HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Basics of NMMGR

Getting Help with Errors


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When NMMGR encounters an error, it displays a brief message in the message field of the current screen. In most cases, these messages provide enough information for you to correct the error and continue operation. Occasionally, however, you may encounter a more serious error or the cause of an error may not be readily apparent. You may then need additional information to understand the cause of the error.

The Error Information Screen

The Error Information screen displays the latest error that NMMGR encountered and associated error messages, if any. To display the Error Information screen, type ERRORS in the command window of any screen and press [ENTER].

Note that as many as five levels of error messages can be displayed in the Error Information screen, depending on where the error occurred in the software. However, it does not display the prompts that are a result of entering invalid data types in fields.

Figure 2-2 “Error Information Screen” shows an example of the error messages displayed on the Error Information screen. In this case, a user who was not the creator of the configuration file, tried to compress the file. This action is not allowed. Note the hierarchy of the errors returned as shown in the example. The top level is the NMMGR error message; the other levels come from software accessed by NMMGR.

Figure 2-2 Error Information Screen

Error Information Screen

NMMGR Error Messages

Error messages associated with the NMMGR program are listed in Appendix A “NMS Error Messages” of this manual. Each error message is listed with at least one possible cause and a recommended action for each cause. You also may need to refer to the MPE file system and operating system manuals for explanations of any MPE error messages that may appear on the Error Information screen.

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