HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Release Notes for HP-UX 11i/11x: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 1 New and Changed Features

IA-64 compatibility options


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This release of the HP C compiler includes options which provide compatibility support for the IA-64 version of HP C. These include the following:


The -b option causes the linker to create a shared library rather than a normal executable file. Object files that are processed with this option must contain position-independent code (PIC).

Errors will be issued if -b is used with the -noshared or -exec options.

See the HP-UX Linker and Libraries Online User's Guide, and the HP C Online Help for more information about the linker.


The HP C compiler optimization features have been changed so that any compiler optimization option of the form +O[optionname] can now be also specified as -O[optionname] .


The +O[no]inline :filename option enables/disables optimizer inlining for the functions specified by the filename parameter. The filename parameter contains a list of function names, separated by spaces or newlines. The +O[no]inline option can occur at optimization levels +O3 and +O4. The default is +Oinline .

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