HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Release Notes for HP-UX 11i/11x: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 3 Documentation Overview

C Compiler Documentation


Technical documentation

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HP C/HP-UX Release Notes

The HP C/HP-UX Release Notes provides release-specific information such as new feature summaries, installation instructions, and known defects. In addition, the Release Notes contains this documentation overview to help you orient yourself regarding available documentation. The release notes are also available online in the text file /opt/ansic/newconfig/RelNotes/ansic.11.11beta .

Printed Documentation

Printed versions of Hewlett-Packard documents are available for ordering. Use the 'man manuals' command for details on the documents available for ordering. See also the HP documentation web site http://docs.hp.com and the HP C/HP-UX web site at http://www.hp.com/go/C. Listed below are the documents most closely related to use of the ANSI C Compiler.

  • HP C/HP-UX Reference Manual (B3901-90003)

    Provides reference material for HP C as implemented on HP 9000 systems. This document is based on the ANSI C standard 9899-1990, and it discusses the implementations and extensions unique to HP C on HP-UX. It does not replicate the ANSI C standard and you are referred to the standard, for any fine points not covered.

  • HP C/HP-UX Programmer's Guide (B3901-90002)

    Contains a detailed discussion about selected C topics for HP 9000 systems. Included are discussions of data type sizes and alignment modes, comparisons between HP C and other languages, and information on 64-bit programming, optimization, threads, and parallel processing.

  • HP-UX Floating-Point Guide (B3906-90006)

    Describes how floating-point arithmetic is implemented on HP 9000 systems and discusses how floating-point behavior affects the programmer. It also provides reference information about the C and Fortran math libraries.

HP C Online Help

The C compiler online help is a series of html files containing a combination of reference and how-to information, including the following:

  • What is HP C?

  • Program organization

  • Compiling & running HP C programs

  • Optimizing HP C programs

  • Parallel options & pragmas

  • Data types & declarations

  • Expressions & operators

  • Statements

  • Preprocessing directives

  • Calling other languages

  • Programming for portability

  • Migrating C programs to HP-UX

  • Error message descriptions

Before you begin

Before you begin using HP C Online Help, you should review the following environment variables.

  • You must set the DISPLAY environment variable to a (graphical mode) value that can accommodate the display of an HTML browser.

  • You may set the BROWSER environment variable to point to the location of your HTML browser. If you do not set the BROWSER environment variable, the compiler will automatically run the browser located in /opt/ns-navgold/bin/netscape or /opt/ns-communicator/netscape .

  • You may set the CROOTDIR environment variable to set the root directory of the online help source. If CROOTDIR is not set, the URL of the online help will be file:/opt/ansic/html/guide/${LOCALE}/c_index.html ; this is assuming that compiler binaries are located in /opt/ansic/bin.

Accessing HP C Online Help

To access the online help, on a system where the HP C compiler is installed, enter the following:

/opt/ansic/bin/cc +help

This command will launch a web browser, displaying the index file for the HP C online help system. The actual file location of the html help is file:/${CROOTDIR}/html/guide/${LOCALE}/c_index.html .

If the environment variable CROOTDIR is not set, path will be formed relative to the compiler's root directory; this is usually /opt/ansic/. See the previous section “Before you begin” for more information on setting the CROOTDIR environment variable.

NOTE: If the browser path set by the BROWSER environment variable does not exist, or if the default browser paths /opt/ns-navgold/bin/netscape or /opt/ns-communicator/netscape do not exist, a message will be displayed telling you that the BROWSER environment variable must be set properly.

X-Motif CDE Help is obsolete

Previous versions of the HP C compiler, when installed on the X-Motif CDE environment, included a CDE version of the online help. This and the accompanying text-based 'charhelp' will no longer be updated with the ANSI C compiler. If you want to view online help, please use the HP C HTML Online Help.

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