file name you can avoid writing over a backup file that you want to maintain.

Opening an Existing Configuration File

If you want to open an existing configuration file to modify the configuration, follow these steps.

At the Open Configuration/Directory File screen:

  1. Enter the name of the file you want to open in the Configuration file name field.

    In most cases, you want to make sure that the file you plan to open is not the active configuration file.

    If you do not specify a group or account, NMMGR will assume that the file resides in your logon group and account.

  2. If a write access password has been assigned, you must enter the password in the Write access password field in order to open the file in write mode. (If you do not enter an assigned password, you can still access the file in read-only mode.) If no write access password has been enabled, leave this field blank.

  3. Press the [Open Config] key. The Main screen will appear and you can proceed with subsystem configuration. The fields on each screen show the values currently entered for the configuration file you opened.

Creating a Network Directory File

If you want to create a new network directory file (one that does not exist), follow these steps.

At the Open Configuration/Directory File screen:

  1. Enter the name of the file you want to create in the Network directory file name field.

    The name must be a valid MPE file name. If you do not specify a group or account, NMMGR will qualify the file name with your logon group and account.

    The default file name is NSDIR.NET.SYS. You may use the default if no NSDIR.NET.SYS file currently exists.

  2. If a write access password has been assigned, you must enter the password in the Write access password field in order to create a new file. If no write access password has been enabled, leave this field blank.

  3. Press the [Open Directry] key. NMMGR will ask you to press the key again to verify that you want to create a new file. Press the key again. The Network Directory Main screen displays and you can proceed with directory configuration. (See the Configuration Guide for the subsystem you are configuring for more information on configuring the network directory.)

Opening an Existing Network Directory

If you want to open an existing network directory file to modify its directory information, follow these steps.

At the Open Configuration/Directory File screen:

  1. Enter the name of the file you want to open in the Network directory file name field. If you do not specify a group or account, NMMGR will assume that the file resides in your logon group and account.

  2. If a write access password has been assigned, you must enter the password in the Write access password field in order to open the file in write mode. (If you do not enter an assigned password, you can still access the file in read-only mode.) If no write access password has been enabled, leave this field blank.

  3. Press the [Open Directry] key. The Network Directory Main screen appears and you can proceed to modify the network directory information. The fields on each screen will show the values currently entered for the network directory file you have opened. (See the Configuration Guide for the subsystem you are configuring for more information on configuring the network directory.)

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