HPlogo Configuring Systems for Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial Devices: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Terminal and Printer Profiles

Printer Profile Screen (PC-Based)


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Figure 7-7 “Printer Profile Screen (PC-Based)” shows a Printer Profile screen used for PC-based management.

Figure 7-7 Printer Profile Screen (PC-Based)

Printer Profile Screen (PC-Based)
NOTE: The Printer Profile screen used for PC-based management contains a subset of the fields used by the Printer Profile screen used for host-based management (Figure 7-5 “Printer Profile Screen (Host-Based)”). Refer to the previous subsection for an explanation of the fields.

The reason PC-based printer profiles contain fewer fields is that most printer characteristics are defined in the OpenView DTC Manager (on the PC).

Note that the field "Modem attached?" is the same as "Modem type" in the host-based Printer Profile screen.

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